Christian the Lion (original) (raw)

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George Adamson of 'Born Free' fame with Christian the Lion. Christian was rescued and thanks to George Adamson was able to live a free life!

George Adamson("Father of Lions") AND Christian the Lion....

In July 2008 a film 'clip' was taken from the full length documentary movie titled 'CHRISTIAN The Lion at World's End'. This brief film clip was shown on the internet and caused much interest in Christian. The clip is very touching but the ENTIRE documentary movie is an even more delightful experience!

Unfortunately in their haste to 'jump on the bandwagon' of the popularity of this film 'clip' and to make lots of money off of the affection people have for Christian, some of the companies /people profiting from Christian have not fully acknowledged the

real heroes of this story which are George Adamson (known to many people because of the popular best selling book and award winning movie BORN FREE about Elsa the Lioness), who with patience, Love, and complete devotion worked hard to give Christian (the other hero in this story) his freedom.

The story of Christian is an extremely touching story of a very special and sweet natured animal. Unfortunately George Adamson, the kind, remarkable person who made it possible

for sweet Christian to have a free life has not been sufficiently credited for his devotion and hard work! George being the modest, quiet 'gentle' man that he was would have never sought or asked for any acknowledgement. But since 'Baba ya Simba' (Father of Lions) cannot tell his important role in this beautiful story let us do it for him.

Christian as most people know was bought in a department store and despite living part of his early life in a basement, still remained a gentle and affectionate lion. Several months after buying him Christian's former owners decided they could no longer keep him. Christian probably would have ended up like the vast majority of large exotic pets, with an unhappy ending i

f it had it not been for a chance meeting of Christian's former owners with Bill Travers, the star of the award winning movie BORN FREE. Thanks to the kindness of Bill Travers and a substantial amount money spent by Bill Travers and others to send Christian to another country and of course thanks to the expertise and kindness of conservationist George Adamson, Christian was_extremely_ ' lucky' and found a VERY rare opportunity of having a free life. Without this major bit of 'luck' Christian's fate would have been totally different! If it were not for George Adamson there would have been NO touching reunion with the former owners of Christian that we all delight in seeing in the brief film 'clip'. Christian's freedom and happiness was entirely because George Adamson kindly agreed to take him and to devote himself to his care! For George it was like adopting a child and giving him a home except this child had four legs and was a lion. George provided the Love, Guidance and he taught Christian how to live in the wild, but because the brief video 'clip' focused on the former owners, George has not received the respect for his dedicated hard work that he so greatly deserves. George put his heart and soul into many years of helping numerous lions have a free, dignified life. And the fact George donated almost all of the money he made from his books and films to directly to helping the Lions and other wildlife, showed his level of devotion to the lions and his generosity. He did not get rich off of his animal family but instead he and Joy very generously donated the vast majority their proceeds to helping wildlife and establishing and helping parks and reserves in Kenya.

Christian made the long journey from England to Africa and George welcomed Christian with the affection, kindness and expertise as he did with all his beloved lion family to which he became their adopted 'DAD' Baba ya Simba (Father of the Lions). When it came to his lion family, George cared for them, taught them, worried about them and just like all parents after he had done all he could for his beloved 4 legged lion family, had to let them go to make their own way in the world. So it was with sweet Christian.
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When Christian arrived in Africa he had to meet the huge male lion Boy**.** Boy starred in the award winning motion picture BORN FREE along with his sister Girl and his dear lion friend Ugas. After Boy and Christian were allowed a lot of time seeing each other though a wire fence the day came to have them meet with no barrier between them. This amazing scene was filmed and is included in the documentary movie Christian the Lion at Worlds End. Boy, being much larger and more powerful, could have very easily killed this newcomer but Boy had a kind nature and probably understood this was George's new family member and therefore after a tense bit of growling and putting this young newcomer Christian in his proper place, Boy amazingly did not leave a mark on Christian but instead generously accepted him. Boy and Christian quickly became the best of friends.

George, Boy and Christian went through a lot together. When Boy the Lion was severely injured trying to protect his territory (Christian was not yet powerful enough to be of much help in fighting off rivals) and Boy was in danger of dying, Christian stayed by George's side while George treated the many serious wounds of his dear friend Boy in the hope of saving his life. Christian seemed to understand that the situation was serious and quietly stayed with his dear friend Boy and adopted dad George. (See photo.)
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Because of George's devoted care, Boy managed to recover from his wounds but when later he was dead, Christian was again by George's side(as seen in the full length film) seeming to know that George was in much pain and that dad's heart was full of grief at the loss his beloved Boy. It was a tragic day for George but Christian was at his side and it must have provided some comfort to George who must have felt extreme sadness and grief.

Later Christian was to go off on his own. George searched for him and worried about him. But in the end he had to hope that he was out there doing what lions in the wild do, living a free life. It must have been very painful for George seeing his 4 legged family members go off on their own. Hopefully George took some comfort in knowing he did all he could for his beloved lion family.

George truly loved the lions and devoted himself to their care. He wrote in his autobiography,
"Who will now care for the animals, for they cannot look after themselves? Are there young men and women who are willing to take on this charge? Who will raise their voices, when mine is carried away on the wind, to plead their case?"

Sadly George Adamson was murdered by poachers/bandits when he bravely went to the rescue of a young tourist and her driver. He is buried beside his beloved Lion Boy. (Photos on this website.)George Adamson was a HERO to the very end, giving his life to save another!

We hope all of you who may be inspired by Christian, Boy and George will be a voice for the animals. The animals cannot speak for themselves and rely on us to speak for them. Please do what you can to help them.
You will find a few links on this site with some places that help wild animals. Help Lions

Another film not to missed is the equally fascinating and touching Lion reunion in 'The Lions Are Free' is the touching story of what happened to all the lions, Boy(Christian's dear friend), Girl, Ugas and other lions featured in the award winning motion picture BORN FREE. It takes to you Africa where George Adamson is caring for some of the Lions who starred in the movie.

The Christian Science Monitor wrote,
"NO one better knew the language and lives of lions - or loved them more - than George Adamson."

READ George's fascinating and touching books....

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TRUST and Friendship .... Elsa and George Resting Together

George showed the world what man can do with Love. And the Lions showed us they are 'individuals' with a wide range of qualities, capable of varied emotions, deep trust and lasting friendship.

We hope all of you who may be inspired by George and the Lions will be a voice for the animals. The animals cannot speak for themselves and rely on us to speak for them. Please do what YOU can to HELP them. .... Help Lions
Lions do NOT deserve to be treated like this.... (A tiny, dirty cage for his entire life! A miserable existence!!!)

What is a 'Canned Hunt'? STOP Canned Hunts (And See Video) Please do NOT look the other way.... The animals need YOUR voice to speak for them....
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Lions and Big Cats as PETS.....