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Justin’s 2023 Year in Books

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Justin Tate

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in The United States

Literary historian obsessed with Gothic novels, vintage paperbacks, Shakespeare, horror, and everything in between.

Justin Tate No full-length books yet, though I've co-written a festival-winning short film, published several poems, a few short stories, and too many academic pi…moreNo full-length books yet, though I've co-written a festival-winning short film, published several poems, a few short stories, and too many academic pieces to count. Gothic Studies, a peer-reviewed journal by Edinburgh University Press, recently published one of my essays. I'm extra proud of that one since it combines my passion for Gothic literature and queer history. Currently I am deep into research for another non-fiction project. This one will likely end up being several hundred pages.

Writing is tough, but there's so much power in a good story (whether fiction or non) that it's worth the effort. Also, my literary/historical interests are so obscure I fear if I don't write what I want to read, no one else will.(less)

Justin Tate Love this question! It's hard for me to predict every twist and turn before I actually start writing, but I do tend to outline one section at a time. …moreLove this question! It's hard for me to predict every twist and turn before I actually start writing, but I do tend to outline one section at a time. Outlining the entire project in advance isn't as helpful because spontaneity changes the plan constantly.

As for keeping the darkness away, most of my "horror" stories are campy and not something to take too seriously. That said, I did write one story--"Before the Clock Strikes Six"--which still haunts me. It's about spousal abuse and the pressure to make bad relationships work. I think about those characters a lot and how family/society pushes us to do all kinds of things which are terrible for our physical and mental health.(less)

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**Justin Tate**is now friends withR. D. "Bob" Mathison 73984533
Sep 30, 2024 12:00PM · like
Justin Tate made a comment onhis reviewofThe Truths We Hold: An American Journey The Truths We Hold by Kamala Harris "I’m with you, Rusty. I was excited for Kamala in 2019 so I didn’t struggle at all when Biden dropped out. Feeling nervous about November, but also cau I’m with you, Rusty. I was excited for Kamala in 2019 so I didn’t struggle at all when Biden dropped out. Feeling nervous about November, but also cautiously optimistic. Let’s do this! ...more"
Sep 29, 2024 11:14AM · see review
**Justin Tate**rated a book liked it The Day of the Jack-O-Lantern by True Story and True Confess... The Day of the Jack-O-Lantern by True Story and True Confessions Magazines Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Rate this book Clear rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars
Since discovering "confession" stories from the 1950s I've become obsessed with magazines like True Story and True Confessions. Much to my delight, this anthology collects various Halloween-themed tales from the magazines. Unfortunately, the stories Since discovering "confession" stories from the 1950s I've become obsessed with magazines like True Story and True Confessions. Much to my delight, this anthology collects various Halloween-themed tales from the magazines. Unfortunately, the stories are mundane representations of a gloriously daring legacy that dates all the way back to 1919."Dracula is My Baby's Daddy" is the only real zinger. It includes drunken costume sex in a coat closet, scaling a neighbor's fence to retrieve panties before they go up for auction, and a twist that, while so obvious it's not really a twist at all, is still cute."She's Obsessed with Halloween" tries to solve the mystery of why a mother spends so much money on Halloween candy and decorations. The sappy solution is that she grew up poor "in the projects" and free candy on Halloween brought rare joy to her life. She wishes to pass on this joy to other struggling kids. It's an "awe" morality tale that does represent a minor reason why millions of readers devoured confessions. But let's be honest, what we really love are the scandals."Phantom Prophecy" is a straight-up plagiarism of "Long Distance Call" by Richard Matheson, where a wife receives mysterious phone calls from a voice that sounds like her dead husband."Halloween Horror" also has a dead husband and opens with the wife exhuming his body. We eventually learn the backstory and how it relates to a nasty mother-in-law. Such domestic squabbles are signature confession tropes, but this story never quite goes as far or as shocking as I know these magazines were capable of.I fear the intellectual property has been acquired by very conservative editors who wish to scrub the magazines of their more illicit reputation. Religious themes appear frequently, and most of the time the drama is of the Hallmark variety. To be fair, this was true of my beloved 1950s stories too. But that felt more expected in a highly repressed era, and those stories were still super juicy. These ladies have cell phones. They should be allowed to get into real trouble.Characters are generally thirty-something divorcees and widows, though their juvenile adventures are written at a level seemingly intended for sixth grade girls. They break into houses to perform seances, make friends with the "witch" next door, win back an ex-husband with a sexy cat costume, not receive child support but attract a handy man who'll fix up the house in exchange for love, and sleuth out resolution for frustrated ghosts. They all come across as very Nancy Drew.Where's "Grandma Is the Town Slut!" or "I Paid a Hit Man $10,000 To Murder My Lover's Wife"? (True Story, December 2000) What about "My Husband Gave Our Baby AIDS"? (True Story, March 1993). These magazines have so much exciting content to offer! Why avoid re-publishing the good stuff?Confessions are known for tackling tough topics in creative, thrilling ways. They faced constant threat of censorship but prevailed by talking up to their audience, not down. I'm less familiar with modern-era confessions, but my impression so far is that I'd prefer stories from the golden years.The historian in me is further frustrated with the editors for not mentioning which magazine, issue and year they pulled the stories from. Reference to cell phones is a key indicator for the era, but some stories have more subtle time stamps. How can you anthologize such pop culture artifacts without being clear about the social context?Rest assured, I attempted to reach out to the editors and personally express my frustrations. But it seems they're no longer in operation, with an invalid email and website that doesn't exist anymore. Somebody must receive the checks, though, since the books are currently still available for purchase online.I do hope we will see more True Confession anthologies in the future. There's a century-long literary legacy to work with that shouldn't be forgotten. Hopefully future editors will be less afraid to embrace history and scandal so new generations will better understand what the buzz was about.All negativity aside, the anthology is still a short, sweet read that put me in the Halloween mood. Can't complain too much about that! ...more
Sep 26, 2024 11:49PM · 34 likes · like · see review · preview book See a Problem? We’d love your help. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview ofThe Day of the Jack-O-Lantern by True Story and True Confessions Magazines. Problem: Details (if other): Thanks for telling us about the problem. Not the book you’re looking for? Preview — The Day of the Jack-O-Lantern by True Story and True Confessions Magazines
**Justin Tate**rated a book it was amazing The Truths We Hold by Kamala Harris The Truths We Hold: An American Journey by Kamala Harris Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Rate this book Clear rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars
If you're an undecided voter hesitant about the guy who gleefully watched TV while his cult tried to murder the Vice President, but are also not yet sold on Harris because you want more policy from her -- good news! She wrote a 300+ page book that is If you're an undecided voter hesitant about the guy who gleefully watched TV while his cult tried to murder the Vice President, but are also not yet sold on Harris because you want more policy from her -- good news! She wrote a 300+ page book that is filled with her stance on all the hot issues, including a significant amount of policy proposal.The book came out in January, 2019, just days before she launched her campaign for the 2020 presidential election. Allegedly this was the time when she was wildly liberal but, as we see here, she has always been level-headed, able to relate to differing perspectives, willing to praise thoughtful Republicans, and all while standing firm in her mission to create a better world.She gets surprisingly forthright about her vision for a better economy that supports lower and middle-class families, foreign relations, cybersecurity, climate change, abortion, and so much more. In some ways it's better that the book is 5+ years old because there's no dwelling on Covid which, thanks to the Biden/Harris administration, we've largely beaten. This was also pre-insurrection, but the book seems to eerily anticipate the kind of dire atmosphere that was already building in our politics which allowed this to happen.We also see variations of "We're not going back" and other 2024 campaign catchphrases, showing that the challenges we face today have been on her mind for a long time.The downside of having so much policy is that the book isn't as riveting as other political memoirs. She has some great anecdotes, and juicy behind-the-scenes perspective during some major events in American politics, but mostly this is all policy all the time. Again, good news for the few people who feel they need more of that from her. If you're in that camp, grab a copy from the library!If you're STILL on the fence after that, it might be time to recognize that internalized sexism is a real thing. It's not your fault! Women didn't even have the right to vote for 150 years of American existence. It's now been 250 years without a woman president. If you see Kamala Harris and think "she doesn't look presidential" it's because 250 years of sexism has created a world where it's hard to picture a woman as president because we've never seen one before. Not because there's any actual logic to avoiding women leaders.By the way, it's not just an American thing, or a conservative/liberal thing or even a man/woman thing. The ultra-progressive state of California has NEVER had a woman governor. We may think we're beyond sexism, but we all have to deal with this reality because of the history we exist in.Don't vote for Harris just because she's a woman, but also don't NOT vote for her just because she's a woman.Bigger picture, please vote for the candidate who will not declare themselves king and imprison women for seeking healthcare. ...more
Sep 24, 2024 12:28PM · 107 likes · like · see review
Justin Tate has completed the 2024 Reading Challenge 11634 Justin Tate has completed his goal of reading 60 books for the 2024 Reading Challenge! 61 of 60 (102%) Create your own 2024 Reading Challenge »
Sep 24, 2024 12:24PM · 189 likes · like · view books
**Justin Tate**rated a book it was amazing Phantom of the Auditorium by R.L. Stine Phantom of the Auditorium (Goosebumps, #24) by R.L. Stine (Goodreads Author) Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Rate this book Clear rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars
Even better than I remember, with excellent portrayal of Middle School theatre drama. We encounter a jealous understudy, ghostly lore, destroyed set backdrops, secret passages connected to the stage trap door and, of course, a mystery phantom. There' Even better than I remember, with excellent portrayal of Middle School theatre drama. We encounter a jealous understudy, ghostly lore, destroyed set backdrops, secret passages connected to the stage trap door and, of course, a mystery phantom. There's many obvious allusions to The Phantom of the Opera, but also MacBeth and even familiarity with one of Stine's best Fear Street novels, Trapped.Unlike most Goosebumps books where characters are largely Generic Child and the setting is Anywhere, USA, we see fleshed out thespians motivated by complex goals. Setting is important to the story, including historical influence and an auditorium that breathes with life itself. While the phantom "monster" isn't particularly scary, the adventure of solving his identify is thrilling.While revisiting Goosebumps as an adult, I've been surprised how well most hold up 30+ years later. This one has improved with age even more than most. Fun fact, the book was adapted into an actual stage musical in 2016 that's still frequently performed all across the country today. ...more
Sep 19, 2024 08:59AM · 16 likes · like · see review · preview book See a Problem? We’d love your help. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview ofPhantom of the Auditorium by R.L. Stine. Problem: Details (if other): Thanks for telling us about the problem. Not the book you’re looking for? Preview — Phantom of the Auditorium by R.L. Stine
**Justin Tate**rated a book it was amazing Life, Camera, Action by Mitchell Burns Life, Camera, Action by Mitchell Burns Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Rate this book Clear rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars
I don't know much about landscape photography, but I do know Mitchell Burns is so smokin' hot he should be considered a natural wonder of the world. Every time he posts a new Instagram video I transform into a Victorian woman, bosom heaving, fan wavi I don't know much about landscape photography, but I do know Mitchell Burns is so smokin' hot he should be considered a natural wonder of the world. Every time he posts a new Instagram video I transform into a Victorian woman, bosom heaving, fan waving, soon to faint.Of course it's not just his heartstopping smile, textbook Aussie accent and teasing man-cleavage which makes him such a hunk. There are plenty of attractive dudes on Instagram. A significant portion of Mitchell's sexiness comes from his talent as a photographer and, more importantly, an infectious passion for his craft. Joy oozes from his videos as we see him in his element, wading through Outback rivers or on a beach at sunrise. He educates his audience on the hard work that goes into capturing the perfect shot in a gleeful way that can't be faked. It's abundantly clear: nature and photography are his passions — and, I must say, passion looks good on him.He also has a cool personal story which many tortured artists will relate to. In the book, we learn how he spent a decade working in the soul-crushing field of mining. Burns saw his colleagues wither away at a young age and grew increasingly fearful his life would end up the same. Sure, the money was good, but was this how he wanted to spend his life? Since a very young boy, photography has been his true desire. He can't imagine it being just a part-time hobby.Without much of a plan, he takes the courageous step of quitting the reliable mining job and pursuing photography. Though he never regrets the decision, many years go by before he will be able to survive with more than a few dollars in the bank account. Even now, with massive online followers and agents knocking down his door, most potential sources of income don't pan out. We close the book feeling inspired by his determination and ever aware that the road to happiness is often scary. Still, he is proof that the reward can make it all worthwhile.Fans will enjoy many chapters detailing Mitchell's family and upbringing. We get to follow along for the meet-cute he had with his girlfriend. I kinda hate her for stealing him, but am very appreciative that she is a significant source of his joy. I also think her female gaze is what makes his videos so titillating. Mitchell, bless him, seems very shy and aloof about how hot he is. But she understands the assignment. We love his photography, yes, but we also love keeping those top buttons unfastened. For that, we thank you Jessie. Keep doing the Lord's work.Overall, I must say I'm impressed by the book. I didn't expect a miner/photographer/model to also be a proficient writer, but this is a good story of overcoming obstacles and reaching for the stars. I felt genuinely inspired by it, and it wasn't just because Burns narrates the audiobook and the sound of his voice gave me all sorts of filthy fantasies.I SWEAR!!! ...more
Sep 15, 2024 10:09AM · 31 likes · like · see review · preview book See a Problem? We’d love your help. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview ofLife, Camera, Action by Mitchell Burns. Problem: Details (if other): Thanks for telling us about the problem. Not the book you’re looking for? Preview — Life, Camera, Action by Mitchell Burns

