Downloads: Open Graph Protocol [OGP] Plugin v1.2.2 (original) (raw)

The OGP (Open Graph Protocol) plugin for Geeklog allows you to output og: tags for SNS like Facebook.

The plugin allows you to display Facebook Like buttons and/or Facebook comments in your articles, static pages, calendar events, link categories, poll items and download files. You can set the kinds of contents in which to show Facebook Like button and/or Facebook comments in Configuration.

Plugin Requirements:
- Geeklog v1.6.0 or higher
- PHP v5.6.4 or higher (including PHP v8.1)
- MySQL 4.1 or higher

New Features, Improvements, and Bug Fixes:
- [Improvement] Support for Geeklog 2.2.2 and PHP 8.1
- [Bug] OGP getimagesize errors can cause 403 errors

For a complete list of closed issues and features for this version see: