Geograph:: SZ3496 :: Browse 32 Images (original) (raw)

Grid reference SZ343964

near to Portmore, Hampshire, England


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SZ3496 : The Solent Way (62) by Shazz The Solent Way (62) by Shazz Upon reaching Baddesey Road the Way goes straight over along Shotts Lane. This cuts out about a mile and a half of road walking on the original route. I don't know when the change took place but my 2001 map book shows the original route.
SZ3496 : New Forest lane by Oliver Dixon New Forest lane by Oliver Dixon The road from South Baddesley to Portmore. A small pond lies opposite the entrance to Newtown Park.
SZ3496 : Shotts Copse, Lymington (set of 3 images) by Bryn Holmes Shotts Copse, Lymington (set of 3 images) by Bryn Holmes
SZ3496 : Grazing and trees, South Baddesley  by JThomas Grazing and trees, South Baddesley by JThomas
SZ3496 : Footpath South of Shotts Copse by Pierre Terre Footpath South of Shotts Copse by Pierre Terre The Solent Way crosses a track to Pylewell Park.
SZ3496 : Track and hangar at former RAF Lymington by David Martin Track and hangar at former RAF Lymington by David Martin
SZ3496 : Newtown Park, airstrip by Mike Faherty Newtown Park, airstrip by Mike Faherty Off Shotts Lane, on the Solent Way. According to an information board, the site of Lymington Airfield, home to the American 50th Fighter Group, flying sorties to France before D-Day; restored to farmland in 1946, and now an airstrip for... (more)
SZ3496 : Gatehouse on corner of Shotts Lane by Peter Facey Gatehouse on corner of Shotts Lane by Peter Facey This impressive entrance and gatehouse leads nowhere. However, on seeing the layout of the defunct Lymington Airfield (SZ3496 : Plaque about Lymington Airfield 1940s) it seems likely this gatehouse originally led to Pylewell House to the southeast but that the drive was... (more)
SZ3496 : Shotts Lane beside Shotts Copse by Stuart Logan Shotts Lane beside Shotts Copse by Stuart Logan
SZ3496 : Plaque about Lymington Airfield 1940s by Peter Facey Plaque about Lymington Airfield 1940s by Peter Facey This plaque is at the eastern end of the byway from Snooks Farm, a few hundred yards south of the blister hangar shown in SZ3496 : Remains of Lymington Airfield, Snooks Farm.
SZ3496 : Grass airstrip on site of former RAF Lymington by David Martin Grass airstrip on site of former RAF Lymington by David Martin
SZ3496 : Gateway to Newtown Park by Oliver Dixon Gateway to Newtown Park by Oliver Dixon On the road from South Baddesley to Portmore. The big house can just be seen at the end of the drive.

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