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| | # | cover | title | author | isbn | isbn13 | asin | pages | rating | ratings | pub | (ed.) | rating | my rating | review | notes | | comments | votes | count | started | read | addedDown arrow | | owned | | | format | | | | | -------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- | -------------------- | --------------- | ---------------- | --------------- | ------------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------- | 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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------- | --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | | checkbox | position | cover In Ageless Sleep | title In Ageless Sleep | author Ellis, Arden | isbn 1620049929 | isbn13 9781620049921 | asin B06Y91XVMV | num pages 52pp | avg rating 3.86 | num ratings 120 | date pub Apr 10, 2017 | date pub edition Apr 12, 2017 | Elle's rating really liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review Reading novellas is a new trend for me, and it's one that's definitely yielded some good results. Every Heart A Doorway, The Devil You Know, and now t Reading novellas is a new trend for me, and it's one that's definitely yielded some good results. Every Heart A Doorway, The Devil You Know, and now this. In Ageless Sleep follows two girls on the opposite sides of a war. Mal is an agent from the Reaches on a mission to hijack a Sovereign spaceship. Aurora, or Rory, is the daughter of one of the Sovereign Kings and Mal's kidnapping target for this mission. The strength of this little book is undoubtedly the character work. Most of the chapters are narrated by Mal, who is just the right balance of badass and angsty. If her character had been written with less care, she could've come off as tropey. But no - her emotions feel completely real. Arden Ellis does an especially great job of conveying Mal's loneliness, which makes all her decisions feel understandable. Rory, too, feels relatable; she's built mostly through her differences and similarities to Mal. And here lies this book's second strength: foils. For those of you who don't know, foils are characters who contrast each other in order to highlight their mutual characteristics. I am totally obsessed with foils and especially relationship-building between two characters who act as foils. The romance between Rory and Mal really got to me and was built very well, even in so few pages. Their relationship is just that enemies-to-relucant-allies trope that I'm so obsessed with. I also really enjoyed the writing style!! There's just something I really appreciated about the atmosphere and way this was written. All the sentences feel very polished without being overdramatic. This not to say that this is a perfect novella. I thought the POV shifts felt particularly unpolished and needed to be edited. In general, I also thought this novella could've been thicker and had more scope. Arden Ellis went for a very small scope in this book, and that's fine; it just would be nice to see more out of this world. I've recently begun to appreciate novella series like Every Heart A Doorway, for example. It would be nice to see even more out of this world. Just saying, Arden Ellis, in case you're ever planning on writing more :)VERDICT: Check this out if you're a fan of character-driven scifi, novellas, and well-written f/f romance!! This was really fantastic and I can't wait to check out more by Ellis. Blog | Goodreads| Twitter | YoutubeMerged review:Reading novellas is a new trend for me, and it's one that's definitely yielded some good results. Every Heart A Doorway, The Devil You Know, and now this. In Ageless Sleep follows two girls on the opposite sides of a war. Mal is an agent from the Reaches on a mission to hijack a Sovereign spaceship. Aurora, or Rory, is the daughter of one of the Sovereign Kings and Mal's kidnapping target for this mission. The strength of this little book is undoubtedly the character work. Most of the chapters are narrated by Mal, who is just the right balance of badass and angsty. If her character had been written with less care, she could've come off as tropey. But no - her emotions feel completely real. Arden Ellis does an especially great job of conveying Mal's loneliness, which makes all her decisions feel understandable. Rory, too, feels relatable; she's built mostly through her differences and similarities to Mal. And here lies this book's second strength: foils. For those of you who don't know, foils are characters who contrast each other in order to highlight their mutual characteristics. I am totally obsessed with foils and especially relationship-building between two characters who act as foils. The romance between Rory and Mal really got to me and was built very well, even in so few pages. Their relationship is just that enemies-to-relucant-allies trope that I'm so obsessed with. I also really enjoyed the writing style!! There's just something I really appreciated about the atmosphere and way this was written. All the sentences feel very polished without being overdramatic. This not to say that this is a perfect novella. I thought the POV shifts felt particularly unpolished and needed to be edited. In general, I also thought this novella could've been thicker and had more scope. Arden Ellis went for a very small scope in this book, and that's fine; it just would be nice to see more out of this world. I've recently begun to appreciate novella series like Every Heart A Doorway, for example. It would be nice to see even more out of this world. Just saying, Arden Ellis, in case you're ever planning on writing more :)VERDICT: Check this out if you're a fan of character-driven scifi, novellas, and well-written f/f romance!! This was really fantastic and I can't wait to check out more by Ellis. Blog | Goodreads| Twitter | Youtube ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 2 | date started Jul 18, 2017 not set | date read Jul 18, 2017 not set | date added Sep 26, 2024 | owned | format ebook | actions view (with text) | | | | checkbox | position | cover Into the Gray | title Into the Gray | author Killjoy, Margaret * | isbn 1250198178 | isbn13 9781250198174 | asin B07BVN6B5J | num pages 22pp | avg rating 3.56 | num ratings 995 | date pub Apr 25, 2018 | date pub edition Apr 25, 2018 | Elle's rating really liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review This story is short fiction about a trans girl thief in love with a lady of the pond who kills men– but only the terrible ones. First of all, the writ This story is short fiction about a trans girl thief in love with a lady of the pond who kills men– but only the terrible ones. First of all, the writing is excellent, absolutely engrossing. This story is super atmospheric, which helped a lot. And also, the lead character is written quite well; I found it super easy to empathize with her. I will say I went into this expecting a romance, and it’s really… not? It’s more of a character arc & coming of age, but that element didn’t pop up till the end and felt like a bit of an abrupt change, so keep those expectations. This was excellent and I'd definitely recommend. You can read this for free hereBlog | Goodreads | Twitter | YoutubeMerged review:This story is short fiction about a trans girl thief in love with a lady of the pond who kills men– but only the terrible ones. First of all, the writing is excellent, absolutely engrossing. This story is super atmospheric, which helped a lot. And also, the lead character is written quite well; I found it super easy to empathize with her. I will say I went into this expecting a romance, and it’s really… not? It’s more of a character arc & coming of age, but that element didn’t pop up till the end and felt like a bit of an abrupt change, so keep those expectations. This was excellent and I'd definitely recommend. You can read this for free hereBlog | Goodreads | Twitter | Youtube ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Jun 16, 2018 | date read Jun 16, 2018 | date added Sep 23, 2024 | owned | format Kindle Edition | actions view (with text) | | checkbox | position | cover What Feasts at Night (Sworn Soldier, #2) | title What Feasts at Night(Sworn Soldier, #2) | author Kingfisher, T. | isbn 1250830850 | isbn13 9781250830852 | asin 1250830850 | num pages 147pp | avg rating 3.87 | num ratings 18,690 | date pub Feb 13, 2024 | date pub edition Feb 13, 2024 | Elle's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 0 | date started not set | date read not set | date added Sep 22, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Now Comes the Mist | title Now Comes the Mist | author Dao, Julie C. * | isbn 1039457460 | isbn13 9781039457461 | asin B0CTJMGYX5 | num pages 305pp | avg rating 4.43 | num ratings 14 | date pub unknown | date pub edition Oct 01, 2024 | Elle's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 1 | date started Sep 18, 2024 | date read not set | date added Sep 18, 2024 | owned | format Kindle Edition | actions view | | | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Monstrilio | title Monstrilio | author Sámano Córdova, Gerardo * | isbn 1638930368 | isbn13 9781638930365 | asin 1638930368 | num pages 336pp | avg rating 4.14 | num ratings 17,412 | date pub Mar 07, 2023 | date pub edition Mar 07, 2023 | Elle's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 0 | date started not set | date read not set | date added Sep 11, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Lucy Undying | title Lucy Undying | author White, Kiersten * | isbn 0593724402 | isbn13 9780593724408 | asin 0593724402 | num pages 464pp | avg rating 3.70 | num ratings 866 | date pub Sep 10, 2024 | date pub edition Sep 10, 2024 | Elle's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 0 | date started not set | date read not set | date added Sep 09, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | | | checkbox | position | cover A Most Agreeable Murder | title A Most Agreeable Murder | author Seales, Julia * | isbn 0593449983 | isbn13 9780593449981 | asin | num pages 352pp | avg rating 3.68 | num ratings 20,946 | date pub Jun 27, 2023 | date pub edition Jun 27, 2023 | Elle's rating really liked it | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review But as I always say, a single man in possession of a good fortune sometimes is actually not single. He's often a total liar. A great parody underst But as I always say, a single man in possession of a good fortune sometimes is actually not single. He's often a total liar. A great parody understands the genre perfectly, and A Most Agreeable Murder understands both the regency romance and the whodunit so well. There's so much genuine care for the regency novel put into this parody! The characters feel like wonderful commentaries on Pride and Prejudice, giggling at its quirks not out of mockery but out of love. Beatrice Steele is an unmarried lady of marriageable age. So it's too bad she seems so preoccupied with murder, rather than finding a husband. Her secret could probably stay secret, were it not for a fiasco at a ball: When Edmund Croaksworth, well, croaks. Our intrepid cast consists of Beatrice Steele; sisters Mary and Louisa, and her Bennett-parent-parody parents; childhood best friend Daniel Ashbrook, his complicated sister Arabella, and their judgmental father; superstitious Miss Bolton; “orphaned” Caroline Wynn; and disreputable Francois Fan. And rounding them all out is Inspector Vivek Drake, ready to investigate the murder — but why ever was he here in the first place? While I'm not sure I found it terribly surprising per se, the solution was very fun. Beatrice's character arc is compelling, and the relationship between her and Inspector Drake builds well. Overall, this will just be a very fun romp for anyone who loves the more humorous aspects of a good Jane Austen and a good Agatha Christie. Those with less familiarity with either probably won't get much from this, but that's what I like about it. "If you think any of this is funny, you are sorely mistaken," Mr. Steele told Frank."Of course I don't think it's funny!" Frank insisted."Even worse! You have no sense of humor!" Youtube | TikTok | Spotify | About | ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 15 | # times read 1 | date started Sep 09, 2024 | date read Sep 11, 2024 | date added Sep 09, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view (with text) | | | | checkbox | position | cover Nothing But Blackened Teeth | title Nothing But Blackened Teeth | author Khaw, Cassandra * | isbn 1250759412 | isbn13 9781250759412 | asin 1250759412 | num pages 128pp | avg rating 2.66 | num ratings 43,351 | date pub Oct 19, 2021 | date pub edition Oct 19, 2021 | Elle's rating it was ok | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review Even if it was a house with rotting bones and a heart made out of a dead girl's ghost, I'd give it everything it wanted just for scraps. Some unabr Even if it was a house with rotting bones and a heart made out of a dead girl's ghost, I'd give it everything it wanted just for scraps. Some unabridged attention, some love… I'm so tired of this, I thought. Come make me warm and I'll give you what we both want. Plot Summary: Cat, Philip, Lin, Talia, and Faiz are at a Heian-era (794-1185, the final period of the Classical Japanese period, for those about to Google) mansion, where the rumors tell that girls are buried once a year to keep a buried-alive bride company. This is a horror novella, so I’m sure you can figure out where things go from there. This was *fine* which is never how I want to feel about a horror novel. While the writing style is quite brilliant, the charters are both frustrating and underdeveloped, making them extremely hard to root for – I kept expecting to actually learn just a few things about their backstories, and never did. For a book entirely predicated on the conflict between its five leads, I left the book knowing next to nothing about the conflict. Lin and Faiz are the only characters I particularly found tolerable. Talia and Cat’s conflict seemed so clearly like a red herring that not getting any more resolution of their dynamic drove me up a wall. When I hit the ending I quite literally felt nothing but “oh, that’s it”? Cassandra Khaw is a fantastic writer, and there is one scene at around 50% through that is just utterly terrifying in the best ways. But I craved so much more from this. If the novella is so preoccupied with overturning the racialized and sexual tropes of horror, I think it needs to engage with them in a meaningful way first, and this just really doesn’t. Great writing and some properly terrifying moments, but probably one of the least standout horrors I’ve read in a while. Youtube | TikTok | Spotify | About | ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 21 | # times read 1 | date started Sep 07, 2024 | date read Sep 07, 2024 | date added Sep 07, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view (with text) | | | | checkbox | position | cover Just for the Summer (Part of Your World, #3) | title Just for the Summer(Part of Your World, #3) | author Jimenez, Abby * | isbn 1538704439 | isbn13 9781538704431 | asin 1538704439 | num pages 432pp | avg rating 4.40 | num ratings 472,109 | date pub Apr 02, 2024 | date pub edition Apr 02, 2024 | Elle's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review Recommended at Third Way retreat | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 9 | # times read 0 | date started not set | date read not set | date added Sep 04, 2024 | owned | format Paperback | actions view (with text) | | | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Exordia | title Exordia | author Dickinson, Seth * | isbn 1250233011 | isbn13 9781250233011 | asin 1250233011 | num pages 544pp | avg rating 3.78 | num ratings 1,125 | date pub Jan 23, 2024 | date pub edition Jan 23, 2024 | Elle's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 0 | date started not set | date read not set | date added Sep 01, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | | | checkbox | position | cover The Tyrant Baru Cormorant (The Masquerade, #3) | title The Tyrant Baru Cormorant(The Masquerade, #3) | author Dickinson, Seth * | isbn 0765380765 | isbn13 9780765380760 | asin 0765380765 | num pages 656pp | avg rating 4.31 | num ratings 4,045 | date pub Aug 11, 2020 | date pub edition Aug 11, 2020 | Elle's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review Here is my little spoiler section in case I simply have forgotten what happened by the time I get to next book:(view spoiler)[As the last book ends, B Here is my little spoiler section in case I simply have forgotten what happened by the time I get to next book:(view spoiler)[As the last book ends, Baru, Tau-indi, Iraji, Shao Lune, and Enact-Colonel Osa have arrived onshore at Karanoke to find the Kettling plague – which destroyed the Mbo five hundred years ago, in the Summer of Black Emmenia – is on the brink of spreading across the island, and Unexekome Ra is at the center of the Oriati-funded Canaat rebellion leading it. (hide spoiler)] ...more | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 4 | # times read 0 | date started not set | date read not set | date added Sep 01, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view (with text) | | | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Dead Man's Folly (Hercule Poirot, #35) | title Dead Man's Folly(Hercule Poirot, #35) | author Christie, Agatha | isbn 1572705477 | isbn13 9781572705470 | asin 1572705477 | num pages 6pp | avg rating 3.82 | num ratings 33,041 | date pub Oct 1956 | date pub edition Sep 08, 2006 | Elle's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 0 | date started not set | date read not set | date added Aug 29, 2024 | owned | format Audio CD | actions view | | | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Some Desperate Glory | title Some Desperate Glory | author Tesh, Emily * | isbn 1250834988 | isbn13 9781250834980 | asin 1250834988 | num pages 438pp | avg rating 4.06 | num ratings 10,601 | date pub Apr 11, 2023 | date pub edition Apr 11, 2023 | Elle's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 0 | date started not set | date read not set | date added Aug 22, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | | | checkbox | position | cover An Academy for Liars | title An Academy for Liars | author Henderson, Alexis * | isbn 0593638301 | isbn13 9780593638309 | asin 0593638301 | num pages 464pp | avg rating 3.72 | num ratings 1,377 | date pub Sep 17, 2024 | date pub edition Sep 17, 2024 | Elle's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 0 | date started not set | date read not set | date added Aug 22, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Madwoman | title Madwoman | author Bieker, Chelsea * | isbn 0316573299 | isbn13 9780316573290 | asin 0316573299 | num pages 336pp | avg rating 3.78 | num ratings 3,882 | date pub Sep 03, 2024 | date pub edition Sep 03, 2024 | Elle's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 0 | date started not set | date read not set | date added Aug 22, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Private Rites | title Private Rites | author Armfield, Julia | isbn 125034431X | isbn13 9781250344311 | asin 125034431X | num pages 304pp | avg rating 3.91 | num ratings 2,398 | date pub Jun 11, 2024 | date pub edition Dec 03, 2024 | Elle's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 0 | date started not set | date read not set | date added Aug 22, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Model Home | title Model Home | author Solomon, Rivers * | isbn 0374607133 | isbn13 9780374607135 | asin 0374607133 | num pages 304pp | avg rating 4.03 | num ratings 199 | date pub Oct 01, 2024 | date pub edition Oct 01, 2024 | Elle's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 0 | date started not set | date read not set | date added Aug 22, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | | | checkbox | position | cover So Thirsty | title So Thirsty | author Harrison, Rachel | isbn 0593642546 | isbn13 9780593642542 | asin 0593642546 | num pages 304pp | avg rating 3.76 | num ratings 3,710 | date pub Sep 10, 2024 | date pub edition Sep 10, 2024 | Elle's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 0 | date started not set | date read not set | date added Aug 22, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Playground | title Playground | author Powers, Richard | isbn 1324086033 | isbn13 9781324086031 | asin 1324086033 | num pages 381pp | avg rating 4.33 | num ratings 520 | date pub Sep 24, 2024 | date pub edition Sep 24, 2024 | Elle's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 0 | date started not set | date read not set | date added Aug 22, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | | | checkbox | position | cover Colored Television | title Colored Television | author Senna, Danzy | isbn 0593544374 | isbn13 9780593544372 | asin 0593544374 | num pages 288pp | avg rating 3.72 | num ratings 1,926 | date pub Sep 03, 2024 | date pub edition Sep 03, 2024 | Elle's rating | my rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars add to shelves | review None | notes Notes are private! | comments 0 | votes 0 | # times read 0 | date started not set | date read not set | date added Aug 22, 2024 | owned | format Hardcover | actions view | | | | | |

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