International camp • Formula of Unity (original) (raw)

Today, we star­ted the day with break­fast; after, we went to our classes. This day was spe­cial because we had the oppor­tun­ity to assist to the rest classes of fhe camp (astro­nomy, chem­istry and maths) for 15 minutes… First, in chem­istry we learnt about radio­activ­ity; then, in astro­nomy we stud­ied some con­stel­la­tions and the Moon. Finally in math, we had some prob­lems about col­or­a­tions in the top­ic of com­bin­at­ory and an impres­sion­ant prove that only exists 5 reg­u­lar polyhedrons.

After that we had quite a fas­cin­at­ing quiz about the facts being true or false. It helped us to under­stand that the bor­der between real and ima­gin­at­ive things and events is hardly visible.

Then, we had a role­play game where we exper­i­enced 8 vari­ous real­it­ies and had to com­mu­nic­ate with people from those.

The final deal was Com­ic­Con, we could feel ourselves as super­her­oes, anime, movie and com­ic char­ac­ters. We had a lot of fun :)

As always, the day has ended with lovely even­ing lights.

International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp