Simple Ways to Go Green in the Workplace | FlexJobs (original) (raw)

When it comes to going green, you might think of things like meatless Monday, buying locally, and upcycling. Those are all things individuals can do to go green. But when it comes to your office building, the odds are pretty good that the company cafeteria doesn’t have a meatless Monday, and buying locally may not be an option.

That doesn’t mean companies can’t go green and do their part to help the environment, though. And even if your company can’t—or won’t—go green, that doesn’t mean you’re helpless. There are plenty of easy steps you can take to go green in the workplace.

What Does it Mean to “Go Green”?

The term “going green” means different things to different people. But in general, going green means making conscious and sustainable choices that help you reduce, rescue, and recycle. There are a lot of ways to go green, but no one “right” way to do it.

For some, going green means choosing products that can be recycled or that come from recycled materials. Other people purchase used items, buying new only when there’s no choice. Some people buy an electric vehicle or ditch the car altogether and bike, walk, or carpool instead.

Ways for Companies to Go Green

Companies can go green too. That said, companies face different choices than individuals. While turning off the lights at night is a start, there are plenty of additional strategies companies can incorporate into their green strategy.

— Commit to Printing Less

Recycling paper is a start. Using recycled paper is the next step. But for companies looking to go “greener,” use both sides of the page when printing. And instead of recycling scrap paper, use the back of that paper for phone messages and notes.

But another way to go green is to become a paperless company. While going completely paperless may never be possible, companies can take steps toward a paperless future. Instead of printing out documents, share them in the cloud. Also, give clients the option to receive their bills or statements electronically and to pay their bills online. While you’re at it, have the company ask their vendors for paperless billing and payment options too.

— Break Out the Good China

Cleaning the break room is a pain, especially if people don’t clean up after themselves. That’s why many companies use paper and plastic in the kitchen. But stocking the kitchen with reusable dishes and utensils helps a company go green in a big way.

While it’s easier to throw everything in the garbage, it creates more waste. And a surprising amount of plastic products are not recyclable, which only compounds the problem. Using “real” dishes and silverware cuts back on the amount of waste a company produces.

There is the counterargument that all those dishes have to be washed. Not only does that mean using more water, but it also means using more soap and detergents, which can have a negative impact on the environment. And the water to wash the dishes has to be hot, which means using more electricity to heat the water. To remedy this, companies can install newer, more efficient dishwashers that use less water and less electricity. And sticking with environmentally-friendly detergents helps too.

— Purify the Air Naturally

Get some plants for the office. Not only do plants clean carbon dioxide from indoor air, but they’re also good at absorbing other chemicals, like benzene and formaldehyde. This means better air quality for the entire office. If clean air isn’t enough of a reason to add some nature to the office, consider that plants also help reduce stress, increase productivity, reduce sick days, and boost creativity.

— Audit Your Unused Energy Waste

Did you know that even when you aren’t using your devices—whether that’s a tablet, a printer, or even your toaster—many of these devices are still using electricity?

Whether you’re in an office building or working out of your home, you’re most likely a victim of what’s known as “vampire energy.” This includes things like printers in standby mode and the microwave powering its clock. An estimated $19 billion is wasted each year on vampire energy. And that doesn’t even touch on the carbon footprint of that energy usage. The electronics category is second only to transportation in terms of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.

So, unplug things when they aren’t in use. Make sure the printer is off or unplugged at the end of the day. Turn off the router (if you can) and make sure the lights are out too. Another easy fix is to have all of your electrical items plugged into a power strip. Power the strip up in the morning, and turn it off at night. Sure, the microwave may always claim it’s 12:00, but it’s a small price to pay for helping the environment.

— Make Smart and Clean Trades

Since there’s no way to eliminate electricity use from office life, switch to clean energy providers, like solar, wind, or geothermal sources if possible. That said, not every company can switch. So, upgrade older, less efficient equipment for newer, more energy-efficient ones. Recycle the old equipment responsibly, or donate it to a nonprofit.

Swap out light bulbs for LED or CFL bulbs. You may not have that option for the overhead lights (especially if you rent). So, when possible, open the blinds and use natural light instead. Install motion-activated faucets. This helps cut back on water waste since the water won’t run when you don’t need it. Can’t do that? Remember to shut it off while you don’t need it when washing your hands or your dishes.

— Consider Remote Work Options

Letting staff work from home is another way companies can go green. By letting people work remotely, there are fewer vehicles commuting to and from work, which means fewer greenhouse gases in the environment. And back to point one, your computer paper usage will automatically go down as the majority of communication becomes electronic.

Promoting Green Policy at Work

Maybe your company hasn’t gone green yet, or they’ve taken some baby steps. Either way, you’d like your company to do more. That means convincing the boss that going green is a good idea for the company. But don’t just say, “It’s good for the earth.” Construct a business argument that explains how going green benefits the company’s bottom line.

— Showcase Tax Incentives

Businesses can take advantage of tax incentives for installing solar energy systems on their properties or installing energy-efficient heating and air-conditioning systems. There are also some incentives for recycling and compacting trash.

— Advocacy Leads to Better Recruiting Results

While not everyone is concerned about working for a green employer, more and more people want to work for a company that values the environment and has a reputable corporate sustainability policy.

It’s not just younger generations that are concerned about green initiatives in the workplace either. Many prospective employees know that a positive company brand and corporate responsibility impact a company’s reputation and, ultimately, its bottom line, making it a favorable environment for more tenured workers seeking stability.

— Offer to Kick It Off

Going green in the workplace is a desire for some companies, but they don’t know where to start. In that case, offer to head up a green team to help implement policies and educate staff about going green in the office. From volunteering to turning off lights, you might be surprised how many people are eager to jump on board.

Small, Individual Changes for Big Impact

Going green is a group effort. Whether or not your company supports green initiatives, there are plenty of things you can do as an individual to go green at work, even before starting a green team.

— Invest in Reusable Everything

— Promote Recycling

— Promote Healthy Alternatives

Using the stairs doesn’t require any power but your own. As a bonus, you’ll get some extra cardio in your day. Avoid your desk during lunch so that you’re not sucking down energy scrolling the internet. If you’re a hybrid remote worker, this applies to your at-home workdays as well.

Going Green One Step at a Time

As you can see, there are plenty of things companies can do to go green. And there are plenty of things you can do to go green on your own.