GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (original) (raw)

ISSP Research Group (2020). International Social Survey Programme: Religion IV - ISSP 2018. GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA7570 Data file Version 2.1.0,

Note 1
The data file from Tunisia is not included in the integrated file due to methodological problems (quota sampling), but is separately available for download under the study number ZA7629.

Note 2
Also, the data from Estonia have now been published separately under the study number ZA7774, because relevant parts of the documentation are missing, in particular methodological information.

Note 3
The data file from Venezuela is not yet included in the integrated file because due to the pandemic situation it was not possible to clarify the open questions with the country's PI before the publication of the final release for this module (v2-1-0). This data is currently available separately for download under the study number ZA5522.

International Journal of Sociology (Vol.51, Iss.5, 2021). The ISSP Modules on Religion 1991-2018.