AEW Dynamite live results: Jay White vs. Komander (original) (raw)

AEW Dynamite airs live tonight from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Jay White will wrestle for the first time since AEW announced his signing earlier this month, as he takes on Komander. White and Juice Robinson are at the helm of the new Bullet Club Gold faction.

Powerhouse Hobbs will defend his TNT Championship against former champ Wardlow.

In her hometown, Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. will team with Women’s World Champion Jamie Hayter against Ruby Soho and Toni Storm of The Outcasts.

Max Caster and Anthony Bowens of The Acclaimed team with “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn against Jake Hager, Matt Menard, and Angelo Parker of the Jericho Appreciation Society in trios action.

A face-to-face confrontation between Chris Jericho and Adam Cole is scheduled.

Promos from AEW Tag Team Champions FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler), plus The Elite (Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks) have also been advertised for the show.

Our live coverage begins at 8 p.m. Eastern time.


AEW Dynamite comes on the air with Excalibur welcoming us alongside Tony Schiavone and Taz, as the music for Jungle Boy Jack Perry hits and he walks out with a microphone in hand.

The Pillars of AEW Face Off

(The crowd wasn’t as hot for this face off as you’d expect, but I liked that each one of the pillars got another chance to make their case on why they should become the next challenger. We ultimately have our answer in how this will be settled, which starts tonight.)

Before Perry could get a sentence out, Sammy Guevara’s music interrupted, but before Guevara could talk, Darby Allin made his entrance as well. Allin said he’s known Guevara the longest, likes him the most, but is the least qualified to challenge for the World Title since he’s a follower. While Allin & Sting view each other as equals, Guevara is a follower to Chris Jericho, who Allin thinks is holding Guevara back. Allin said Perry had to work the least hardest to get here since he’s part of the California kliq. Allin was jealous of Perry initially, but he realized nothing about Perry intimidated him.

Perry said he saw kids painting their face like Allin, but if they only knew what Allin was really like. Perry said AEW was Allin’s second choice, after failing as a skateboarder. Guevara is relaxing in the corner when Perry called him a dirt bag. Perry respects Guevara for putting his body on the line, but he’s still a scumbag P.O.S.

Guevara said Perry hates MJF, but in reality, he’s just like him. Guevara said he & Allin are two sides of the same coin, risking everything to make it. Allin is an inspiration to him, losing many of his early matches, but winning the first title out of all the pillars, breaking the glass ceiling. Guevara said everything Allin did, Guevara has done it better. It’s now time for Allin to sit back and watch Guevara become World Champion. Perry said to put it on the blogs; he’s the one who will become World Champion.

MJF’s music hit and he ran down Pittsburgh for thinking Britt Baker is talented. MJF said he’s blushing that everyone is talking about little old him. MJF said he talked to Tony Khan and they will have a Pillars Tournament, with the winner facing MJF at Double or Nothing for the AEW Title. MJF had a hat brought out and pulled out Darby Allin’s name saying that Allin gets a bye. That means Perry will face Guevara tonight and the winner faces Allin next week on Dynamite in the Finals.


AEW Women’s Champion Jamie Hayter & Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. defeated Ruby Soho & Toni Storm (w/Saraya)

(An action packed tag match with the hometown Baker shining the most of the four ladies. A story could be told coming out of this with Storm doing a number on Hayter’s shoulder, so that could come into play down the line, as Hayter was helped to the back by doctors.)

Pre-match, Saraya got into it with Baker’s family in the front row, even spray painting Baker’s mother. Soho & Storm attacked during the entrance and pyro for Baker & Hayter, as the ladies brawled ringside. Hayter mowed down both Soho & Storm in the ring to officially start the match, as she ran wild with a double suplex, but was cut off by Saraya, who ran for her life as a result. Hayter avoided a Storm Tornado DDT on the floor and drove her into the barricade. Soho & Storm overtook Hayter as Baker tried a Panama Sunrise off the apron, but ate a kick to put The Outcasts in control during commercial.

