Nebo Agency - Remote Work From Home Jobs & Careers | FlexJobs (original) (raw)

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About Nebo Agency

Researched & Written by Julia Nowels on the FlexJobs Team

Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, and 37 steps from the best coffee in town, Nebo Agency is a full-service internet marketing company that takes a human approach to interactive web design. Named after the Assyrian god of wisdom, Nebo Agency has worked with companies that are just starting out, all the way up to the Fortune 500 such as Holiday Inn, Maud Baker, Play Dog Beds, Lund, and Vocalocity. Nebo Agency's services include website design; interactive user experiences; development and integration; search engine optimization; paid search marketing; web analytics; and conversion rate optimization. Nebo Agency prides themselves on the small things that make a big difference like not overstepping budget boundaries, not cycling in junior designers after contracts are signed, and not outsourcing any of the work they do. If you are looking for a career with a small design firm that competes in the big leagues, Nebo Agency is an excellent place to consider.

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