How to Negotiate Flexible & Hybrid Work During a Job Offer (original) (raw)

How to Negotiate a Hybrid Work Arrangement During a Job Offer

Hybrid and flexible work arrangements are the newest “must-have” on many job seekers’ lists. And though many employers are embracing the new way to work, not all of them are jumping in just yet.

However, if you receive a job offer but the job posting didn’t specify “hybrid” or “flexible,” that doesn’t mean you can’t negotiate for it. Follow these tips to help you successfully negotiate a flexible and hybrid work arrangement.

How to Negotiate a Flexible and Hybrid Work Arrangement During a Job Offer

1. Timing Is Everything

It’s important to establish if you’re a good fit for the role (and vice versa) early on in the interview process. Even so, asking about a hybrid or flexible work arrangement too early can knock you out of the running. Ideally, wait until you have a written offer. If a flexible or hybrid work arrangement is an absolute deal-breaker for you, consider waiting until later interview rounds before asking about it.

2. Consider Everything

Once you have an offer, wait until you have all the information about the benefits package before negotiating a flexible or hybrid work arrangement.

For example, does the company offer unlimited paid time off? What kinds of insurance does the company offer and pay for? What about a retirement plan?

While you probably want all of these things (and more), knowing what the company does or does not offer as a standard benefit can help you frame your negotiations.

3. Know What You Want

Before you start negotiating any part of any job offer, know exactly what you want and what you don’t want. This can help ensure you don’t end up with a schedule that doesn’t work for you.

For example, if your employer allows you to work a flexible schedule but not a hybrid one, are you okay with commuting to the office five days a week, even if it’s outside of traditional rush hour?

Knowing what you want and don’t want will also help you figure out what you are and are not willing to budge on. If a hybrid schedule is at the top of your “must-have” list, you might be willing to take less pay or a lesser title in exchange for a hybrid schedule.

4. Have a Plan

Depending on the specifics, the employer might be open to hybrid or flexible schedules, or they might not. It’s vital you have a game plan ready to go that explains how flexible and hybrid work arrangements benefit employers. Some examples could include:

5. Don’t Make It Personal

You may have valid personal reasons for wanting a hybrid or flexible work arrangement. But even if your main motivation is “I hate commuting,” don’t use that as a reason for asking for this kind of schedule.

Focus your argument on how the employer gains, not yourself. For example, you could say, “Instead of wasting time commuting, I can use that time to connect with clients in other time zones.”

6. Everyone’s Doing It

While saying “other employers are offering it” probably won’t get you very far in a negotiation, another reason to offer an employer is that other job seekers, as well as current employees, are looking for flexible and hybrid schedules.

Job seekers and employees are more likely to apply to and remain with employers that offer hybrid and flexible schedules. Allowing these kinds of schedules is more likely to improve employee retention, reducing the employer’s long-term recruitment costs by increasing overall employee loyalty.

7. Provide Proof

As a new hire, you’re also an unknown. And while the employer is certain you’re the right person for the job, how can they know you’re the right person for a flexible or hybrid work arrangement—especially if the company doesn’t have a lot of experience with these kinds of schedules?

To help ease any concerns your potential employer might have, explain that you already have the necessary skills to make a hybrid or flexible schedule a success. Then, take it a step further and demonstrate how your skills will benefit the company.

For example, if you have experience with a hybrid schedule, explain how on your remote workdays you got more accomplished because you were able to focus on your work without the typical office distractions present. Next, explain how you used those days to develop a new billing procedure that increased collections by 50%.

Proving you’ve got the skills to make a flexible or hybrid work arrangement work can go a long way toward calming an employer’s doubts and fears about allowing it.

8. Audition

If the employer is still hesitant about giving you a hybrid or flexible schedule, offer to do a trial run. For example, you could agree to work a regular in-office schedule for the first 90 days while you’re new and learning the job. Subsequently, suggest working a hybrid or flexible schedule for the next 90 days to see how it goes. As long as you do your best and exceed expectations, you’ll prove that the employer can trust you in a flexible or hybrid work arrangement.

9. Be Flexible First

If you really love the job and everything else about the offer is excellent, consider giving up your pursuit of a flexible or hybrid work arrangement—for now. Once you’ve worked at the company for a while, you’ll have a better understanding of your boss, your coworkers, and the company, and you might be able to make a better case for why you should be allowed to work a hybrid or flexible schedule.

Everything Is Negotiable

Well, maybe not everything. But when it comes to a job offer, you might be surprised how much an employer is willing to negotiate on, even when it comes to a flexible and hybrid work arrangement.