Hayter dropped Storm with a DVD onto the knee and made the hot tag to Baker, as the crowd went crazy. Baker cleaned house with a Sling Blade on Storm and hangman’s neckbreaker in the corner on Soho, as Baker took out the glove for Lockjaw, but Storm hit a German Suplex. Baker countered Storm Zero into an Air Raid Crash, but Soho broke it up. Ripcord stereo elbows by Baker & Hayter who dropped Storm with a Hayt-breaker, as Baker nearly got the pin. Storm hit a violent Sweet Cheek Music on Baker, as Saraya clocked her with the title and Storm hit Storm Zero, but Baker kicked out at two.

Storm & Hayter brawled on the floor with Storm zoning in on Hayter’s shoulder to limit a future lariat. Baker laid out Soho with a Panama Sunrise, but only got a near fall. Soho kicked out of a Curb Stomp, but Baker sank in the Lockjaw and got the submission.

-Renee Paquette is backstage with Wardlow who said he once had a Horseman in his corner to help him out and give advice. Tonight, he reached out to another Horseman to help him even the playing field since QT Marshall is in Powerhouse Hobbs’ corner, as in walked Arn Anderson. He said Tully Blanchard is a smart guy, who was one of the best checkers players, but tonight, they’re playing chess.

The Elite return to address the Blackpool Combat Club

(An excellent brawl and story told here with the fake out of Callis running off like a coward, only to bring in backup in the form of the man he was trying to recruit not that long ago. This gives The Elite even numbers in their quest to battle the BCC.)

Omega started by saying the BCC were four of the most respected wrestlers, but then they made his friends bleed, sent Don Callis to the hospital and tried to put them on the shelf. Omega called the BCC out quickly and said they need to settle this right now. Bryan Danielson was on the big screen calling them amateurs, as it was nothing but a ruse to get The Elite distracted long enough for Moxley, Castagnoli & Yuta to attack from behind. A wild brawl ensued with Nick Jackson clearing the barricade to attack Castagnoli, while Matt Jackson hit locomotion Northern Lights suplexes on Yuta. Moxley locked in a rear naked choke on Omega, who in turn sent Moxley spilling front row into the lap of Britt Baker’s family.

Yuta cut off Matt’s superkick by cracking him in the injured shoulder with a title belt, while Castagnoli dropped Nick with a powerbomb. Yuta briefly locked on Cattle Mutilation on Matt, as Moxley hit Death Rider on Omega. This brought out Danielson from the back, as the BCC surrounded Omega. Don Callis ran out with a chair from the back, but saw the numbers were against him, so he dropped the chair and ran away.

Danielson said Omega has the most potential of all of The Elite, but if he doesn’t want to reach that potential, then he needs to be gone and pulled out the screwdriver. Callis came running out from the back with Konosuke Takeshita, who sprinted to the ring to fight off the BCC. Omega recovered as he & Takeshita ran everyone off with Callis standing tall, raising the hands of both men. The Young Bucks joined in, as Danielson was furious as Takeshita showing up.


Wardlow (w/Arn Anderson) defeated Powerhouse Hobbs (w/QT Marshall & Harley Cameron) to win the TNT Title

(The two big men really slugged it out in this one, as we not only have a new champion, but what appears to be the next challenger for Wardlow’s third TNT Title reign. I know the TNT Title bounces around quite a bit, but I’m surprised Hobbs reign has already come to an end. The crowd was loudly behind Wardlow during this match.)

There is no Aaron Solo with the QTV crew after being powerbombed off the stage last week. We also saw a clip of Marshall turning on The Nightmare Family two years ago and forming The Factory. Wardlow rushed Hobbs early, but Hobbs quickly turned the tables with multiple belly to belly suplexes. Both men spilled outside and brawled into the crowd where Wardlow tried a powerbomb, but Hobbs avoided and we got more brawling during break until Hobbs took over.

Hobbs wanted a superplex, but Wardlow shoved him off and connected with a senton. A big slugfest ensued with the crowd loudly behind Wardlow, as they traded lariats with Wardlow dropping the champion. After Hobbs ate a roundhouse lariat by Wardlow, Cameron jumped on the apron to run distraction, but Anderson followed. This allowed Marshall to drop Wardlow with a Cutter. Hobbs hit the spinebuster for two, as a furious Marshall jumped in the ring. Anderson followed, pulled out the finger gun, as Marshall bailed up the ramp where he was met with a waiting superkick by Penta El Zero Miedo. Marshall stumbled back into the ring where Anderson planted him with a spinebuster.

