Affinity » GateWorld (original) (raw)

Summary | Analysis | Notes | Production | Transcript | In the Making | Review

Teal'c becomes the chief suspect in a murder investigation after he moves into an apartment off-base. Carter considers her future with Pete.



DVD DISC: Season 8, Disc 2

WRITTEN BY: Peter DeLuise
DIRECTED BY: Peter DeLuise
GUEST STARS: David DeLuise (Pete Shanahan), Erica Durance (Krista James), Derek Hamilton (Doug McNair), Gary Jones (Walter Harriman), Lucas Wolf (Jennings), Peter Bryant (Hoskins), Michael Rogers (Col. Richard Kendrick), Christopher Attadia (Eric), Benita Ha (Brooks), Rob Hayter (Sergeant), Adrian Hughes (Paul), Brad Sihvon (Joe), Kate Mitchell (Purse Woman), Judith Berlin (Mrs. Conners), Brad Kelly (Thug Friend #1), Sean Millington (Thug Friend #2)


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Teal'c has become quite the local hero in Colorado Springs. Having recently acquired an apartment, he has felt obligated to intervene in minor local disputes as a law-abiding citizen, giving him far more popularity among the locals than perhaps needs to be drawn to him. Colonel Richard Kendrick and the entire National Security Administration is more than concerned.

O'Neill sends Daniel to discuss the matter with the Jaffa. Now that he no longer carries a symbiote, Teal'c is able to more easily blend in, but helping others in need is not really permitting him to keep a low profile. In the midst of their discussion, Teal'c's next-door neighbor Krista invades with a pack of cookies as a bribe to help with some pipes in her apartment. She is introduced to Daniel, who says as he departs, that plumbing is an exception to the rules of noninterference.

Sam and Pete ("Chimera") have lunch in a park in the city, where he informs her that he's put in a transfer to the Colorado Springs Police Department. Assuring her that, in his love for her, he's never been more certain of anything, he pulls out a small box and reveals its contents. Inside is an engagement ring.

As Teal'c and Krista bring home groceries and discuss plans for lasagna, a young man snatches a woman's purse. Teal'c's friend Eric encourages the Jaffa to intervene, and in the last second he tosses an avocado hundreds of feet through the air, hitting the thief squarely in the head. As Teal'c receives congratulations for another crime diverted, someone snaps images of him from a nearby building ...

In the night Teal'c overhears a man beating on Krista's door. He discovers it to be Doug, her boyfriend, who is clearly intoxicated. After an exchange of threats, Doug departs, promising to call her tomorrow. Later, after another fight, she decides to break off her relationship, and asks Teal'c to teach her lok'nel, an ancient form of martial arts training that she has found him practicing. After a period of tremendous progress on her part, she suddenly stops the sessions. Teal'c finds bruises on her arm, and soon learns she is seeing Doug again. Teal'c promises Doug that if he ever harms Krista again he will die at Teal'c's hands.

After two weeks Carter still has not said "Yes" to Pete's proposal. She discusses the situation with Jack, who assures her that plenty on-base personnel have families. When she asks him if things had turned out differently, he gives her a definitive answer. "I wouldn't be here."

Later, Carter joins Daniel in his lab. O'Neill has just got off the phone with Colonel Kendrick, who reports that Krista's boyfriend has been found dead in her apartment, and evidence is pointing to Teal'c as the murderer. To make matters worse, both he and Krista are missing. Teal'c is currently wanted for kidnapping and murder.

Krista and Teal'c are indeed on the run, but Teal'c only believes she wishes to be free of the city for a few days, not knowing Doug is dead. When he realizes they are being followed, he loses them with some bad driving, taking Krista to a motel for the night. When he wakes up, she is not to be found, and multiple guards at his door return him to Stargate Command. Colonel Kendrick says they received an anonymous tip on his location. Meanwhile, Dr. Jackson gets a phone call and a message in the Ancient language. The individual on the other end has footage that proves Teal'c did not kill Doug, but Jackson must translate the Ancient into Goa'uld before receiving the tape.

Pete and Sam upturn Krista's department and discover evidence that Teal'c was framed –- the body appears to have been deliberately moved to support this. Across the street they discover evidence that there was a stakeout monitoring the two apartments. A local pizza place reports a Caucasian male ordered out over half a dozen times. Pete begins to run a check on the license plate from the restaurants surveillance footage. He learns the social security number and credit cards used to obtain the car were from a man who died six months ago, and now intends to check and see if the rental company has satellite tracking for the automobile.

Meanwhile, Daniel has gone missing. He is taken to a warehouse where an entire former-N.I.D. cell is operating. They have also captured Krista. Daniel learns Krista killed Doug, but in self defense, and nothing would have happened if she hadn't learned the Jaffa technique for crushing a wind pipe. The operatives saw an opportunity and took advantage of it.

Threatening to kill Krista, Daniel is forced to translate the Ancient into Goa'uld. The operatives transmit the data, wipe the hard drives and zat the two unconscious. Just before Sam, Pete and military units enter, the rogue group escapes using Asgard beaming technology.

After the cleanup team finds little of value, Sam says Yes to Pete's engagement proposal, and the two embrace.

Teal'c has decided to move out of his apartment, despite the fact that most of the incident was Krista's fault. With National Security pressuring him and his easy-to-spot oddities, he feels it will be for the best. He says goodbye to Krista and Eric and drives off.

- D. Read

(Read more on this episode "In the Making ..." by Joseph Mallozzi)