Christian Democrats board ‘splits’ (original) (raw)

An email from party founder Fred Nile purports to sack several members of the Christian Democratic Party (CDP) board.

The “father” of the NSW parliament’s email accuses several board members of disloyalty, and seems to be a follow-up to the attempted sacking of the party’s state director, Craig Hall. In quoting the email, Eternity does not endorse Nile’s comments.

“As The Founder and President of the CDP, I have a duty of care to the members of the CDP,” Nile writes. “The Lord has shown me ‘A Divided House Cannot Stand’. I am accountable to God Almighty. This spirit of division being displayed by some Board Members has caused significant damage to the Party and its purpose.

“Therefore, it is with great sadness that I have been left no other alternative but to apply Righteous Governance and my authority as Founder to hereby dismiss the following CDP Board Members: Lesley Kadwell, Joshua Green, (name redacted by request) and Angela Stretton, who are therefore no longer entitled to attend any further Board Meetings. I further note that Paul Green is under suspension.

“Thank you for your service and May God bless you.”

Nile commends remaining members of the board. “Board Members Milton Caine, Charles Knox and Dr Elizabeth Millard have provided constant wise counsel on the legalities of putting the party at risk over Constitutional breaches, especially in the matter of dismissing or replacing State Manager, irrespective of who it may be.”

This latest board turmoil occurs in the wake of the resignation of the long-standing President of the party, Ross Clifford, principal of Morling College, and Party Agent Phillip Gerber. Clifford has left the board, but remains a member of the party. Clifford and Gerber’s resignation was not a factor in the dismissals of the board members.

In the email, Nile also reports that the Chaplain of the party, Paul Capsis, had resigned. Eternity understands that this is not the case and, appropriately enough, he intends to help those stressed by the current situation.

The party constitution would seem to be in conflict with the dismissal of board members, as it gives the board the responsibility for the dismissal of CDP office holders.

Paul Green, who served with Fred Nile in the Upper House, is said to be suspended in the Nile email – but it is unclear what process brought this about or what the grounds were.

The CDP office did not respond to Eternity’s inquiries. Saamrat Grewal, a young party member who led a protest at a party meeting in June this year expressed the view on Facebook that that party could not recover from the turmoil. “But at least justice has been done!” he wrote.