International camp • Formula of Unity (original) (raw)

Sunny days in Peters­burg are so rare, that today everything seemed to be arranged espe­cially for an excursion :)

At first we made a long way to Orani­en­baum — res­id­ence of a lot of rus­si­an tzars’ fam­il­ies. In the begin­ning of the pro­gram, we found out a lot about Men­shikov palace. After that we were walk­ing around the beau­ti­ful garden, while listen­ing to our guide. In Kron­stadt, we have vis­ited St Nic­olas Cafed­ral, and also our group heard the story about monu­ment of kor­ushka on the wall of the channel.

Each of us has taken some­thing out of this day: emo­tions, know­ledge, or just a good mood :)

International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp