International camp • Formula of Unity (original) (raw)

It is so excit­ing to start a camp! Arrive to the place, take a first look on your neigh­bours, worry about your future group mates. Some guys are here for the first time and cau­tiously walk around, oth­er are already laugh­ing and hug­ging. So many thoughts!

And finally it is time for com­mon meet­ing with all par­ti­cipants from Rus­sia, Spain, Ecuador, Iran, even France and Canada! Every­body is here and can­’t wait for the start of the camp.

Wow! One glance and day is already com­ing to an end so it is time to sleep! But what were the activ­it­ies dur­ing the day?

Group meet­ing? Yeah, a lot of new names to remem­ber. Games? We have already got some stor­ies to laugh at with oth­ers. Circle of Unity in Eng­lish? Believe it or not, but there are a few songs, trans­lated into eng­lish! Even­ing light? Well, the candle itself could­n’t warm us, but was able to give some comfort.

So… it is sleep time already and yet all the excit­ing memor­ies inspire in the next days of the camp :)

International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp International camp