三国志で英語のお勉強25: 袁紹(袁本初)その3 (original) (raw)



~~ 冀州を乗っ取る ~~

As many volunteers from different provinces had flocked to join Yuan Shao, Bohai Commandery would be far from sufficient to supply his army. Thus, Pang Ji suggested to Yuan Shao to form a secret alliance with the warlord Gongsun Zan and incite the latter to attack Han Fu's Ji Province. Facing an imminent attack from Gongsun Zan, Han Fu was terrified so he listened to Yuan Shao's lobbyists, Gao Gan (Yuan Shao's nephew) and Xun Chen, to give up the governorship of Ji Province to Yuan Shao in order to drive back Gongsun Zan. Yuan Shao then began to build a warlord state from Ye, the capital of Ji Province. In order to curtail Yuan Shu's sphere of influence, Yuan Shao formed an alliance with Cao Cao and Zhang Miao, and named his follower, Zhou Yu (周喁) as the Inspector of Yu Province, a title to which Sun Jian had already been entitled, and sent him to attack Sun Jian's territories in Yu Province while the latter was on his way back from Luoyang. In response, Yuan Shu allied with Gongsun Zan and Tao Qian, and ordered Sun Jian to fight his half-brother.



・curtail は「切り詰める,削減する」という意味で,"tail" には「切る」という意味があります。「切る」のイメージは「テイラーメイド」の「テイラー(tailor,仕立屋)」から覚えましょう。


~~ 袁術と争う ~~

Although Zhou Yu managed to defeat the forces of Sun Jian in the Battle of Yangcheng, he lost to Sun Jian in the following battles. The first battles between the brothers ended in Yuan Shu's favour: he had engaged and defeated Yuan Shao's forces in both Yangcheng and Jiujiang, restored the position in Yingchuan Commandery under Sun Jian, and eliminated Zhou Yu as a threat once and for all although Jiujiang was not yet conquered. For Yuan Shao, on the other hand, the situation was extremely difficult: besides the failure in the south, he was also under threat from Gongsun Zan, who held Yuan Shao responsible for the death of his cousin Gongsun Yue (公孫越) in battle and formally declared war against him... This led to the clash between Yuan Shao and Gongsun in the Battle of Jieqiao.

周喁は陽城の戦いで孫堅軍を何とか(manage to)破りましたが,続く諸戦で孫堅に敗れました。兄弟間の最初の戦いは袁術有利に終わりました。袁術は陽城でも九江でも袁紹軍を破り,潁川郡を孫堅の下に取り戻し,周喁を徹底的に排除しましたが,九江はまだ征服されていませんでした。他方袁紹にとって状況は極めて困難でした。南方で失敗した上,公孫瓚からの脅威も受けていました。公孫瓚は従弟公孫越の戦死を袁紹のせいだと考え,公式に袁紹に宣戦布告しました。これが袁紹公孫瓚界橋の戦いに繋がりました。

・manage to-V「何とかして V する」は便利な表現ですね。

・hold は「抱く」→「心に抱く」→「考える」の意味があり,hold O responsible は「O に責任があると考える」です。



~~ 公孫瓚黒山賊と戦う ~~

In order to focus on the conflicts with Gongsun Zan, Yuan Shao entered into a general alliance with Liu Biao against Yuan Shu. In the winter of that year, Yuan Shao defeated Gongsun Zan's elite cavalry at the Battle of Jieqiao with the use of massed crossbowmen. The Han imperial court issued an edict ordering Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan to cease fire. Yuan Shao then returned to Ye and started targeting the Heishan bandits, who had been causing trouble in Ji Province. With temporary aid from Lü Bu, Yuan Shao managed to defeat the Heishan bandits despite suffering heavy casualties.


・enter the house と言うように enter は他動詞で使えます。しかし「ある状態に入る」といった抽象的な意味では enter into... が使えます。今回はアライアンス(同盟)の状態に入ったということです。

・cease fire は「撃つのを止める」ということで「休戦(armistice,truce)」です。



・casualty を×casuality と間違わないよう気を付けて下さい(l の直後に i 不要)。同様のことは royalty(×royality),loyalty(×loyality)にも言えます。

~~ 青州を長男袁譚に支配させる ~~

Despite warnings from Ju Shou that the move could sow seeds for future trouble, Yuan Shao insisted on sending his first-born son, Yuan Tan, away to "govern" Qing Province. In subsequent years, Yuan Shao achieved considerable success in consolidating his domain. At the same time, Yuan Tan also achieved exceptional success on expanding his territories in Qing Province, driving out Gongsun Zan's general Tian Kai in 193 and defeating Beihai chancellor Kong Rong in 196.


・consolidate は簡単に言うと solid「固い」にするという意味です。



~~ 献帝を拠点に迎えず ~~

In 195, Ju Shou suggested to Yuan Shao to welcome Emperor Xian to Ji Province so he could effectively control the Han central government and use the emperor as a figurehead to enhance his legitimacy. However, Guo Tu and Chunyu Qiong opposed this move under the faulty logic that if Yuan Shao were to do so, he would have to yield to Emperor Xian on key decisions. Yuan Shao, valuing his autonomy, listened to Guo Tu and Chunyu Qiong and let the opportunity pass by. In contrast, his would-be rival, Cao Cao used the opportunity to welcome Emperor Xian to his base in Xuchang.


・faulty は luck に y が付いて lucky になるのと同じで,fault「誤り」+y です。

~~ 大将軍に任命される ~~

In 196, the Han imperial court, under Cao Cao's control, awarded Yuan Shao the appointment of Grand Commandant. However, Yuan Shao rejected the appointment because Grand Commandant ranked below General-in-Chief, the position held by Cao Cao. As a result, Cao Cao gave up his position and offered it to Yuan Shao, who readily accepted it.



~~ 四州を固める ~~

In 198, Yuan Shao advanced against Gongsun Zan and encircled his remaining force at Yijing. By early 199, Yuan Shao had completely defeated Gongsun Zan at the Battle of Yijing and held absolute power over the four provinces north of the Yellow River. Then, after establishing an alliance with the Wuhuan tribes on the northern frontier, Yuan Shao turned his attention to Cao Cao, who had consolidated his own power base to the south of the Yellow River.




