Review: Eddie Murphy's 'Mr. Church' Is Not A Comeback To Worship (original) (raw)

Has it really been four years since we've seen Eddie Murphy in a movie? It's a testament to his star power that he's one of those actors you don't forget about even when he goes away. Even though he has made some terrible movies in his day, we still want him to succeed again on account of the good ones being so, so good. Following an unsuccessful Oscar run for Dreamgirls in a serious performance, which led in turn to him going back to safe paycheck roles in Shrek sequels, he has chosen a potential comeback role this time. It's only his second all-out dramatic role ever (others have had dramatic elements while still being primarily comedic).

Whether it hits big or not, with an estimated budget of 8millionmakingithissmallestmovieever,Mr.Churchislikelytodookay,asevenpastMurphy"duds"likeAThousandWordsonlydisappointfinanciallyinrelationtocost.(Thatoneinparticular[made8 million making it his smallest movie ever, _Mr. Church_ is likely to do okay, as even past Murphy "duds" like _A Thousand Words_ only disappoint financially in relation to cost. (That one in particular [made 8millionmakingithissmallestmovieever,Mr.Churchislikelytodookay,asevenpastMurphy"duds"likeAThousandWordsonlydisappointfinanciallyinrelationtocost.(Thatoneinparticularmade18.4 million even with terrible marketing and lousy reviews; Mr. Church would be considered a hit if it "failed" to that tune.) And Murphy has been doing publicity for the movie, appearing recently on Jimmy Kimmel Live! to share impersonations and talk about a potential return to stand-up. (This may be a mixed blessing, as viewers might assume he's promoting a comedy.)

Mr. Church is directed by Driving Miss Daisy's Bruce Beresford, and it's easy to see why Murphy was drawn to it, since it literally is Driving Miss Daisy all over again, except with a well-meaning young girl in place of a prickly old woman. In the '80s, it might have been a great career move. Today, the story of how a perfect black servant solves a white girl's every problem without ever once being threatening or contrary plays a little differently (that it's set mainly in the '70s doesn't make it better). The role was originally set to go to Samuel L. Jackson, and it's impossible to imagine him pulling it off without seething underneath.


Murphy's Mr. Church is a character of much contrivance. We're told he was the cook for a wealthy married man who, upon hearing his mistress Marie (Natascha McElhone) has terminal cancer, pays Church to now be her full-time cook and home caregiver when her condition gets worse. Marie is expected to live six months. Instead shes lasts six years, allowing her daughter Charlotte (Natalie Coughlin) to grow into a teenager (now played by Britt Robertson), go to prom and most importantly bond with Mr. Church, who is not only a great cook, but a skilled musician, talented artist and one-man library who's always ready to lend out the perfect book for any occasion.

Murphy plays the part well, in that this man onscreen is definitely a guy you'd want to have as your best friend... Assuming your notion of a best friend is somebody who does everything you need when you need it. But what of his life apart from Charlotte and Marie? That's a secret he won't share; not, unfortunately, because it's deep and dark, but just so there's the most minor hint of conflict in an otherwise bland tale.

Years go by, Charlotte falls in love, goes to college, gets knocked up and ditched, becomes a good mom...and Mr. Church is always there to help out when she needs him. Screenwriter Susan McMartin supposedly based the story on an actual friendship, but she seems to view it through a very strong filter of privilege. There's no ambiguity as to what she's thinking, because Charlotte is constantly narrating every scene in voice over, and it never occurs to her that Mr. Church was anything but completely personally fulfilled by doing all their chores for so many years. Late in the movie he mentions that he was once married, and it's a total throwaway; he brushes it off as something he wasn't suited for, and nobody else really questions the fact that they never knew such an important detail. Yes, he insists on keeping his personal details a secret, but the movie also implies that he doesn't really have any, beyond what he does or doesn't do in a downtown bar twice a week.

It's certainly possible the real-life Mr. Church was exactly as depicted, and loved his white "family" more than anything else. Yet something tells me it would be more interesting to hear him narrate his own story, rather than have it expressed through the eyes of the privileged girl he served, whose life challenges were so easily solved all the time.