Remote Work Basics: Home Office Setup and Essential Skills | FlexJobs (original) (raw)

Are you considering making the transition to remote work? Perhaps you are eager to ditch a stressful commute, or maybe you dream of every day being a “take your dog to work” day. Regardless of why you’re making the move, it’s essential to understand what it takes to succeed in a remote working environment.

Media has glamorized remote work as occasionally working in your jammies and then heading out for coffee with your friends. Realistically, it requires much more discipline to succeed in a remote work environment. Consider the following needs to build a successful remote work career.

The Self-Discipline Needs for Remote Work

Without the structure of a traditional office environment, it can be easy to let work slide. However, to be successful in a remote role, you’ll need to be disciplined about creating habits. Start with the following best practices for remote work.

1. A Set Schedule

As a remote worker, it can be easy to slide out of a routine and find yourself constantly working, especially if you’re a freelancer or work a flexible job. With no set schedule or boss to answer to, it can be tempting to keep working—even if it means sacrificing your personal life or health. However, it’s important to remember that you are in charge of your work-life balance.

If your employer does not dictate your hours, you’ll need to be the one to set your working hours and stick to them. And yes, jobs with flexible schedules come with many perks, but they also come with many unanticipated responsibilities. Set your hours, create healthy boundaries for others in your life who are prone to interrupting your productivity, and treat your job like a job.

2. Healthy Breaks

Working remotely has a lot of benefits, but it can also be tough on your health if you’re not careful. Taking breaks throughout the day to move your body and give your eyes a break from the computer screen is essential. A lunch hour and two 15-minute breaks seem to be the standard for full-time U.S. employees.

That may not seem like a lot, but using those breaks to walk away from your workstation and move your body is essential. Even just a few minutes of walking around or stretching can make a big difference in how you feel at the end of the day. And if you’re in a sedentary role that requires you to be glued to the computer, it’s even more important to be mindful of the need to take breaks and move your body regularly.

3. Separation of Work and Life

One of the best perks of working remotely is the gift of time you’re not spending on a commute. However, just because you’re not working in a traditional office doesn’t mean you should forego the mental and physical preparation for work. Actually, the reverse has been frequently touted as a critical aspect of remote success. A routine that separates your work time from your free time is crucial for maintaining a healthy balance between work and life.

First, make sure to eat a nutritious breakfast away from your desk. It’s essential to fuel your body with real food, and sitting in front of a computer all day is not conducive to a healthy diet. Also, take the time to shower and get dressed every morning, even if you’re not leaving the house. The process will help your mind shift into work mode, allowing you to focus on your daily tasks.

4. A Focus on Movement

The little steps that you get during a traditional workday all add up. From walking from the parking lot to the office to moving around to others’ desks, you might be surprised at the deficit created when you work from home. One of the most critical things you can do when you work remotely is building routine movement into your day.

The Technical Needs for Remote Work

Along with a focus on creating personal success, most remote roles require you to have some essential tech. Start with the following and research additional needs based on your specific industry, such as foot pedals for transcription jobs or headphones for customer service jobs.

1. Reliable Internet Service

One of the most frequent technical challenges that plague remote workers is poor internet service. If you frequently use Zoom or other communication services, you might need to consider upgrading your internet service to sufficiently meet your work requirements. Otherwise, you risk poor video quality, choppy audio, and frequent delays.

In addition, if anyone in your household is also using bandwidth-intensive applications, that can further complicate matters. By upgrading to a higher-speed internet package, you can help ensure that you have the reliable connection you need to stay productive while working from home.

2. Wireless Routers

A laptop can allow you to move about your house as you work, but it can also tether you to your desk if your Wi-Fi signal isn’t strong enough. If you work from the patio or backyard sometimes, you’ll need a quality router that can extend your Wi-Fi signal.

A mesh system is an excellent option for extending your service further. These systems use multiple devices that work together to create a stronger, more reliable Wi-Fi signal throughout your house. So, if you’re looking for ways to enjoy working from your patio while still being productive, consider investing in a quality router or mesh system.

3. Security Software

In today’s digital world, ensuring your computer is secure is more critical than ever. When you work remotely, every device connected to your Wi-Fi creates a back door into the company you associate with remotely. With so much of our personal and professional lives online, protecting yourself and safeguarding company data is vital.

Taking a few simple precautions can help safeguard your information and reduce the risk of identity theft or other cybercrimes. In addition to using strong passwords and encrypting sensitive data, you should regularly update your security software and run malware scans. Taking these precautions can help keep your organization safe and secure in the virtual world.

4. Collaboration Solutions

Communication is key in any workplace, but it is imperative when working remotely. Slack and Zoom are great platforms that can help with communication and help prevent feelings of isolation or disconnect. Learn to be clear and concise when communicating remotely, as there can be a lot of miscommunication without the benefit of body language and other nonverbal cues.

While not a technical concern, if you struggle with transparent communication, consider taking some professional development courses to build that skill.

5. Additional Tech Needs

Policies vary between companies regarding whether or not they’ll provide your computer and office basics. Beyond the basics though, your professional role will likely dictate which tech items would make your work life easier.

For example, while not strictly necessary, many remote workers have found that having dual monitors boosts their productivity substantially. For others, a noise-canceling headset is essential if they frequently work during hours when others are in their home. Read through this comprehensive list of additional tech options to create your wish list.

The Office Needs for Remote Work

Sure, you could work from your bed every day, but you would quickly find yourself with back and neck problems—not to mention a lack of organization and motivation that is highly likely to sabotage your productivity. If you’re making a long-term commitment to working from home, devote space to your work environment. Before making plans to convert the attic—although that could be lovely—consider that you don’t need an entire room, just the following essentials to make your home office a reality.

1. A Dedicated Workspace

You can easily get distracted by household chores or other activities without a dedicated workspace. That’s why it’s important to create a space in your home that is specifically for work. Dedicating a specific room or work area will help you prepare for the task at hand and minimize distractions mentally.

What if you don’t have an entire room to dedicate to your office? No worries! Many remote workers have succeeded by simply dedicating small areas, such as a spare closet or a living room corner, as their workspace. Ideally, your workspace should be comfortable and well lit, with enough space for all of your materials. It’s also helpful to have any tools or supplies that you need close at hand.

2. An Ergonomic Workspace

If you’re spending most of your awake time at your desk, creating a workspace that lightens the load on your joints is fundamental. Setting up a comfortable and ergonomic workspace can help reduce the risk of strains and injuries.

Look for a setup that brings your monitors to eye level and keeps your keyboard in a natural position. Adjust your chair so your feet are flat on the floor, and your thighs are parallel to the ground. Your lower back should be supported, and you should be able to rest your arms at your sides with a 90-degree angle at the elbows.

3. Sufficient Lighting

Lighting is often an afterthought when setting up a home office, but it is worth taking the time to consider your lighting needs. Poor lighting can lead to eye strain, headaches, and fatigue, so choosing a light source that is both bright and easy on the eyes is urgent.

If possible, set up your office near a window to take advantage of natural light. If you don’t have access to natural light, plenty of other options are available. LED bulbs are a good choice for task lighting because they emit little heat and produce little glare. For general lighting, look for bulbs with a high color rendering index (CRI), which will make it easier to see colors accurately and reduce eye fatigue.

Setting Yourself Up for Remote Work Success

There are a variety of extras that can make working from home even more enjoyable. Examples include health-focused gear, such as a standing desk or under-desk treadmill, or productivity and time management software. This list should provide a launching point to discover how to set yourself up for success when moving to remote work. After you’ve landed a remote role, you’ll find other options to create even greater comfort and productivity based on your unique needs.