Geograph:: Red Bridge © Richard Croft cc-by-sa/2.0 (original) (raw)

taken 18 years ago, near to Helpringham, Lincolnshire, England

Red Bridge

Red Bridge

Red Bridge over Helpringham Eau and St.Andrew's church beyond.

TIP: Click the map for more Large scale mapping

Grid Square

TF1441, 31 images (more nearby 🔍)


Richard Croft (more nearby)

Date Taken

Wednesday, 7 June, 2006 (more nearby)


Wednesday, 7 June, 2006

Subject Location

OSGB36: geotagged! [TF 142 410](/gridref/TF 142 410/links) [100m precision]
WGS84: 52:57.2538N 0:18.0931W

Camera Location

OSGB36: geotagged! [TF 142 411](/gridref/TF 142 411/links)

View Direction

South-southwest (about 202 degrees)

Clickable map


Image classification(about): Geograph

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