10 Tips for Managing Your Freelance Business | FlexJobs (original) (raw)

As a freelancer, you know that managing your own business can be daunting. There are many things to consider—from marketing to bookkeeping to taxes—and it’s an understatement to say it can be tough to keep track of it all!

On the flip side, you love the creative freedom and control you have over your schedule. So, how do you reach that magical place where your freelance business thrives without taking every last ounce of energy you possess? With some strategic planning and an intense focus on organizing. But it’s definitely achievable.

Mastering Your Freelance Business

No one but accountants love taxes. And unless you’re a marketing major, you’d probably prefer creating over advertising. However, you need to have strategies and systems to ensure all of those things happen. Then, you can streamline your processes to run a thriving freelance business without burning out.

1. Define Your Schedule—Then Stick to It

There is so much joy in having the freedom to flex your hours to meet your own needs, whether that means embracing your inner night owl or being able to work around your children’s school events. So, if the word “schedule” makes you break out in hives, take a deep breath and reconsider.

You’ll find tremendous power when you create a disciplined and flexible schedule. Let go of the 9-to-5 mentality, but be mindful of the reality that your business is unlikely to thrive if you only work when you’re feeling it. No matter how much you love your craft, there will eventually be something else that is more enticing.

Be your own advocate and block off sufficient time to handle your work while meeting your personal commitments. Make sure your schedule is realistic and allows time for business maintenance along with your creative efforts. Equally important is the ability to “clock out” when it’s time to shut down. It can be extremely draining to live and work in the same location if you don’t set healthy boundaries.

A schedule that you adhere to can also help you set realistic expectations and healthy boundaries for freelance clients who might not understand or respect your personal commitments otherwise.

2. Eliminate Distractions

Tying in with that tip, make sure you’re being realistic about which duties you need to focus on. Did you know that research shows it takes an average of 23 minutes to get refocused on your task after a distraction?

Maybe you launched this business so you could stay home when your children were babies. Now that they’re toddlers, are you pulled in too many directions? If your client’s work or your anxiety levels are suffering, it’s time to make a plan to deal with distractions. The same goes for noisy pets, chatty neighbors, and social media pop-ups. Anything that takes your attention away while you are in deep focus mode must be put in time-out.

3. Prioritize Your To-Do List

Mastering a new way to make a to-do list should be a top priority. Instead of making a massive list that includes everything you need to do for the day, create a more strategic list. That might mean listing tasks in order of importance or using the Eisenhower Matrix. You’ll designate your tasks as urgent or not urgent and important or not important.

This is the only way to ensure that your projects, invoices, marketing tasks, and administrative duties are taken care of promptly. You already know it’s easy to get sidetracked with creative flair or lost in research rabbit holes. Set realistic priorities for yourself and allow sufficient time to complete each task.

4. Get Into Work Mode

Sure, it’s nice to slip out of bed and down the hall. But your brain needs you to tell it to wake up and work. Likewise, it also requires a signal that it’s time to relax and slide into comfort mode. But that doesn’t mean you need a formal work suit every day.

One day that might mean doing your makeup and hair or wearing shoes instead of slippers. The next day that might mean a pair of jeans and no makeup. Work within your comfort zone, but pay attention to your inner voice, which alerts you to your daily productivity and confidence levels.

5. Create Routines and Templates

Have you analyzed which areas of your business you could automate? Even if you’re customizing work for each client, are there templates that could help you streamline any of the frameworks of your projects? What about your behind-the-scenes tasks of marketing, billing, and bookkeeping?

Creating efficient routines and templates can help you save time in the long run. This is key if you’re a solopreneur who needs to handle all your business operations. As you create those templates and routines, you might discover areas where you can batch similar tasks for different clients and projects. And batching tasks can be an incredible productivity boost.

6. Invest Time in Planning

When you feel like you can barely get your head above water, it’s hard to take time to sit down and make a plan. You might feel like you can’t afford that luxury. But barely keeping up is not a sustainable business model. Instead, you need to create an intentional and nonnegotiable period each week where you map out your calendar and priorities.

When you’ve got a handle on your schedule, it’s substantially easier to see where you can combine tasks or work more efficiently. You can also create a healthier routine of sourcing clients and balancing current work. Then, you can ensure a consistent flow of work throughout the year and skip the ups and downs of traditional freelance feast-or-famine cycles.

7. Be Mindful of Perfectionism

Sometimes, perfectionism can be a good thing. It helps you strive to do your best and create high-quality work for your clients. But it can also be a double-edged sword that hinders you from taking action on projects or submitting anything. When you find yourself in a cycle of constant tweaking, then you need to step back and ask yourself if the changes are genuinely worth it.

Watch for signs of overanalyzing minor details when you’re in a flow. If you feel stuck in a project, take a break and come back with a fresh perspective. Being aware and mindful of your perfectionism can be a great productivity tool while still delivering high-quality results.

8. Outsource Tasks That Drain Your Energy

Are there any tasks that you find yourself constantly dreading? It might be time to let someone else handle them. That doesn’t have to be outrageously expensive. You can find a freelancer who can create a custom package for you. Outsourcing those tasks that don’t play to your strengths can free up more of your energy and focus for the projects you truly love and excel at.

Additionally, outsourcing certain tasks can help you save time and money. You don’t have to invest in learning new skills or wasting time on tasks that bring little joy. Instead, you can free up your energy for the projects that drive your business forward. Once you outsource those tedious tasks, you’ll find yourself more energized and productive—and generally, making enough money to cover the investment.

9. Invest in the Best Tech

Software and technology that helps your business run more efficiently is a worthy investment. However, you should be mindful that you don’t always need the newest and the best if your current setup works well. And be conscious of the learning curve associated with new software. Otherwise, you’ll lose substantial time on something you didn’t need.

On the other hand, if there is a program or app that would support a better outcome for your business, work it into your financial goals. Then, schedule time to master it without resenting the time away from more creative tasks. As a freelancer, it’s easy to ignore the need for continued learning and personal growth, but those should be a part of your overall business strategy.

10. Prioritize Self-Care

Are you taking time to nurture yourself, both physically and mentally? Ask yourself if you’re consistently getting enough sleep and spending time outside. If not, you need to schedule regular self-care time into your calendar, just like any other meeting or obligation.

Allow yourself to take a break from screens and enjoy hobbies that have nothing to do with your freelance business. In the end, focusing on your well-being will return the favor and help your productivity soar.

Build a Thriving Freelance Business

Being a freelancer can be incredibly rewarding and freeing, but it also requires diligence and commitment to make it work. Keep these tips in mind for creating productive habits that will benefit your business—and yourself.