First Kickstarter Funded Satellites To Launch In 2013 (original) (raw)

A half century after Sputnik turned the world on its ear, a Cornell University doctoral student and colleagues are preparing for the September 2013 launch of a small swarm of the world’s first free-flying, Kickstarter-funded Chip Satellites (ChipSats).

Even though such individual ChipSats are only about the size of a couple of postage stamps, they boast more satellite functionality than the Soviets' beach ball-sized Sputnik.

“Most of them are going to be sending a beacon signal, kind of like Sputnik on a chip,” said Zac Manchester, an aerospace engineer, now on an internship at NASA Ames Research Center. But he notes that one near-term goal is to create a ChipSat sensor cloud that will collect data from earth orbit.

The ChipSats will be launched into low earth orbit from Cape Canaveral on CRS-3, the third SpaceX Falcon 9 flight scheduled for an International Space Station (ISS) resupply mission.

Although Manchester raised more than 70,000within60daysofhisprojectappearingonthecrowdfundingwebsiteKickstarter,theestimated70,000 within 60 days of his project appearing on the crowdfunding website Kickstarter, the estimated 70,000within60daysofhisprojectappearingonthecrowdfundingwebsiteKickstarter,theestimated300,000 launch of the CubeSat which will carry the tiny ChipSats, is being covered through a NASA educational launch program.

Manchester says 250 ChipSats will be packed into a CubeSat roughly the size of a loaf of bread, where they will be stacked on top of a spring-loaded deployer, somewhat akin to a jack-in-the-box.

“Once in orbit,” said Manchester, “we will trigger their deployment and the ChipSats will float around space on their own.”

In truth, the “ChipSats” are actually printed circuit boards, and include a microcontroller, a radio transceiver, solar cells and antennas. Some will have tiny magnetometers and gyroscopes from which Manchester and colleagues will try to detect data.

Manchester says at the bare minimum, the ChipSats should be able to communicate to the ground from space, where Ham radio operators will be able to listen to their signals in the 70-centimeter band.

“Being able to receive signals from that distance from such a tiny transmitter is really the hardest part,” said Manchester. “This mission will use CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) cell phone technology to enable the ChipSats to all talk to the same ground station at once. We will be able to tell them apart because each has a different I.D. Code.”

The ChipSats are expected to re-enter and burn up in earth’s atmosphere from their altitude of 325 kms within a couple of weeks of deployment.

However, Manchester says swarms of ChipSats could provide high-resolution measurements in a way that heretofore has never been possible conventional satellites.

“We’re deploying 250 of these from very cheap, small spacecraft,” said Manchester. “But you could easily put thousands of these in orbit for very little money.”

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A replica of Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite to be put into outer space (Photo credit:... [+] Wikipedia)

Earth’s magnetic field and the space weather phenomena in the upper reaches of the ionosphere have conventionally been sampled by only a few spacecraft separated by hundreds of kilometers.

ChipSat swarms by the thousands could use their sheer numbers to get fine detail and high-resolution measurements.

Such swarms could even take earth weather-forecasting to whole new levels by using radio signals to probe slices of earth’s atmosphere from one side of the planet to the other; taking temperature and humidity measurements in the process.

“The idea is to blanket the earth with these little receivers and get global maps of the atmosphere,” said Manchester.

These swarms would also work for taking “space weather” data so vital to commercial satellite fleets.

One idea is to insert a swarm of ChipSats into Saturn’s ring system. To date, Manchester says conventional spacecraft have been careful to keep the rings at a safe operational distance. A ChipSat swarm could study the rings from inside.

“We could load these ChipSats in a large billion-dollar mothership and let them loose in the rings,” said Manchester. “The mothership could fly on to a safe distance and the [swarm] could beam their data back to the mothership which would then send the data on to earth.”

Manchester says that eventually ChipSat swarms in earth orbit might use the Lorentz Force, the same force that’s used to steer the beam in an old-style tube TV, to maintain (or stationkeep) the ChipSats orbital positions. The ChipSat would simply build a charge using solar power which, in turn, would interact with earth’s magnetic field to periodically boost its orbit.

If going farther afield, Manchester and colleagues have considered using ChipSats as solar sails.

“At this scale, the ChipSat has enough surface area to act about as effectively as NanoSail-D, the CubeSat which NASA launched,” said Manchester. “If thin enough, these ChipSats could act as a solar sail without having a sail. That’s one way of getting propulsion.”

The technology’s real payoff is arguably cheap access to space, not by changing launch cost structures but by slicing up the cost per satellite. Right now Manchester says the cheapest thing that can be put in orbit is a CubeSat, which takes roughly 100,000tolaunchand100,000 to launch and 100,000tolaunchand100,000 to build.

“But with these ChipSats, we’re slicing up the cost of that CubeSat up by a factor of a hundred,” said Manchester. “We’re going to make satellites cheap enough for hobbyists. Someone with a $1000 could put one of these into space; program it with sensors, then listen to it from their own backyard.”

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