10 Career Goals to Set for Yourself This Year | FlexJobs (original) (raw)

A change of season, the new year, and even your birthday are all great times to sit down and think about where you’ve been, where you want to go, and how you’re going to get there. While many of us may focus on the personal side of things, it’s also a great time to think about the professional part of your life and set some career goals.

Below are some suggestions for career goals you can set for yourself this year, as well as some tips on how to best achieve them. And the best thing about them is that anyone can use them no matter what industry you’re in or where you are in your professional journey.

Think Short and Long

As you set your career goals this year, include a mix of short-term and long-term goals. Your short-term goals should be something you can achieve soon (say, the next three to six months), while your long-term goals are the ones that may take the whole year—or even longer!

Try to set short-term goals that help you achieve the long-term ones. For example, the short-term goal of getting a coding certification might seem like a cool thing to add to your resume, but how does that help you accomplish your long-term goal of becoming a florist?

Also, don’t get discouraged if it seems like your long-term goals are almost too long. It’s part of the process! Just make sure your short and long-term goals are SMART:

Using this system to set your career goals will help you figure out the exact steps you need to take to accomplish them.

Career Goals to Set This Year (and Beyond!)

1. Find a Flexible Job

There are many types of flexible jobs, and not all of them may fit with your career goals. Flexible jobs include:

And many, many more!

So, while your career goal may include “find a flexible job,” make sure you figure out which flexible job will best suit your lifestyle before you start your search.

Before you get back into the job search game, though, try asking your current boss for a flexible work arrangement first. You never know unless you ask, and you just might be pleasantly surprised at the outcome!

2. Change Careers

A new year often means change. That could mean starting (and sticking to) a new exercise routine, moving to a different part of the world, or starting a whole new career!

No matter what field you’re currently in or what field you want to change to now is a great time to create your career change plan. Take some time to figure out what you need to do to make the switch, then start setting the goals that will help you embark on a brand new professional adventure.

3. Up Your Qualifications

Whatever your career goals are—a new job, a promotion, a lateral move—one of the best ways to accomplish them is to add some new qualifications to your professional tool belt.

Read job descriptions to help you determine which qualifications you lack, then set goals that will help you get them. Do you need to go back to school? Take a certification class? Take on some new projects at work? Whatever it is, come up with a goal and a plan that helps you gain that qualification.

4. Give Back

Volunteering helps you give back to your community and can also have a positive impact on your career.

For example, if your goal is to change careers this year, volunteering can help you gain the new skills you need to make the switch. And it can introduce you to new people you can add to your professional network who might be able to connect you with people in your new field.

5. Give Yourself a Rewrite

Even if you have no plans to search for a job this year, one of your career goals should include updating your resume and LinkedIn profile. Recruiters search LinkedIn for passive candidates, and you never know when the perfect opportunity may come your way. Having an updated resume will make it easy for you to apply.

Think about all you’ve accomplished in the last year, then add the professional items to your documents. Include all the new skills you’ve mastered and certifications you’ve gained. Or, talk about the seminars you’ve attended or new duties you’ve taken on.

When you add these items to your LinkedIn profile, try to include commonly searched keywords, so you’re more likely to show up in a recruiter’s search results.

6. Start a Personal Website

While a stellar resume and well-optimized LinkedIn profile are fantastic tools, they will only get you so far. To help you stand apart from the crowd, consider starting a personal website.

With a personal website, you can do more than explain why you’re a great employee. You can add examples that back up your claims. Link to projects you’ve created or the results that you’ve achieved, and you’ll show employers exactly why they should hire you.

7. Grow Your Network

A robust professional network is often the key to finding hidden job openings. So, take some time this year to grow yours!

LinkedIn is an easy place to start, but don’t forget about traditional networking events too. These days, you’ll often find a mix of in-person and virtual events. Check with your professional groups and alumni association for events happening near you.

8. Build Your Personal Brand

Your personal brand is something else that can set you apart and is a great way to market yourself. It helps hiring managers to understand what you’ve accomplished and what else you can achieve.

So, spend some time establishing, enhancing, and promoting, your personal brand this year. In addition to your personal website and LinkedIn, use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms for your branding efforts.

9. Get That Raise or Promotion

Maybe you didn’t get the promotion you wanted or the raise you would have liked. It happens, but don’t let it spoil your career, especially if you truly love your job.

While there are times you should leave a job (including when things turn toxic), if the job, the company, and your boss are awesome and you want to stick around, achieving some or all of the above career goals can help you get that raise or promotion next year.

And don’t forget, you don’t have to wait around for things to happen. You can always ask for what you want too!

10. Have the Career You Want

Sometimes we end up in a job, at a company, or even on a career path that we didn’t intend. And if that’s you and you’re not happy, make this the year you connect with the career you want.

Spend some time creating a career development plan. Identify the career path that aligns with your interests, strengths, and values, then set the goals you need to get there.

Setting Up for Success

Setting career goals for yourself can help you carve the professional path you desire and accomplish things you may never have thought possible. What’s more, taking control over your career path can help you feel satisfied in both your professional and personal life!