Chromated Arsenicals (CCA) | US EPA (original) (raw)

Chromated arsenicals, which include chromated copper arsenate (CCA), are a group of pesticides containing chromium, copper, and/or arsenic that protect wood against termites, fungi and other pests that can degrade or threaten the integrity of wood products. Chromated arsenicals-treated wood is used to produce commercial wood poles, posts, shakes, shingles, permanent foundation support beams, pilings, and other wood products permitted by approved labeling. EPA-HQ-OPP-2015-0349 at

Registration Review of Chromated Arsenicals

Chromated arsenicals are currently undergoing registration review, a process EPA conducts for all pesticides every 15 years to ensure that products can carry out their intended function without creating unreasonable risks to human health and the environment. In its Interim Decision (ID), EPA implemented additional mitigation measures to protect workers who apply chromated arsenicals. To read the ID and other documents, see docket at EPA-OPP-2015-0349 at

Basic Information

Disposing of Items Treated with Chromated Arsenicals Safely

Additional Information