How to Overcome 6 Common Challenges of Remote Work | FlexJobs (original) (raw)

Have you been working remotely for a while and struggling with a lack of routine? Or, perhaps you’re considering a transition to remote work. It’s easy to see all of the advantages remote work offers. And there are plenty—from saving money on commuting expenses to getting back time spent in traffic and balancing personal commitments better.

However, working from home isn’t always easy and carefree. There are some common challenges most remote workers face eventually. Acknowledging these before they even come up means you can proactively tackle them.

To help you thrive in your remote role, we’ve outlined some remote work best practices to overcome common challenges of remote work.

1. Inability to Unplug

Listed as most the common challenge of remote work by the annual Buffer Report, it can be hard to separate work from home when your office is just down the hall. How do you ensure working remotely actually builds a better work-life balance? It turns out there are two key areas to focus on.

Set Physical Boundaries

Creating a separate physical space where you perform work tasks is one of the first steps in getting your life back in balance. When working from the kitchen table or couch, it’s easy to grab your laptop or respond to emails on your phone, regardless of the time of day or other tasks you’re engaging in.

Even if you have tiny living quarters, there are ways to carve out dedicated office space. You might discover the solution is converting a closet or devoting a corner of your living room to a small desk.

If you’re disheartened at limiting your movement to one location, please note that a dedicated space doesn’t mean never working elsewhere. One of the many benefits of working remotely is the ability to flex your work, including your location. You might find yourself working for a few hours on your back porch or setting up shop at the local coffee shop every Tuesday morning. All of those are fantastic ways to embrace remote work flexibility.

But when it comes to working from home, you’ll want to distinguish your workspace from your living space so that when you close up shop for the day, your mind shifts out of work mode.

Set Time Boundaries

Once you’ve established physical boundaries, it’s time to set some boundaries around your time.

Consider the social cues you enjoy in a traditional office. Toward the end of the day, there starts to be a shift of teammates packing up and heading out. This mass exodus helps you shut down and finalize your duties. Without those social cues, it’s hard for your brain to turn off work mode, especially when you’re allowing work and personal time to blur.

One of the best gifts you can give yourself is the gift of an organized schedule. Even if you’re enjoying flexing your hours, try to create a plan for yourself to block out your work vs non-work hours, and then stick to them.

2. Experiencing Loneliness

Don’t you wish making friends as an adult was as easy as it was as a kid? Unfortunately, it’s no longer socially acceptable to simply introduce yourself to a stranger at a coffee shop and ask if they want to be friends and hang out.

As working adults, a significant source of our relationships is often teammates at work. When you’re new, someone may invite you to a get-together outside work and friendships build. Before long, you have a thriving social circle.

Focus on Building a Social Circle

One of the fundamental shifts remote work brings to your life is the need to pivot your approach to pursuing social interactions. Rather than hole up in your house for months, be intentional about getting out into the world. Try the following tips to ensure that you’re building and maintaining a healthy community.

3. Difficulty Focusing

Even with solid time boundaries, remote workers need help to maintain focus amid distractions. Yes, it’s true—your laundry, refrigerator, and chatty neighbor are all trying to derail you.

Leverage Time Management Techniques

It’s time to make some good old-fashioned time management work for you, but with new technology to give you a boost.

Before you can focus your time, you need to understand what’s stealing it. Try tracking your time for a week to discover where you’re spending it. Use a spreadsheet with 15-minute intervals and log what exactly you were doing.

The key here is to be honest and detailed. Rather than label increments as “work,” you should clarify your tasks. That way, you can assess what projects you’re struggling with the most. For example, perhaps you can focus better if you cut email management into two separate time chunks, or maybe you need to schedule a break after each Zoom meeting.

Once you know where your time and focus is going, you can use a time management technique to create healthier routines. The Pomodoro Method is one of the most popular techniques and is built around working in set blocks of time with scheduled breaks.

Declutter Your Workspace

You might feel like you’re thriving in your workspace despite piles of paperwork on top of the filing cabinets and precarious stacks leaning off your desk. But that clutter is waving like an excited toddler to your subconscious, draining your ability to focus. And that’s not simply an opinion. Scientific studies consistently find our brains crave organization. And a lack of organization exhausts our mental resources, which manifests in an inability to focus.

It’s worth noting in a remote workspace, clutter isn’t always physical. Extra time spent locating documents when your digital file management is unorganized can break an excellent work streak.

Block off a few minutes at the end of each day to organize files and papers. Then, schedule a more extended session weekly where you can clean and declutter your space.

Block Notifications

Notification-blocking apps are the best thing to happen to remote work since the invention of the coffee machine. Your attention is no longer getting hijacked by social media, news stories, emails, or Slack notifications.

You can download an app or use the one built into your computer. Block mobile and desktop notifications during focused work periods to boost your productivity.

4. Lack of Collaboration and Teamwork

When your team is spread out across multiple time zones, it’s easy to feel disconnected. That lack of connection can manifest in many ways, including subpar work, missing deadlines, and a lack of communication.

Embrace Connectivity Tools

Successfully working remotely means acknowledging the challenges of team collaborations and embracing any remote connectivity tools your company provides. These include apps such as Slack, Zoom, and Trello. Try to seek feedback routinely and share praise around others’ efforts.

Actively Pursue Relationships

Be proactive about pursuing connections with your teammates to create more ease when you need to connect or clarify something. Consider scheduling meetings at the beginning of the week or during overlapping work sessions to check in.

5. Inconsistent Career Advancement

Worried you’ll be out of sight, out of mind when it comes to promotions and learning opportunities? Admittedly, connecting casually with your leader can be more complex when you’re not sharing office space. Here’s how to handle it.

Establish Goals

Like most other remote work challenges, you can overcome this with diligent planning and proactive communication. First, you should determine your career goals. If you need clarification on what those should be, consider working with your manager, a mentor, or a career coach.

Schedule Check-Ins

Once you’ve detailed your goals, schedule time to meet with your leader to create development steps moving toward your target. The key is to openly communicate your career goals and seek feedback on how to achieve them. During that initial meeting, arrange for routine follow-up conversations about your progress.

Stay organized by tracking your achievements throughout the year as you stretch and grow your skill set. These notes will be invaluable when it comes to your review and interviews for advanced positions.

6. Experiencing Burnout

Remote work offers numerous ways to bring a better work-life balance to your schedule. But without careful planning, you might discover you’re always working and sliding quickly into burnout.

Establish Routines

To prevent a mental and physical crash, revisit your boundaries. Try setting up a shutdown routine at the end of the evening, making a manageable list of tasks, and regularly working outside of your home.

It’s also easy to lose focus on routines we embrace in a traditional office that seem unnecessary but might actually save your mental health. Avoid sliding out of bed and into work without a get-ready transition. You don’t necessarily need a full-on professional wardrobe, but you should try to get dressed in real clothes and practice daily hygiene rituals.

Focus on Wellness

Consider packing lunches and snacks, so you’re not giving into temptation and devouring unplanned crackers, chips, and cookies when the afternoon slump hits. Not only will that lead to health problems, but a lack of nutritious food can cause your anxiety levels to skyrocket.

Aside from snacking, prioritize your overall wellness by building good habits around the following:

Combatting Remote Work Challenges

At first glance, remote work can appear too good to be true. But the reality is remote workers have their own unique challenges. Rather than accept those as the new normal, you can find strategic ways to combat common remote work challenges and embrace a better work-life balance.