ESO - FEROS (original) (raw)


FirstLight at MPG/ESO-2.20m

The FEROS instrument is a state-of-the-art bench-mounted, high-resolution, environmentally controlled, astronomical Échelle spectrograph. It is opertated at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in La Silla, Chile, one of the best astronomical sites in the world.

The high efficiency (~20%), large wavelength range (the complete optical spectral region in one exposure) and high resolution (R=48000) makes possible a large variety of stellar and extra-galactic spectroscopic observation programs requiring high spectral stability.

Publications based on data obtained with the FEROS instrument should quote the following reference paper: Kaufer, A. et al. 1999, The Messenger 95, 8.

Proposal preparation: All proposers should check in the Call for Proposals which observing modes will be offered for FEROS and during which periods the 2.2m telescope is available in ESO time. These constraints need to be considered in the proposals.

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