3 Focus Areas to Make Working Remotely Easier | FlexJobs (original) (raw)

Did you recently land your first remote role? Or, have you been working remotely for a bit and still find it stressful? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! While working remotely has numerous advantages—including more freedom and lower (or no) commuting costs—it can also present some unique challenges.

But those challenges are not insurmountable. Most remote work challenges have simple solutions that can make remote work easier for you.

So, if you’re struggling to find your groove, check out these best remote work practices to make it easier to thrive.

1. Embrace Routines

The first area to assess is your daily and weekly cadence. Especially if you’re working a flexible schedule job, this might be the first time in your life that you don’t have a schedule dictated by someone else, which can be more challenging than it appears at first glance.

Rather than adopt a haphazard approach, creating and maintaining a routine is vital to successful remote work. Routines help you stay focused, motivated, and organized during the day. They also remind you what needs completing, so you save time, rather than having to figure out which task needs your attention first. Not only that, but creating a routine can help you transition from home life to work life easier, allowing you to create a balanced routine and mindset.

Maintain Morning Routines

Avoid the urge to swing by the coffee machine while sliding straight from bed into your office chair. Instead, start your mornings much as you would a traditional workday.

Continue to schedule a dedicated wake-up time with a routine of changing into work clothes and completing morning rituals. That might mean a cup of coffee and time to plan tasks for the day before logging on. Going through the motions of getting ready and organized for the day is an easy way to help your mind shift into productivity mode.

Schedule Regular Breaks

It’s easy to get sucked into the productivity vortex, especially when you don’t have someone in the next cubicle asking what you’re working on. But working longer hours won’t make you more productive or improve your work. Instead, schedule regular breaks and actually take them. Your mind needs the downtime to easily reset and refocus on the tasks ahead. You might be amazed at how much your productivity skyrockets when you include regular breaks in your day.

Don’t neglect longer breaks either. You need to include routine holidays, vacations, and days off to ensure that you get the mental space you need.

Create a Designated Workspace

If you’re short on space, you don’t need an entire room to establish a workspace. But it would be best if you designated a spot in your home where you can concentrate without distractions or disruptions.

That might mean setting up shop in a spare closet or utilizing a corner of your bedroom or living room. Whatever the area, avoid the temptation to make it a multiuse zone. You want to ensure that you leave work behind when you depart your workspace.

Make Time for Daily Wellness Activities

It’s shockingly easy to let wellness activities, like exercise or healthy eating, take a backseat when you’re busy with work. But it’s vital to prioritize your health by taking time for daily rituals.

That could mean scheduling time daily for walking or simply getting outside more. Or, maybe that means taking advantage of mindfulness activities or signing up for virtual yoga classes. It could also mean planning meals ahead of time or asking a coworker to participate in a long-distance health challenge. Whatever it is, carve out time to move your body and nourish your mind to avoid burnout and feelings of isolation.

Automate Regular Tasks

Consider simple ways to make your day easier and more productive. That might mean learning keyboard shortcuts to streamline routine tasks. Or, consider setting your browser to open frequent windows automatically each morning. For example, if you use Slack, Trello, Gmail, and a time clock app, instead of waiting for your computer to load and then opening each site individually, set your browser to open the tabs automatically.

It might not seem like much, but each little habit makes remote work more effortless in the long run.

Create a Cleaning Routine

Letting your office get messy happens more frequently when you don’t have coworkers popping by to judge it. But that clutter can quickly derail your attention or monopolize your computer’s memory.

Establish daily and weekly cleaning routines for your office and computer. Ensure you regularly file paperwork, clean your office, purge digital files, and clear your cache to speed up your browser.

Follow End-of-Day Routines

As important as it is to start your day with a routine, it’s also vital to end your day with one. Before logging off for the night, reflect on your accomplishments and assess what you can improve tomorrow. Make it a policy not to check in on social media or email after you clock out.

Setting boundaries between work and personal time supports healthy remote habits. You’ll feel more satisfied with your work hours and allow smoother transitions.

2. Think Like IT Support

One of a remote workers’ most significant stressors is needing an IT department to support them. This is even more true if you’re a freelancer or working for a smaller company without dedicated IT support. Thankfully, some simple tech solutions might be the solution you need.

Check Routine Solutions First

In that moment of panic, when your computer freezes, your internet service disappears, or a much-used program stops working, it’s tempting to pick up the phone to call a pro. And while you may need to resort to hiring a professional down the line, it might be an easy fix.

Instead, when you experience a computer issue, take a deep breath and think like a tech support representative. Go through these basics before calling for help:

Eliminating common issues might present easy and quick solutions.

Avoid Internet Slowdowns

When a program isn’t working correctly, could one of your problems be low internet speed? One of the biggest annoyances of working from home is internet service switching between fast, slow, spotty, and nonexistent. To make the most of your high-speed internet package, avoid internet speed-suckers during your work hours, such as:

If none of these things do the trick, it might be worth calling your internet service provider to see if something is wrong with your connection. Your problems could be caused by excess line noise or a degraded signal before the services even reach your house.

Make Backup Plans for Internet Access

If, for any reason, your home internet service is on the fritz, you should have backup internet options as a reliable remote worker. After all, even if you can’t work from home, you can still complete your tasks.

Most times, your safest and the most reliable option will be using your phone as a mobile hotspot. You want to avoid public Wi-Fi as much as possible, as those are notoriously full of hackers and identity thieves. But you’ll need a warm, productive space to set up shop if your home is getting worked on or the power is out.

Consider the following local areas for working outside of your home:

3. Set Boundaries

Working from home is a great privilege that comes with some unexpected challenges. To make it easier, you need to set boundaries for yourself and the people in your life.

Limit Your Daily Tech Use

Getting caught up in your work is easy when you’re doing it from home. You may feel compelled to constantly check emails, answer messages, and engage with social media. Then, when you’re off the clock, you might get buried in personal emails, Pinterest, and other social media updates and news cycles.

You’ll quickly hit tech fatigue and burnout without taking steps to limit your daily use of technology. You should set limits on checking personal emails, answering messages, and engaging with social media. Unplugging at least an hour before bed helps your mind and body relax so you can get the restful sleep you need.

Be Realistic About Your Struggles

Initially, you may not meet the same productivity when working remotely as you did in an office environment. That’s OK! Working from home takes time and practice to get used to. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re struggling right off the bat. It takes time to adjust to distractions and different workspaces.

Remember that your coworkers and boss can only offer tips and support if you’re honest about your challenges. Someone else has conquered the same issues, so be open to sharing professionally and asking for advice.

Communicate Work Hours and Expectations

One of the most important things you can do is have a rock-solid schedule, even if you’re enjoying a job with a flexible schedule. Find ways to communicate your availability with others. That might mean a sign on your door or a posted plan for the day. When the people around you know what your day looks like, they don’t have to guess or wonder when it’s OK to call or stop by.

Having a schedule also helps you set boundaries for yourself to be more productive with your work. You can start recognizing when you’re most productive and when you need extra help with distractions. Also, scheduling breaks and lunch times ensures you’re getting all your downtime.

Making Remote Work Easier

It’s easy to feel burnout and frustration when you’re adjusting to a new work environment and routine. But with some planning and focus on key areas, you can make remote work easier and more productive.