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“Give your ghost time, for they never grow old; Consider their voice as they woo your soul: “Shed thy fair skin and forsake thy warm breath, With me, thou shalt have true love after death.”
― Justin Tate, The Death Sonnets

Topics Mentioning This Author

“Give your ghost time, for they never grow old; Consider their voice as they woo your soul: “Shed thy fair skin and forsake thy warm breath, With me, thou shalt have true love after death.”
― Justin Tate, The Death Sonnets

“Someone once asked me what I thought horror fiction did. What its purpose was . . . I replied that when I wrote horror fiction, I tried to take the improbable, the unimaginable, and the impossible, and make it seem not only possible--but inevitable.”
― Michael McDowell

“He felt at once betrayed and betrayer, deceived and deceiver. He was a criminal forced into crime, an unwilling whore.”
― Peter Benchley, Jaws

220 Goodreads Librarians Group — 255534 members — last activity 15 minutes ago
Goodreads Librarians are volunteers who help ensure the accuracy of information about books and authors in the Goodreads' catalog. The Goodreads Libra Goodreads Librarians are volunteers who help ensure the accuracy of information about books and authors in the Goodreads' catalog. The Goodreads Librarians Group is the official group for requesting additions or updates to the catalog, including: * Adding new books or editions * Editing book information (including covers) * Combining and merging book editions * Edits to page counts, quotes or awards * Correcting author profiles for authors not in the Goodreads Author Program If you're a Goodreads member with a new request, click Join Group. Once you're added to the group, you can post your question following this link. Simple requests (e.g. page count updates) typically take around 48 hours depending on the volume of requests, while more complex requests could take up to a couple of weeks (e.g. adding a new book). Authors, if you are a member of the Goodreads Author Program, you can edit information about your own books. Find out how in this guide. Keep in mind that Librarians don't: * Grant or give insights into Librarian applications / Librarian status * Move ISBNs or ASINs between editions * Help with non-catalog Support questions (e.g. How do I reset my password?) For help with these queries or to submit general questions, comments or feature requests, try Goodreads Help or use the Contact Us form. If you're a Librarian and want to process requests, please refer to our Librarian Manual to ensure edits are performed in line with Goodreads policies. ...more

