Recruiter Secrets Job Seekers Should Know | FlexJobs (original) (raw)

Whenever you are in the role of a job seeker, there are many unanswered questions, usually surrounding the lack of response for a much-wanted interview. While there is no magic formula to make things happen quickly, there are recruiter secrets that job seekers should know to improve their chances of getting hired.

Over the years, successful job searching has evolved to keep up with technology and social media. By now, you know that you need to tailor your resume for the role, write a compelling cover letter, and polish your LinkedIn profile. What else should you know? We’ve got some pointers for you.

The Secrets and Ways of Recruiters

When looking to gain an edge, your focus is often on your potential manager and “wowing” them with your knowledge and skills. Before you even get there, though, you need to consider the person in the middle.

The recruiter is charged with tracking down the best selection of applicants, screening them, and then passing them along to the hiring manager. The recruiter is your gatekeeper for getting to an interview in terms of a job search.

We got together with FlexJobs’ seasoned recruiter, Carol Cochran, to grab some hot tips to help you fine-tune your interactions with company recruiters.

— Follow Instructions

According to Cochran, following instructions is a surefire way to get noticed in a good way. She shares that job seekers should pay close attention to details if a recruiter has taken the time to give instructions on information they need or how they need it.

Tip: Cochran says, “Asking questions to clarify is okay after you’ve read everything carefully to ensure the information isn’t right in front of you.”

— Be Detail-Oriented

You will inevitably correspond with recruiters. So, through this process, do so correctly. Cochran acknowledges that typos happen to the best of us, and recruiters recognize that. She states that if applicants notice a typo after sending a message, they should “send a follow-up acknowledging and correcting it if it makes sense to do so. Attention to detail and strong communication skills tend to be pretty universal and are things that recruiters pay attention to in every interaction.”

Tip: Be consistent throughout all of your documents, interactions, and social media.

— Be Friendly and Professional

Through phone calls, emails, and meetings, the way you present yourself and interact with others directly reflects your work, personality, and abilities. Applicants don’t always focus on presenting themselves to recruiters, only focusing on the hiring managers. Cochran shares that it’s a red flag if an applicant is too casual, as it will give the recruiter cause to consider whether you’ll act professionally with internal and external contacts later on.

Tip: Consider using a professional email address for your job search. Don’t use slang, mind your grammar, don’t point out mistakes made by the recruiter, and always use a professional tone.

— Mind Your Personal Brand

Recruiters are looking at all of the different pieces of the puzzle. If they don’t add up, neither will your chances of landing the job. While you should pay particular importance to LinkedIn, you need to cast a discerning eye over your other social media accounts, like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+, etc.

Tip: Don’t come across like you have a double life. If you’re the poster child of a golden employee on paper, but your personalities don’t match up in person and social media, the respect for your brand diminishes.

— Be Honest but Professional

Recruiters want honesty, but not the brutal honesty you may give friends and family. Everyone has worked in a job they would rather forget at some point or another. Blasting these previous employers and coworkers on social media or in front of recruiters isn’t going to win you any points.

Tip: If you were terminated in your last role and it comes up, talk about it like it was a learning experience. That might sound something like, “I was struggling with too many commitments while I was going to school and volunteering, and it showed in my job performance. I’ve limited my volunteering efforts so that I can balance school and work more successfully.”

— Show Interest

Slow and steady does not win this race. Show the recruiter that you’re interested by using the following tips:

Tip: When it comes to sharing details, Cochran says don’t be too casual either, or it will seem like you’re uninterested. “Interview questions are designed to understand who you are and the work you’ve done to this point. Being vague with your answers or giving information that isn’t answering the question doesn’t give enough information. If you’re stumped on a question and have information that you find to be related, give that context to show an awareness that you’re not giving exactly the information they are asking for.”

Set Yourself Up for Success With Recruiters

Enthusiasm ranks high with recruiters (as do conversation skills and how you interact with them), so make sure that every interaction with the recruiter is pleasant, professional, and shows how much you want the position.

It’s essential to keep in mind that recruiters are people too, who are just doing their job of matching qualified candidates with the companies they work for. Do your best to stand out by incorporating some of these tips into your job search, and you’ll be gainfully employed (and happy) in no time!