Hobbs got a school boy on Wardlow for two, as Wardlow was up first and hit a pop up powerbomb. After a second powerbomb, Wardlow signaled for the symphony and hit a third powerbomb to win the match and TNT Title for the third time. Before Wardlow could celebrate, Christian Cage’s music hit and he walked out with Luchasaurus as we got a stare down between new TNT Champion and who appears to be his first challenger.

-Renee Paquette tried to interview Sammy Guevara before his match with Jungle Boy, but MJF interrupted loudly calling him Gene Simmons on meth with how much he sticks his tongue out. MJF wanted to pay off Guevara to get in the main event of Double or Nothing and take the fall, but Guevara refused. MJF handed over a blank check, turned his back and told Guevara to name his price. Paquette smirked, as MJF is blown away by the price Guevara set, but agrees and wants to shake his hand. Guevara said friends don’t shake hands, they hug.

Jay White (w/Juice Robinson) defeated Komander

(A strong showing for Switchblade’s Dynamite debut, as Komander I thought looked a lot better than his match with Sammy Guevara a few weeks ago. Komander was less reliant on the springboard so much, although he did manage to wow the crowd with a few. Bullet Club Gold seem to have their next match already lined up.)

White faked the good guy act with handshake and sportsmanship early, as he suckered Komander in with a cheap shot. We see a shot of Shawn Spears in the crowd watching, as Komander used his speed to gain control. An insanely amount of springboards led to a somersault hurricanrana that sent White to the outside. Komander signaled for his rope walk, but White cut him off. Komander tried a moonsault to the floor, but White side stepped and drove him into the apron.

White controlled during commercial until he noticed Shawn Spears, which distracted enough for Komander to take control with chops and crazy flipping roll up for two. White popped up quick and turned Komander inside out with a lariat. Komander suckered White into the ropes, knocking him to the floor, as Komander went to the opposite side of the ring and did his breathtaking rope walk dive. Back inside, Komander did a rope walk Shooting Star Press, followed by a springboard Phoenix Splash for another near fall. Komander tried to wrench at the arm of White, who countered into a cutthroat suplex followed by Blade Runner to get the win.

Post match, Robinson dragged Spears over the barricade as he & White started a beat down before Ricky Starks ran to the ring. Robinson was dropped with a Spear, as White bailed with Bullet Club Gold retreating.

-Renee Paquette is backstage with FTR, as she told them Mark Briscoe was being tended to by medical staff after being attacked by The Varsity Athletes. FTR ran into the trainer’s room where Briscoe was with Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, Jeff Jarrett & Satnam Singh. Briscoe said he could fight, but the doctor said no, so Briscoe suggested Lethal, Jarrett & FTR do it for him. Everyone not named Mark Briscoe wasn’t a fan of this, but all reluctantly shook hands.


Chris Jericho & Adam Cole Face to Face

Cole said he modeled his style after Jericho and looked up to him, as now they’re both in the same ring together, with Cole saying he has a lot of respect for Jericho. A handshake was offered from Jericho, as the two shook hands, with Jericho said he has absolutely zero respect for Cole, who is an arrogant son of a bitch. Cole is lucky Jericho doesn’t slap him in the face for the disrespect shown last week. Cole called Jericho a jag off and got a chant from the crowd, with Cole calling him hypocritical. Cole said Jericho could be the Demo God, but he views him as an insecure, fickle, stupid idiot. No more games from Cole, as they’re face to face, so questioned now what?

Jericho mentioned the saying to never meet your idols and if Cole was smart, he’d leave the ring. Jericho shoved Cole and a brawl started before Daniel Garcia ran in from behind to put the boots to Cole with Jericho until Britt Baker ran out and slapped Jericho. The Outcasts appeared from under the ring and they all beat down Baker. Garcia handcuffed Cole to the bottom rope, while The Outcasts forced Baker to watch. Jericho was about to hit Cole with a kendo stick, but handed it to Saraya instead, forcing Cole to watch Baker beaten down. Baker pleaded by screaming Cole’s real name, Austin, as Cole begged Jericho & crew to stop. Jericho & Saraya hugged with The Outcasts & J.A.S. members standing tall.

-The Hardys, Isiah Kassidy & HOOK cut a brief video about how Stokely & The Firm should keep their phones on to find out when their match at the Hardy Compound will take place. Jeff said he’ll address the AEW fans for the first time since his return on Rampage this week.

The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) & Billy Gunn defeated Matt Menard, Angelo Parker & Jake Hager

(There’s always a match every week to happen almost entirely during commercial and this was that contest. Regardless, am I the only one who didn’t know that if The Acclaimed lost this match they would’ve had to join the J.A.S? I heard this during the match and had no clue.)

Before Bowens could say his go home line, the J.A.S. attacked, but The Acclaimed quickly gained control with Scissor Me Timbers on Parker. We immediately went to picture in picture as Parker, Menard & Hager controlled throughout. Gunn made the hot tag ran wild, trying a Fame Asser on Hager, who countered into a double leg slam. Bowens & Menard made the tag with Parker trying to use what Excalibur called a loaded comb, but hit Hager by mistake. I give credit to Excalibur for saying that with a straight face. Gunn broke the comb, which broke Parker’s heart at the same time, as Bowens hit The Arrival, and Caster connected with The Mic Drop for the win.


Sammy Guevara defeated Jungle Boy Jack Perry by count out

(To say this was an action packed main event would be an understatement, as these two crammed in a Pay Per View amount of action into a ten or twelve minute TV main event with a commercial. The new best friend duo of MJF & Guevara was too much for Perry to overcome. This count out finish keeps Perry in the picture, just not for the moment.)

Both men took turns connecting with dives outside in the early going. Perry went to the top, but waited too long, allowing Guevara to hit a Spanish Fly into a double down as these two are going a mile a minute out the gate. Perry blocked a boot on the apron and flipped Guevara, who landed on his feet. Perry tried an attack in the ropes, but Guevara hit a pump knee and Spanish Fly off the apron to the floor. During commercial, they brawled into the crowd until Guevara gained the upper hand.

MJF is shown backstage applauding “his friend” Guevara, as Perry bounced out of the corner with a comebacker lariat with Darby Allin shown watching from the rafters. Perry planted Guevara with a sunset flip powerbomb on the apron, which was followed by a crazy diving Destroyer off the top. Perry got hung up on the ropes, as Guevara missed a Shooting Star, only to land on his feet and drop Perry with a springboard cutter.

Guevara connected with a gnarly back suplex into an Implant DDT that drove Perry right on his head. Guevara wanted the GTH, but Perry countered into a Poison Rana. Guevara countered a comeback lariat with a Poison Rana of his own, as the momentum landed Perry on his feet and he clobbered Guevara with a forearm to the neck. Both men started a slap and forearm battle on their knees, but Perry picked the leg and sank in the Snare Trap. Guevara got the rope break, but Perry hung him up in the ropes. Guevara got free, charged and dropkicked Perry off the ropes, as he went flying off into the ring attendant table face first.

Perry was about to beat the count when Guevara took the ref and MJF appeared, laying out Perry with his diamond ring. Referee Bryce just started his count up at 9 and ultimately counted Perry out, which was pretty ridiculous not to start from one, but they’re low on time, I get it. MJF celebrated with Guevara on his shoulders to end the show, as Guevara ultimately slowly picked up the AEW Title, handing it to MJF and celebrated more. Allin was shown in the rafters shaking his head.

AEW Rampage 4/22/23

· El Hijo Del Vikingo defends the AAA Mega Title against Dralistico

· FTR, Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett take on Tony Nese, Josh Woods, Ari Daivari & Slim-J

· Julia Hart battles Kiera Hogan

· Jon Moxley faces Christopher Daniels

· We hear from The Hardys, HOOK & Isiah Kassidy

· We hear from TBS Champion Jade Cargill

AEW Dynamite 4/26/23

· Jade Cargill defends the TBS Title against Taya Valkyrie

· Darby Allin faces Sammy Guevara with the winner facing MJF at Double or Nothing for the AEW Title

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