134058 Valancourt Books — 505 members — last activity 1 hour, 20 min ago
Valancourt Books is an independent small press specializing in the rediscovery of rare, neglected, and out-of-print fiction. Horror & Supernatural, W Valancourt Books is an independent small press specializing in the rediscovery of rare, neglected, and out-of-print fiction. Horror & Supernatural, Weird Fiction, Literary Classics, Gothic & Victorian, LGBT Interest Website | Facebook | Twitter We publish works by: Michael McDowell, Christopher Priest, Richard Matheson, Robert Aickman, Iain Sinclair, Stephen Gregory, Bernard Taylor, J.B. Priestley, and many others. ...more

35644 Goosebumps Fans — 351 members — last activity May 27, 2024 07:45PM
This is a group for all the R.L. Stine's Goosebumps fans out there! ;-) This is a group for all the R.L. Stine's Goosebumps fans out there! ;-) ...more

118708 Secret Santa gift exchange! — 782 members — last activity Jan 05, 2024 07:09AM
Hi everyone! I thought it would be fun to have a little holiday season **EBOOK** gift exchange! In order to participate, you MUST go to the linked Hi everyone! I thought it would be fun to have a little holiday season **EBOOK** gift exchange! In order to participate, you MUST go to the linked Elfster page (in "Group Info" below!) where you can make a wishlist and sign up to be matched with a Secret Santa. Invite your friends and have fun! ...more

1156864 Gays of Goodreads — 2285 members — last activity 1 hour, 3 min ago
everyone welcome! let's all find cute, bookish (boy)friends. everyone welcome! let's all find cute, bookish (boy)friends. ...more

203 Stephen King Fans — 18579 members — last activity 1 hour, 52 min ago
A place for all Stephen King fans to gather and discuss his work. Welcome Constant Readers!! EST 2007

37567 The Readers Review: Literature from 1714 to 1910 — 3545 members — last activity 13 hours, 55 min ago
This is a group for discerning readers looking to discover, explore, and critically discuss some of the World’s literature, with a primary emphasis on This is a group for discerning readers looking to discover, explore, and critically discuss some of the World’s literature, with a primary emphasis on the great books, short stories and poetry of the early-18th century to the early-20th century. You can expect to find intelligent discussions associated with literary periods and movements; major and minor authors and their works; and potential connections and relationships with other artistic movements and periods (e.g., music, visual arts, architecture, etc.).We encourage participants to bring their intellectual curiosity and a willingness to share their knowledge and engage in critical thinking and discussion. This group is intended to be a safe, comfortable, yet stimulating haven for those looking to learn more and share their love for some of the World’s great literature. ...more

202644 Theatre Books and Plays — 1477 members — last activity Jul 03, 2024 05:59AM
A room for lovers of theatre, theater books, texts on acting, directing, theory and scripts.

303 Shakespeare Fans — 2297 members — last activity 4 hours, 42 min ago
Anyone who likes Shakespeare and wants to discuss anything about his plays can join!

38206 Gothicked (Gothic Novel Lovers) — 472 members — last activity Feb 03, 2022 10:03AM
If you are interested in Gothic Novels (esp. Gothic Romance novels from the 60s and 70s) this group is for you. I do blog reviews of novels by Barbara If you are interested in Gothic Novels (esp. Gothic Romance novels from the 60s and 70s) this group is for you. I do blog reviews of novels by Barbara Michaels, Phyllis A. Whitney, Velda Johnston, Jill Tattersall, Mary Stewart, and many others. I also have regular contests, and right now, I'm having trouble giving away books for lack of people entering contests. :) ...more

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