Jrohde’s books on Goodreads (227 books) (original) (raw)

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| | # | cover | title | author | isbn | isbn13 | asin | pages | rating | ratings | pub | (ed.) | rating | my rating | review | notes | | comments | votes | count | started | read | addedDown arrow | | owned | | | format | | | -------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------- | -------------------- | --------------- | ---------------- | --------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----- | ---------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | | ------ | | | checkbox | position | cover Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers | title Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers | author Scholz, Dr Mark | isbn 1590513851 | isbn13 9781590513859 | asin B006L62XQQ | num pages 388pp | avg rating 4.30 | num ratings 76 | date pub Jan 01, 2010 | date pub edition Aug 24, 2010 | Jrohde's rating it was amazing | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review I read this after my brother had an elevated PSA and got some alarming statements from docs. As I already suspected, this test is very variable alone I read this after my brother had an elevated PSA and got some alarming statements from docs. As I already suspected, this test is very variable alone and the variability of prostate disease quite remarkable, and usually pretty benign. It is well written, though I must say, the doctor was more impressive than the patient Mark, who seemed to shop around at every possible therapy - no wonder Medicare is broke!Useful, rather essential read for men with an elevated PSA>Merged review:I read this after my brother had an elevated PSA and got some alarming statements from docs. As I already suspected, this test is very variable alone and the variability of prostate disease quite remarkable, and usually pretty benign. It is well written, though I must say, the doctor was more impressive than the patient Mark, who seemed to shop around at every possible therapy - no wonder Medicare is broke!Useful, rather essential read for men with an elevated PSA> ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 2 | date started not set not set | date read May 26, 2011 not set | date added Sep 27, 2024 | owned | format Kindle Edition | actions view (with text) | | | | | checkbox | position | cover The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness | title The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness | author Alexander, Michelle | isbn | isbn13 | asin | num pages 290pp | avg rating 4.52 | num ratings 110,788 | date pub Jan 05, 2010 | date pub edition Jan 05, 2010 | Jrohde's rating really liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review a shocking expose of the US system now in place that has locked up 2 million blacks in long prison sentences as a new way to get them out of society. a shocking expose of the US system now in place that has locked up 2 million blacks in long prison sentences as a new way to get them out of society. a deeply disturbing and convincing treatise on the systematic way the right in the US has allied with poor whites to enact racially bviased laws on minor drugs to 'put them away for life' - some 7.5 million black now in prison or on parole and unable to have access to govt programs, cannot get jobs because they have a record, and have no hope. one more incredible example of how the land of the free has continued to exploit and enslave. the book is well researched and documented but no fun to read. it made me squirm and feel outraged. ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 1 | # times read 1 | date started not set | date read Apr 28, 2012 | date added Apr 28, 2012 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view (with text) | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Typee | title Typee | author Melville, Herman | isbn 0451510380 | isbn13 9780451510389 | asin 0451510380 | num pages 0pp | avg rating 3.56 | num ratings 5,671 | date pub 1846 | date pub edition Aug 01, 1964 | Jrohde's rating it was amazing | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review a classic! wonderful description of South Seas where Melville who abandoned ship after fed up on an American whaler fled into the jungles and lived wi a classic! wonderful description of South Seas where Melville who abandoned ship after fed up on an American whaler fled into the jungles and lived with the supposedly cannibalistic people of Typee. very factual, often highly biased (savages, pagans....) but appreciative of the beauty of their simple and largely peaceful life. well worth the read to imagine how things once were before civilisation messed it all up! ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 1 | # times read 1 | date started not set | date read Apr 28, 2012 | date added Apr 28, 2012 | owned | format Mass Market Paperback | actions view (with text) | | | | | checkbox | position | cover The Short American Century: A Postmortem | title The Short American Century: A Postmortem | author Bacevich, Andrew J. | isbn 0674064453 | isbn13 9780674064454 | asin 0674064453 | num pages 296pp | avg rating 3.84 | num ratings 79 | date pub Mar 19, 2012 | date pub edition Mar 19, 2012 | Jrohde's rating really liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review some excellent pieces - not yet finished but will be very worth while. at least a 4 - more later | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Apr 28, 2012 | date read not set | date added Apr 28, 2012 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view (with text) | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Brain Trust: The Hidden Connection Between Mad Cow and Misdiagnosed Alzheimer's Disease | title Brain Trust: The Hidden Connection Between Mad Cow and Misdiagnosed Alzheimer's Disease | author Kelleher, Colm A. | isbn 0743499352 | isbn13 9780743499354 | asin 0743499352 | num pages 320pp | avg rating 4.07 | num ratings 58 | date pub Oct 19, 2004 | date pub edition Oct 19, 2004 | Jrohde's rating did not like it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review this book given to be by an acquaintance asking my opinion - it is BULL SHIT in its conspiracy theories around prion diseases (kuru, scrapie, mad cow this book given to be by an acquaintance asking my opinion - it is BULL SHIT in its conspiracy theories around prion diseases (kuru, scrapie, mad cow disease) - turns out the author, when googled, was part of a spacey research group into paranormal events (UFOs and other miracles) his institute has gone belly up. not worth the time though the info in the first 9 chapters is accurate and informative about the lead up to the recongnition of BSE (mad cow). dont waste your time - there are better accounts without the conspiracy! ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 1 | # times read 1 | date started not set | date read Apr 28, 2012 | date added Apr 28, 2012 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view (with text) | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Victory | title Victory | author Conrad, Joseph | isbn 0140189785 | isbn13 9780140189780 | asin 0140189785 | num pages 410pp | avg rating 3.84 | num ratings 4,035 | date pub 1915 | date pub edition Nov 01, 1995 | Jrohde's rating it was amazing | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review another of Conrad that I have read and enjoyed before. a tragic tale of a wonderful set of people who might have lived that idylic life on a tropical another of Conrad that I have read and enjoyed before. a tragic tale of a wonderful set of people who might have lived that idylic life on a tropical isle away from all the corruption of society but victimised by greed and jealousy of a horrid hotel keeper in Surabaya and a wicked soldier of fortune who comes to their island convinced that they have money (which they dont). Conrad is a master of character and environment and the tragedy that afflicts many of higher motives yet not left alone to do good. One of my favorites. ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started not set | date read Apr 2012 | date added Apr 28, 2012 | owned | format Paperback | actions view (with text) | | | | | checkbox | position | cover The Rescue | title The Rescue | author Conrad, Joseph | isbn 142640431X | isbn13 9781426404313 | asin 142640431X | num pages 348pp | avg rating 3.68 | num ratings 361 | date pub 1920 | date pub edition Aug 21, 2006 | Jrohde's rating it was amazing | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review my favorite of Conrad - I relate to Lindgard somehow, the independent captain of a lovely brig and admirer of a young heroic deposed chief in the jung my favorite of Conrad - I relate to Lindgard somehow, the independent captain of a lovely brig and admirer of a young heroic deposed chief in the jungles of Borneo. his life work of replacing this man back on his throne is abruptly interrupted by the appearance of an English 'yacht' grounded at the mouth of the river where he is mounting his native force to retake the throne/power for his friend. he relates to the woman on the yacht as a fellow European and is unable to seperate himself from her fate and that of her detested and smug husband. his life goal is frustrated in rescuing her and her husband from the tribes leaving him to sail away having reneged on his promises and self esteem. the characters are amazing and the setting so reminiscent of my time in Indonesia. I always wanted to be a Tom Lingard - and realise I would have made his choice as well. great read! ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started not set | date read Mar 28, 2012 | date added Apr 28, 2012 | owned | format Paperback | actions view (with text) | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Lord Jim | title Lord Jim | author Conrad, Joseph | isbn 1551111721 | isbn13 9781551111728 | asin 1551111721 | num pages 455pp | avg rating 3.62 | num ratings 31,615 | date pub 1900 | date pub edition Nov 07, 2000 | Jrohde's rating it was amazing | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review re read for the third time - a masterful piece of writing in its description of human frailty and effort to live with mistakes of the past. the descri re read for the third time - a masterful piece of writing in its description of human frailty and effort to live with mistakes of the past. the descriptions of people and places is wonderful yet the over all effect is classically tragic. this stimulated me to get the entire works of Conrad which I am enjoying, one at a time. what a fantastic and rare writer. ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started not set | date read Feb 28, 2012 | date added Apr 28, 2012 | owned | format Paperback | actions view (with text) | | | | | checkbox | position | cover The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World | title The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World | author Yergin, Daniel | isbn 1594202834 | isbn13 9781594202834 | asin 1594202834 | num pages 805pp | avg rating 4.14 | num ratings 4,919 | date pub Jan 01, 2011 | date pub edition Sep 20, 2011 | Jrohde's rating really liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review a well researched and comprehensive review of the entire energy sector. very factual yet readable and convincing - I would say a conservative view, ye a well researched and comprehensive review of the entire energy sector. very factual yet readable and convincing - I would say a conservative view, yet realistic that predicts carbon fuels well into the future - 80% in 2030 - deals with wind, solar, improved efficiency, new vehicles and a host of other options but in the end rather likely that not much will change. though he recognises that there is much pressure to change away from carbon, sees liottle liklihood that will happen very fast. at 800 pages, too long but then, it is interesting. ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started not set | date read Apr 28, 2012 | date added Apr 28, 2012 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view (with text) | | | | | checkbox | position | cover The Darwin Economy: Liberty, Competition, and the Common Good | title The Darwin Economy: Liberty, Competition, and the Common Good | author Frank, Robert H. | isbn 0691153191 | isbn13 9780691153193 | asin 0691153191 | num pages 240pp | avg rating 3.77 | num ratings 614 | date pub Aug 11, 2011 | date pub edition Jan 01, 2011 | Jrohde's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Dec 31, 2011 | date read not set | date added Dec 31, 2011 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Dismantling the Empire: America's Last Best Hope (American Empire Project) | title Dismantling the Empire: America's Last Best Hope | author Johnson, Chalmers | isbn 0805093036 | isbn13 9780805093032 | asin 0805093036 | num pages 224pp | avg rating 3.96 | num ratings 404 | date pub Aug 01, 2010 | date pub edition Aug 17, 2010 | Jrohde's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Dec 31, 2011 | date read not set | date added Dec 31, 2011 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover The Spirit Level Delusion: Fact-Checking the Left's New Theory of Everything | title The Spirit Level Delusion: Fact-Checking the Left's New Theory of Everything | author Snowdon, Christopher | isbn 0956226515 | isbn13 9780956226518 | asin 0956226515 | num pages 172pp | avg rating 3.47 | num ratings 64 | date pub May 10, 2010 | date pub edition May 10, 2010 | Jrohde's rating liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review This critique of The Spirit Level, while clearly politically motivated by the right, has some strong points that I feel Wilkinson has not addressed an This critique of The Spirit Level, while clearly politically motivated by the right, has some strong points that I feel Wilkinson has not addressed and makes the entire idea of inequality as the answer to everything in society quite unconvincing. Well worth reading this along with the other ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 1 | # times read 1 | date started not set | date read Dec 31, 2011 | date added Dec 31, 2011 | owned | format Paperback | actions view (with text) | | | | | checkbox | position | cover The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger | title The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger | author Wilkinson, Richard G. | isbn 1452635056 | isbn13 9781452635057 | asin 1452635056 | num pages 0pp | avg rating 4.13 | num ratings 6,849 | date pub Dec 22, 2009 | date pub edition Nov 21, 2011 | Jrohde's rating liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review I am still wrestling with my reaction to this book which has gained a great deal of attention in the UK, World Bank and UN - basically, it claims to s I am still wrestling with my reaction to this book which has gained a great deal of attention in the UK, World Bank and UN - basically, it claims to show that above an income of $10,000, that life expectancy does not improve and that inequality in income in a country leads to a host of ills - virtually all ills we decry in society - crime, illness, obesity, unwed pregnancies, school drop outs, drugs..... It needs to be read with the companion book The Spirit Level Delusion and the various web site commentaries. Basically, I think this analysis is too simplistic, using only single linear regressions analysis that tries to attribute anything to one measure of inequality. the critical reviews point out that the author 'cherry picks' countries to include or exclude and by throwing out a single point, can affect the slope of the curve - most if it shows random distribution to my analysis.see my review of the delusion if you decide to read this one ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started not set | date read Dec 31, 2011 | date added Dec 31, 2011 | owned | format Audio CD | actions view (with text) | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Rough Winds: Extreme Weather and Climate Change | title Rough Winds: Extreme Weather and Climate Change | author Powell, James Lawrence | isbn | isbn13 | asin B005LYTHZO | num pages 47pp | avg rating 3.79 | num ratings 81 | date pub Sep 09, 2011 | date pub edition Sep 09, 2011 | Jrohde's rating really liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review a well written description of the climate change scenario as it is happening under us. pretty convincing tale of the mess we are in and the inevitable a well written description of the climate change scenario as it is happening under us. pretty convincing tale of the mess we are in and the inevitable challenges of a future where the worst polluters maintain denial out of greed more than science. ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started not set | date read Dec 31, 2011 | date added Dec 31, 2011 | owned | format Kindle Edition | actions view (with text) | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq | title Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq | author Kinzer, Stephen | isbn 0805082409 | isbn13 9780805082401 | asin B00A2QRZDC | num pages 384pp | avg rating 4.16 | num ratings 4,320 | date pub Apr 04, 2006 | date pub edition Feb 06, 2007 | Jrohde's rating really liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review a good documentation of the numerous adventures of the US in the past 100 years that have overthrown regimes in other countries, many democratically e a good documentation of the numerous adventures of the US in the past 100 years that have overthrown regimes in other countries, many democratically elected. Sobering but no surprises - well written ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started not set | date read Dec 31, 2011 | date added Dec 31, 2011 | owned | format Paperback | actions view (with text) | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Roughing It | title Roughing It | author Twain, Mark | isbn 0743436504 | isbn13 9780743436502 | asin 0743436504 | num pages 560pp | avg rating 3.87 | num ratings 9,693 | date pub Feb 1872 | date pub edition Apr 29, 2003 | Jrohde's rating really liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started not set | date read not set | date added Dec 31, 2011 | owned | format Mass Market Paperback | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover A City Imagined | title A City Imagined | author Watson, Stephen | isbn 0143024736 | isbn13 9780143024736 | asin 0143024736 | num pages 224pp | avg rating 3.64 | num ratings 22 | date pub Aug 12, 2009 | date pub edition Aug 12, 2009 | Jrohde's rating liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review a set of short essays, some quite evocative about Cape Town, some not worth reading (2 written by gays who delve into the sordid side of the city that a set of short essays, some quite evocative about Cape Town, some not worth reading (2 written by gays who delve into the sordid side of the city that I would prefer not to read about) others quite touching and range from impressions of the scenery to the poverty on the flats. Probably good for those of us who live here. ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started not set | date read Dec 31, 2011 | date added Dec 31, 2011 | owned | format Paperback | actions view (with text) | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Nebraska Moments | title Nebraska Moments | author Hickey, Donald R. | isbn 0803260393 | isbn13 9780803260399 | asin 0803260393 | num pages 428pp | avg rating 4.00 | num ratings 19 | date pub Oct 01, 1992 | date pub edition Dec 01, 2007 | Jrohde's rating liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review a well written history of Nebraska state - full of interesting tales of the early settlers, Indian heroes, political figures, authors, and the feature a well written history of Nebraska state - full of interesting tales of the early settlers, Indian heroes, political figures, authors, and the features of a very stalwart and typical mid-American society. A gift from Matt's mother - worth reading if you have an interest in Nebraska for any reason ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started not set | date read Dec 31, 2011 | date added Dec 31, 2011 | owned | format Paperback | actions view (with text) | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Wuthering Heights | title Wuthering Heights | author Brontë, Emily | isbn | isbn13 | asin | num pages 464pp | avg rating 3.89 | num ratings 1,865,362 | date pub Dec 1847 | date pub edition 2002 | Jrohde's rating it was amazing | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review a classic once read but well worth the re-read. a chilling story of love and revenge - incredible portrayal of characters | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started not set | date read Dec 31, 2011 | date added Dec 31, 2011 | owned | format Paperback | actions view (with text) | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Ill Fares the Land | title Ill Fares the Land | author Judt, Tony | isbn 1594202761 | isbn13 9781594202766 | asin 1594202761 | num pages 237pp | avg rating 4.01 | num ratings 4,098 | date pub 2010 | date pub edition Mar 18, 2010 | Jrohde's rating really liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review A well written analysis of the current state of politics in the US and UK, with articulate critique of the greed and money that has taken over and the A well written analysis of the current state of politics in the US and UK, with articulate critique of the greed and money that has taken over and the non-responsiveness to social and democratic concerns. He concludes with a strong endorcement of the need for social democracy and states that socialism has obtained such a pejorative (in spite of it being the system that is needed) that is is better to accept a name change and go for it.a present from Rick for Christmas - well worth the read. ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started not set | date read Dec 31, 2011 | date added Dec 31, 2011 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view (with text) | | | |

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