Larissa’s books on Goodreads (1,567 books) (original) (raw)

Top Horror from the Past Five Years


| | # | cover | title | author | isbn | isbn13 | asin | pages | rating | ratings | pub | (ed.) | rating | my rating | review | notes | | comments | votes | count | started | read | addedDown arrow | | owned | | | format | | | -------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- | -------------------- | --------------- | ---------------- | --------------- | ------------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- | ------------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----- | ---------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | | ------ | | | checkbox | position | cover Death at the Sign of the Rook (Jackson Brodie, #6) | title Death at the Sign of the Rook(Jackson Brodie, #6) | author Atkinson, Kate | isbn 0385547994 | isbn13 9780385547994 | asin 0385547994 | num pages 320pp | avg rating 3.94 | num ratings 3,933 | date pub Aug 17, 2024 | date pub edition Sep 03, 2024 | Larissa's rating really liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 1 | # times read 1 | date started Sep 16, 2024 | date read Sep 24, 2024 | date added Sep 24, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Say Yes to the Marquess (Castles Ever After, #2) | title Say Yes to the Marquess(Castles Ever After, #2) | author Dare, Tessa * | isbn 006224020X | isbn13 9780062240200 | asin 006224020X | num pages 374pp | avg rating 3.82 | num ratings 25,151 | date pub Dec 30, 2014 | date pub edition Dec 30, 2014 | Larissa's rating liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Sep 05, 2024 | date read Sep 05, 2024 | date added Sep 06, 2024 | owned | format Mass Market Paperback | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Duft - söfnuður fallega fólksins | title Duft - söfnuður fallega fólksins | author Snæbjörnsdóttir, Bergþóra | isbn | isbn13 9789935321480 | asin | num pages 345pp | avg rating 4.00 | num ratings 447 | date pub 2023 | date pub edition Nov 02, 2023 | Larissa's rating it was amazing | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started not set | date read Sep 06, 2024 | date added Sep 06, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover When a Scot Ties the Knot (Castles Ever After, #3) | title When a Scot Ties the Knot(Castles Ever After, #3) | author Dare, Tessa * | isbn 0062349031 | isbn13 9780062349033 | asin B07H549V3D | num pages 0pp | avg rating 3.92 | num ratings 41,525 | date pub Aug 25, 2015 | date pub edition Aug 25, 2015 | Larissa's rating really liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Sep 02, 2024 | date read Sep 02, 2024 | date added Sep 03, 2024 | owned | format ebook | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Foster | title Foster | author Keegan, Claire | isbn 0802160158 | isbn13 9780802160157 | asin B0B15LS4MR | num pages 128pp | avg rating 4.33 | num ratings 100,475 | date pub Feb 2010 | date pub edition Nov 01, 2022 | Larissa's rating it was amazing | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 1 | # times read 1 | date started Aug 23, 2024 | date read Aug 23, 2024 | date added Aug 22, 2024 | owned | format Kindle Edition | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Old Fashioned Superstition | title Old Fashioned Superstition | author Tjhung, Jensen | isbn | isbn13 | asin | num pages 131pp | avg rating 3.83 | num ratings 6 | date pub unknown | date pub edition 2020 | Larissa's rating really liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Aug 04, 2024 | date read Aug 04, 2024 | date added Aug 05, 2024 | owned | format Paperback | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Open Throat | title Open Throat | author Hoke, Henry * | isbn 1250335809 | isbn13 9781250335807 | asin 1250335809 | num pages 176pp | avg rating 4.01 | num ratings 11,763 | date pub Jun 06, 2023 | date pub edition Jun 04, 2024 | Larissa's rating it was amazing | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Jun 26, 2024 | date read Jun 26, 2024 | date added Jun 26, 2024 | owned | format Paperback | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Gone to the Wolves | title Gone to the Wolves | author Wray, John | isbn 0374603332 | isbn13 9780374603335 | asin 0374603332 | num pages 400pp | avg rating 3.55 | num ratings 956 | date pub May 02, 2023 | date pub edition May 02, 2023 | Larissa's rating really liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 1 | # times read 1 | date started Jul 10, 2024 | date read Aug 10, 2024 | date added May 21, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Love Junkie | title Love Junkie | author Plunket, Robert | isbn 0060922265 | isbn13 9780060922269 | asin 0060922265 | num pages 256pp | avg rating 3.69 | num ratings 411 | date pub Apr 01, 1992 | date pub edition Jan 01, 1993 | Larissa's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 0 | date started not set | date read not set | date added May 21, 2024 | owned | format Paperback | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover My Last Supper: One Meal, a Lifetime in the Making | title My Last Supper: One Meal, a Lifetime in the Making | author Rayner, Jay | isbn 1783351489 | isbn13 9781783351480 | asin B07RZVTL2Z | num pages 315pp | avg rating 4.12 | num ratings 886 | date pub Sep 05, 2019 | date pub edition Sep 03, 2019 | Larissa's rating really liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Mar 14, 2024 | date read Mar 24, 2024 | date added Apr 25, 2024 | owned | format Kindle Edition | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Herostories | title Herostories | author Tómasdóttir, Kristín Svava | isbn 1646052285 | isbn13 9781646052288 | asin 1646052285 | num pages 162pp | avg rating 4.34 | num ratings 58 | date pub unknown | date pub edition Nov 29, 2022 | Larissa's rating really liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Apr 20, 2024 | date read Apr 20, 2024 | date added Apr 21, 2024 | owned | format Paperback | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Högni | title Högni | author Jónsdóttir, Auður | isbn 9935303063 | isbn13 9789935303066 | asin 9935303063 | num pages 220pp | avg rating 3.42 | num ratings 91 | date pub 2023 | date pub edition Oct 15, 2023 | Larissa's rating liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started not set | date read Mar 29, 2024 | date added Mar 28, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Ljóð fyrir klofið hjarta | title Ljóð fyrir klofið hjarta | author Cova, Helen | isbn | isbn13 9789935974815 | asin | num pages 55pp | avg rating 4.50 | num ratings 2 | date pub unknown | date pub edition Nov 10, 2023 | Larissa's rating it was amazing | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review Frá innganginum: „Megi þessar blaðsíður hrifsa þig til að fagna hæfileika ófullkomleikans, fagna ríkri fjölbreytni radda og taka þátt með okkur í endu Frá innganginum: „Megi þessar blaðsíður hrifsa þig til að fagna hæfileika ófullkomleikans, fagna ríkri fjölbreytni radda og taka þátt með okkur í endurskilgreiningu þess hvað það þýðir að vera íslenskur höfundur.“Mögnuð bók eftir mögnuðum rithöfundi sem hefur meira en skammtinn sinn af kjarki. Það er ekki auðvelt að berskjalda sig eins og Helen hefur gert hér með því að skrifa á þriðju tungumálin hennar en líka með því að sýna okkur „mistök“ hennar — útgáfur ljóðanna í eigin ófullkominni íslensku, í eigin rithönd. En með því að vera svona gagnsær er Helen að sýna okkar alvöru og fersku (bókmennta)fegurð — hvað það heldur að skrifa ljóð í eigin sérstakri blöndun af íslensku og spænsku.Æðislegt og inspírað! Þessi ljóð vekja stolt og innblástur í að vera innflytjandi, að vera mælandi annars máls en móðurmáls, og að vera lesandi og þýðandi á tímum þar sem skáld eins og Helen eru að skrifa. Bókmenntalíf Íslands er að blómstra og hún er hluti af byltingunni. ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Mar 21, 2024 | date read Mar 23, 2024 | date added Mar 23, 2024 | owned | format Paperback | actions view (with text) | | | | | checkbox | position | cover The Book of Denial | title The Book of Denial | author Chávez Castañeda, Ricardo | isbn 1592703623 | isbn13 9781592703623 | asin 1592703623 | num pages 148pp | avg rating 3.36 | num ratings 55 | date pub unknown | date pub edition Jan 30, 2024 | Larissa's rating really liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Mar 22, 2024 | date read Mar 22, 2024 | date added Mar 22, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover The Possession | title The Possession | author Ernaux, Annie * | isbn 1644213559 | isbn13 9781644213551 | asin 1644213559 | num pages 64pp | avg rating 3.75 | num ratings 5,835 | date pub Sep 2002 | date pub edition Feb 09, 2023 | Larissa's rating liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Feb 18, 2024 | date read Feb 18, 2024 | date added Feb 18, 2024 | owned | format Paperback | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Pew | title Pew | author Lacey, Catherine * | isbn 1250798531 | isbn13 9781250798534 | asin 1250798531 | num pages 207pp | avg rating 3.70 | num ratings 11,391 | date pub Jul 21, 2020 | date pub edition Jul 20, 2021 | Larissa's rating it was amazing | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Feb 04, 2024 | date read Feb 07, 2024 | date added Feb 04, 2024 | owned | format Paperback | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Devil's Cub (Alastair-Audley, #2) | title Devil's Cub(Alastair-Audley, #2) | author Heyer, Georgette | isbn | isbn13 | asin | num pages 323pp | avg rating 4.23 | num ratings 16,610 | date pub 1932 | date pub edition Nov 01, 2009 | Larissa's rating liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Jan 19, 2024 | date read Jan 20, 2024 | date added Jan 21, 2024 | owned | format Kindle Edition | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Blood Sugar | title Blood Sugar | author Rothchild, Sascha * | isbn 0593331540 | isbn13 9780593331545 | asin 0593331540 | num pages 336pp | avg rating 3.88 | num ratings 22,221 | date pub Apr 19, 2022 | date pub edition Apr 19, 2022 | Larissa's rating liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Jan 02, 2024 | date read Jan 15, 2024 | date added Jan 14, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Orrustan um Renóru | title Orrustan um Renóru | author Sigurvinsdóttir, Kristín Björg * | isbn | isbn13 9789935541116 | asin | num pages 344pp | avg rating 4.64 | num ratings 33 | date pub Oct 25, 2023 | date pub edition Oct 25, 2023 | Larissa's rating really liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Dec 28, 2023 | date read Jan 05, 2024 | date added Jan 05, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Duke of Sin (Maiden Lane, #10) | title Duke of Sin(Maiden Lane, #10) | author Hoyt, Elizabeth * | isbn 1455539074 | isbn13 9781455539079 | asin B0196KYUJ6 | num pages 368pp | avg rating 3.98 | num ratings 9,147 | date pub May 31, 2016 | date pub edition May 31, 2016 | Larissa's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Dec 26, 2023 | date read Dec 27, 2023 | date added Dec 28, 2023 | owned | format Kindle Edition | actions view | | | |

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