International camp • Formula of Unity (original) (raw)

Today was the last day of the camp. Sadly, we have to leave tomorrow :(

In the morn­ing we took group pic­tures, that was truly excit­ing. Then we star­ted our last classes. In the end of it each group presen­ted their look of oth­er sub­ject or teach­er­’s work and got their certificates.

After Deal of choice we met in our group rooms and star­ted ana­lyz­ing the whole term in dif­fer­ent aspects: Care, Col­lectiv­ity and Cre­ativ­ity. Shortly after that we shared our opin­ion with oth­er groups.

And then we got to Cham­ber of secrets, the game we played was about find­ing out how people lie. There were many ways to do that.

As we found out about those lies, our pre­par­a­tion for the clos­ing star­ted: we cre­ated our hor­ror stor­ies to share in a circle.

Our last even­ing light was filled with love and memor­ies. And when it was Time to say good­bye we gave col­or­ful pieces of our hearts to people who became spe­cial for us dur­ing the camp.

«Cause of so many things we have missed it again, when anoth­er day turned into night»…

International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp