Precalculus: The Mathematics of Numbers, Functions and Equations - Online Course (original) (raw)

Get an introduction to precalculus fundamentals

This course is the first of two precalculus courses from the University of Padova that will provide you with an introduction to the fundamental mathematical skills required to complete your first course in calculus.

You will learn the basic precalculus required for college or undergraduate-level studies, including factoring and division, sets and set operations, reasoning and proofs, functions and graphs, and equations and inequalities.

On this online precalculus course, you will gain the foundation to support further mathematical studies and improve your use of maths in everyday life.

Skip to 0 minutes and 10 seconds If we are going to do this precalculus course, it’s going to be really a lot of work. True, but imagine how much we’re going to learn in doing this! And I guess those who take the course will learn something too. Who will be taking the course, do you think? Oh, there are lots of people who need such a course, for example those who want to prepare a college course, calculus, say, or statistics, or if you are taking an admission test, to get into business school. And people of good taste who simply want to be better informed about mathematics. And besides, mathematics is good for the brain, and keeps you young also. Oh definitely, look at us!

Skip to 0 minutes and 54 seconds True, and lots of people need to brush up on their mathematics. As long as they have some high school maths, they should be able to follow the course. What material would we put into the course, do you think? Well, I suppose we’ll put in the basic stuff that people usually know, you know, at the end of high school or beginning university. Things like numbers, the various types. And functions. And their graphs. Some algebra, radicals, how to solve equations… Yes, right! Beautiful stuff! But, algebra? Don’t people tend to be intimidated by algebra? I’ve heard that in some occasions, you know… Personally, I believe algebra is really a lot of fun. Oh, you’re right!

Skip to 1 minute and 39 seconds We’ll have to find a way to show them that,once you know a few operations, it’s a very natural thing, algebra. Yes, let’s hope you can do that in the lectures. But we’ll also need to prepare lots of good exercises to go along with those lectures. Yes, and we need to work out how to present problems and solutions in a new and interesting way. Well, if we’re gonna do this, we better get started pretty soon…

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

Who is the course for?

This course is for anyone who wants to brush up on their basic mathematical skills, particularly students in the last year of high school, or at the beginning of undergraduate studies, who intend to take a first course in calculus.

Who will you learn with?

Who developed the course?

University of Padova

The University of Padova is one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious seats of learning; it aims to provide its students with both professional training and a solid cultural background.

Endorsers and supporters

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Dipartimento di Matematica, University of Padova