Gallup 2019 Global Emotions Report (original) (raw)

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Representing the views of citizens from more than 140 countries and areas, this study measures life's intangibles -- feelings and emotions -- that traditional economic indicators such as GDP were never intended to capture.

Gallup's Positive Experience Index questions are:

Gallup's Negative Experience Index questions are:

Each index equips global leaders with insights into the health of their societies that they cannot gather from economic measures alone. For example, even as the U.S. economy was growing, more Americans were stressed, angry and worried. Read the U.S. results here.

Woman from India smiling. Download the Gallup 2019 Global Emotions Report now.

People worldwide who said they experienced a lot of enjoyment the day before the survey.

Paraguay has the highest Positive Experience Index score worldwide.

Afghanistan's Positive Experience Index score dropped to a record low.