dannyodwyer's Blog - GameSpot (original) (raw)

A Year in the life of a Gamer 2013 - Game List

Another year, another montage. Here are all the games in order they appeared:

Pre-January Flashes:














The New Black


Desire (Feat. Greta Link)

Perturbator's Theme


San Francisco, here I come.

by dannyodwyer on October 23, 2013 11 Comments


So I'm moving to San Francisco in a few weeks to join the GameSpot team in the US. It's been a dream of mine for probably around six years and even thought this has been about a year in planning it's absolutely crazy to post this on here. It hasn't really sunk in. I just want to say thanks to everyone on GameSpot - the users and staff - for everything over the years. It is quite literally a dream come true, and it couldn't have happened without the support of a hell of a lot of people over the course of years. Everyone who followed my user blog, to the GameSpot friends who ran Citizen Game with me, to the thousands who watch my dumb shows and made this move possible.

I'm incredibly humbled. I'm so fucking excited too.

Man, life is really weird.

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New Site. New Blog

by dannyodwyer on October 9, 2013 Comments

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So I better keep a picture of when it all began.

Next week on Random Encounter....

by dannyodwyer on July 29, 2013 Comments

It's time.....to go back to school.

Dear Dwyery - Comic-Con, Ryan Davis and Questions

by dannyodwyer on July 17, 2013 Comments

Jet-lagged in San Diego so talking about Comic-Con, the untimely passing of Ryan Davis and answering questions about beers, F1 and potatoes! You guys gonna watch our Comic-Con coverage, or is it not your cup of tea?

Ryan's words of support

by dannyodwyer on July 9, 2013 Comments

Ryan sent me this when CBSi Games staff were informed I was coming to the states for a while.
Made me smile then, as it does now.


As a distant fan, I feel privileged to have met him. He really was as hard edged and soft centred as you'd imagine. I have nothing but thanks for him, for being so kind and supportive to me over the years. I mourn the fact that I didn't get to know him well, but really it's a testament to the man that so many feel the loss, when so few had the pleasure of meeting him.

King of the summerjams, best friend to thousands of strangers, may he rest in peace.

Delete Scenes from Russian EFMS

by dannyodwyer on June 20, 2013 Comments

With EFMS rounding up and my lack of shows recently due to E3, I thought it was worth unearthing some deleted scenes from our infamous secret Russian tank adventure.

Apologies in advance.

Dear Dwyery - E3 Behind The Lines

by dannyodwyer on June 18, 2013 Comments

E3 was great and exausting. Too tired to write up stuff, so here is a video thing about some info and stuff that maybe didn't make it onto the livestreams. Thanks for watching E3 folks - we had record numbers and amazing feedback all week. Really proud to be part of it. Also some questions:

Q: What was your your favourite game of E3?

EFMS RIP! Well, sort of...

by dannyodwyer on June 8, 2013 Comments

This week on my YouTube thing 'Dear Dwyery' I talk about the future of EFMS (it's gone in name but still around, also new show) living in San Francisco for a month, and the titan that is GameSpot @ E3.

If you have any questions or feedback on all this shoot them in comments and I'll get back to you.

We all looking forward to E3? I've just landed at our hotel and the buzz is starting to get hold of me. Spending tonight working on research for Stage Two which I'll be presenting. By the way, the full schedule is now available at e3.gamespot.com

Twitter: @dannyodwyer
Tumblr: dannyodwyer.tumblr.com/

Used Games Are Good!

by dannyodwyer on May 29, 2013 Comments

I've started doing some random thought-spouting on YouTube while I wait for to do something more formulaic on GameSpot. In this one I give some thoughts around the benefits of used games sales and why I distrust Microsoft.

What you guys think?
Do you buy used games knowing that you'll trade them in?
Have you bought a newly released game used to save a few bucks?
On a scale from 1-10 how crap is my beard?