The Bird Catchers | Goblen ART (original) (raw)

Henk Schrevel, Director at TOPART Gallery - Neamt, ROMANIA Dec 12, 2003

Henk Schrevel

We herewith declare that in the month of November 2002 we arranged in our gallery an exposition of the tapestries made by Mrs. Elena Zidaru of Piatra Neamt. The works are made in a very meticulous way. The fine needlework impressed the public and got a good press in the regional papers and television-stations. Mrs Elena Zidaru can be seen as an outstanding example in this decorative art very popular in this part of Romania

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Lucian Strochi, Director at Neamt Conty Culture Directorate - Neamt, ROMANIA May 22, 2002

Lucian Strochi

Director at Neamt Conty Culture Directorate - Neamt, ROMANIA

Mrs. Elena Zidaru art works, realised in Gobelin tapestry, are impressive through flawless execution, careful choice of subjects (mostly French impressionists: Renoir, Rodin, English landscape artists: Turner, Constable, Dutch and Japanese scenery reminding of Hocusai Utamaro, Hiroshige). There is a lot of romanticism and lyricism in Mrs. Elena Zidaru's Gobelin tapestry, but these "jewels" show a lot of lucidity too.

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Mihaela Ciobanu, Curator at The art museum of Roman - Neamt, ROMANIA Mar 16, 2007

Mihaela Ciobanu

Curator at The art museum of Roman - Neamt, ROMANIA

In exhibitional activity of Art Museum of Roman, in 2007, featured a personal gobelins exhibition of Mrs. Elena Zidaru, president of The Gobelin and Handicraft Art Association in Romania. The exhibition was opened in March, being varnished on March 8 by the personalities of cultural life of Roman city, participating in the event a numerous public, loving beautiful.

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Valentin Ciuca, Art critic - Iasi, ROMANIA Oct 01, 2010

Valentin Ciuca

Art critic - Iasi, ROMANIA

Subliniez doar din nevoie estetica aceasta capacitate de a vizualiza si de a transfigura in materie textila niste visuri, niste dimensiuni ale plenitudii omului, cel care a descoperit frumusetea atat in afara lui cat si in propria lui fiinta. Doamna Elena Zidaru are o cultura plastica cu totul remarcabila este interesata indeosebi de valorile renasterii pe care le transfigureaza in dimensiunea textila in goblen o arta extrem de minutioasa care presupune ora in sir ca sa poti rezolva un centimetru.

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Onofrio Paccione, Master art director - New York, USA May 15, 2014

Onofrio Paccione

Master art director, official portrait photographer to two United States Presidents, Nixon and Carter - New York, USA

Excellent! I think that your work with all your fabric of colors is much more difficult than what i do with oil paints and brushes. You are a very talented artist. Dear Elena it's difficult to tell a master what next to do. Just follow your feelings!

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