Hybrid Work Schedule or Full-Time Remote Work? | FlexJobs (original) (raw)

As people return to the office, not everyone is sure they want to resume in-person work five days a week. A survey by Accenture found that 83% of respondents think a hybrid work arrangement is “optimal.”

And though many people would prefer a hybrid schedule, that’s not the case for everyone. Some workers have learned that remote work is the right choice for them and would rather stick with that for the long term.

If you’re on the fence between hybrid or full-time remote work, there are several practical considerations to look at that can help you make the right decision for your situation.

What’s the Difference Between Hybrid and Full-Time Remote Work?

In a hybrid workplace, you work some of the time at home (or a coworking space, coffee shop, and so on), and the rest of the time, you report in person to an office. Depending on your circumstances and your employer’s needs, you might work anywhere from one to four days a week in the office and one to four days a week remotely.

When you work full-time remotely, you either work for a fully distributed company (one that doesn’t even have an office) or you never (or rarely) go into the office if there is one. Depending on your employer, you may have to live in a specific location (like a certain state or country), but you can still work from your home office, the coffee shop, or whenever suits you. Some employers allow you to work from anywhere, giving you the freedom to become a digital nomad if you like.

There’s no better or best when it comes to hybrid vs full-time remote work. However, there are many differences between the two to consider. Here are some of the pros and cons of each.

Hybrid Workplace Pros

One of the biggest pros of hybrid work is that it’s the best of both worlds for those that enjoy the office. You get some of the benefits of being a remote worker while also maintaining the advantages of in-person work.

For example, if you like meeting face-to-face with colleagues or the hustle and bustle of office life, you can still have these things in a hybrid workplace without having to commute every day. You may also benefit from a hybrid arrangement if you need specialized equipment, software, or tools that your employer has on-site that are impractical for you to have at home or that you only need occasionally.

Hybrid Workplace Cons

Hybrid workplace cons include the lack of visibility. While you still get some face time with colleagues and supervisors, you don’t get nearly as much of it as when you work in the office full-time. Some people fear that they may be overlooked for raises and promotions because they aren’t sure how to get their work noticed when they aren’t in the office every day.

Also, it can be difficult to communicate with coworkers in a hybrid work situation. Even if everyone works from home on the same day, asynchronous communication comes with its own challenges.

Full-Time Remote Work Pros

One of the more common full-time remote pros is that it is usually the ultimate in freedom and flexibility. Many remote workers find they have complete control over their schedule and work whenever it is best for them.

Other full-time remote work pros include that many workers report that they are more productive and efficient employees. This is due partly to the other pros associated with remote work: no commute and fewer workplace distractions. And, of course, without a commute, many remote workers find that they save time and money, which, in turn, helps them create more work-life balance.

Full-Time Remote Work Cons

Despite the many pros of full-time remote work, there are cons to consider. When you work remotely full-time, you have to be fully responsible for yourself and your tasks. In most remote workplaces, employees work in a results-oriented and self-motivated environment. For those that struggle to stay on task, a remote environment may not be a fit.

Other cons include common remote communication issues, such as trying to coordinate and communicate with workers in multiple time zones. Also, those who are uncomfortable talking about their achievements may find it difficult to progress professionally in a fully remote workplace.

Lastly, people who work from home often struggle with establishing and maintaining boundaries between work and home. These people can find themselves working far more than a standard eight-hour day despite the flexibility in scheduling their work and may burn out if they are not careful.

How to Figure Out if Hybrid or Full-Time Remote Work Is Right

As the pandemic has shown, many jobs can be done from almost anywhere. But, if you’re trying to decide if hybrid or full-time remote work is right for you, asking yourself where you want to work probably won’t help you figure things out. Instead, try asking yourself, “Where am I most productive?” In the end, where you work isn’t nearly as important as getting the job done!

Being a productive employee isn’t just a matter of getting things done. To help you choose between hybrid or full-time remote work, consider the following.


Having the autonomy to do your job is, for most workers, an essential part of feeling valued and vital at work. Ask yourself if you will have the autonomy to do the job as you see fit. Are you or will you be micromanaged more or less on days you aren’t in the office if you’re hybrid or even fully remote? How will you feel about not easily having someone to talk to on days you feel stuck but aren’t in the office?

The level of autonomy you’re comfortable with will help you decide if you would be happier working in a hybrid or full-time remote workplace.


No matter where you work, you need a thorough understanding of how your performance will be measured. To do your best work, you need clear and measurable goals, as well as an understanding of how these goals will be measured.

Working in an office, you may be more likely to get informal and regular feedback on your performance, which can let you know if you are (or are not) performing as well as you should be. These informal reviews can give you regular insight into how you might need to improve your performance.

Depending on the employer, working hybrid or full-time remotely may mean you don’t get this informal feedback as often as you want. This, in turn, may mean that you have to ask about your performance or set up regular feedback sessions.

Make sure you understand how the company measures performance and how it provides you with the insights you need to help yourself stay accountable to the job before choosing a hybrid or fully remote job.

Digital Literacy

As many people learned during the pandemic, working from home even part of the time means you have to be your own in-house support team and troubleshoot all sorts of technical issues. And not everyone is meant to do that.

Working full-time remotely means you will have to handle these kinds of hiccups all the time. You might have a remote tech team to help walk you through some of the issues. But, in general, you may be on your own to figure out why the Wi-Fi is acting weird.

In a hybrid workplace, you may have more technical support. If nothing else, on the days you are in the office, you can likely drop off your laptop and grab a loaner to get things done while the tech team tries to solve your problem.

Social Life

Sometimes when people switch from full-time, in-person worker to remote worker, one of the things they miss is the socialization that comes from being in the office. To be sure, the office is often a significant source of social interactions for workers, but many people don’t realize that’s the case until it’s gone.

One of the pitfalls of full-time remote work is that it can lead to workers feeling isolated. Without a robust social life—however you define that—you may find that working full-time remotely leaves you feeling lonely unless your employer has a solid remote culture in place to support team connection.

In a hybrid workplace, you’ll get some of that social interaction. But you might still feel left out if the monthly birthday celebration always happens on your remote workday or if people are always heading out for happy hour when you’re not there.


In addition to examining how you feel about hybrid or full-time remote work, you should also investigate how the company views these kinds of arrangements.

Examine how the company treats remote workers. Do the policies treat in-person and remote workers equally? Does the leadership team also work a hybrid or remote schedule? Does the company provide the necessary support to make sure its remote staff are successful? Knowing how the company views hybrid and remote work will help you figure out if taking on this kind of role at that particular company is a good move.

What’s Right For You

In the end, choosing between hybrid or full-time remote work is a personal decision. It’s crucial to look at not only the impact it will have on your professional and personal life but also how your employer may or may not support you so you can achieve your career goals.