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Academic writing
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High School Undergraduate Bachelor Professional
Note: Only 'Professional' academic level option is available for Dissertation
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Exceeds max amount on a N-hour deadline - Х slides or У speaker notes (1 speaker note = 2 slides).
Exceeds max amount on a N-hour deadline - Х pages or Y slides (1 page = 2 slides).
Exceeds max amount on a N-hour deadline - Х pages or Y charts (1 page = 2 charts).
Exceeds max amount on a N-hour deadline - Х pages or Y slides and charts (1 page = 2 charts).
Space (275 words - 1 page)
1 problem = 1 question in your assignment
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Charts unavailable on a N-hour deadline (since you've chosen the max number of slides or notes).
The limit of pages & slides chosen. Max amount of charts on a N-hour deadline - Х.
The limit of pages chosen. Max amount of slides on a N-hour deadline - Х.
The limit of pages chosen. Max amount of charts on a N-hour deadline - Х.
The limit of pages chosen. Max amount of charts and slides on a N-hour deadline - Х.
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