Gairdner Science Week 2024 (original) (raw)

Join us as we convene Gairdner laureates and global health leaders for a week of symposia, mentoring sessions, panels and a Gala celebration to celebrate scientific research that impacts the health and wellbeing of people around the world.

October 23:Wednesday, Oct 23, 2024

Gairdner International Symposium

Next Gen Sequencing: Current and Future Impact on BiomedicineJoin us as we explore the transformative potential of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in biomedicine. This symposium, inspired by the pion...

Women of Gairdner

The Gairdner Foundation, in partnership with Women’s College Hospital, are hosting the third annual Women of Gairdner event during Gairdner Science Week. Through panel discussion, storytelli...

Screening: Living Drugs

A Screening of the Documentary "Living Drugs" based on the work of 2024 Canada Gairdner International Award Laureate Dr. Michel Sadelain, followed by a live panel discussion.

October 24:Thursday, Oct 24, 2024

Laureate Lectures

This highly anticipated event features lectures from the 2024 Canada Gairdner Award Laureates about their prize-winning research. The lecture will also include Early Career Investigators from across C...

2024 Canada Gairdner Awards Gala

The Canada Gairdner Awards Gala is the culmination of a week of events featuring our laureates and a celebration of the 2024 Canada Gairdner Award laureates. Known as the top networking in the scienti...

October 25:Friday, Oct 25, 2024

Gairdner Global Health Symposium

2024 Gairdner Global Health SymposiumPandemic Preparedness: From Vaccine Technology to Global Health Policy Inspired by the groundbreaking work of Dr. Gagandeep Kang, the 2024 John Dirks Canada G...