Safety and security - Greece travel advice (original) (raw)


There is a high threat of terrorist attack globally affecting UK interests and British nationals, including from groups and individuals who view the UK and British nationals as targets. Stay aware of your surroundings at all times.

UK Counter Terrorism Policing has information and advice on staying safe abroad and what to do in the event of a terrorist attack. Find out how to reduce your risk from terrorism while abroad.

Terrorism in Greece

Terrorists are likely to try to carry out attacks in Greece.

Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreign nationals.

There have been several attacks involving explosives and automatic weapons against Greek institutions, shopping malls, banks, media offices, diplomatic premises and the police.

Protests and demonstrations

Political protests

Greek authorities have increased security at some prominent locations, including tourist sites, due to events in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

There is currently a heightened risk of such protests, particularly in central Athens.

Stay aware of your surroundings, stay away from protests and follow the advice of local authorities.

Strikes and demonstrations

There are regular strikes, sometimes called at short notice, that can cause disruption to buses, trains, ferries and air travel, as well as road networks and borders.

Demonstrations often take place around major squares in central Athens, in particular Syntagma Square. Political demonstrations may take place on certain dates:

Some demonstrations in the past have turned violent. Avoid demonstrations wherever possible and move away to the last known safe place. Security forces often use tear gas to break up demonstrations, which can harm your breathing and vision.


Protecting your belongings

Thefts of passports, wallets and handbags are common on the metro and in crowded tourist places, particularly in central Athens. Carry your valuables in different bags and pockets and keep a copy of your passport photo page somewhere safe.

When driving on holiday, keep your valuables out of sight and lock your vehicle at all times. Always park in a well-lit area or secure car park. Be alert to car crime.

Sexual assault

To reduce your personal risk, especially late at night and around clubs and bars:

Use pre-arranged transport or taxi-hailing apps such as Uber or Free Now which supply licensed cabs.

Report anything that does not feel right to local authorities or hotel or club management.

Racially-motivated attacks

The majority of visitors experience no difficulties related to their race, but there have been some racially-motivated attacks, particularly in inner-city areas.

Laws and cultural differences

Personal ID

Always carry your passport, to show to the police if they request identification. Police may not accept a copy.

Public offences

The Greek police will arrest you for any behaviour they find rowdy or indecent, especially where excessive drinking is involved. Some fancy dress costumes may be regarded as offensive and therefore against decency laws.

The courts are likely to impose a heavy fine or a prison sentence if they judge the behaviour to be illegal. Your travel insurance may not cover you if you miss flights because of an alcohol-related arrest.

Smoking bans

It’s illegal to smoke in indoor public places, including shopping malls and transport hubs. You could get a fine of up to 500 euros.

Illegal drugs and prison sentences

Possession of even small quantities of illegal drugs can lead to a long prison sentence.

Nitrous oxide is illegal to buy or sell for recreational use. You could be arrested or fined.

Public transport fines

You may need to time stamp your ticket on public transport for it to be valid. If you are found with an unvalidated ticket, you could get a fine. Check with local providers.

Buying goods or services

By law restaurants must provide an itemised bill. Make sure you get a receipt for any goods or services you buy.

Carrying weapons

Offensive items like pepper spray or knuckledusters are listed as weapons in Greece. A knife with a blade measuring 10cm or more counts as a weapon, and you need a special licence for any knife that is not made for domestic, professional, artistic or hunting use.

LGBT+ travellers

Same-sex sexual activity is legal in Greece, and civil unions between same-sex couples have been legal since 2015. The age of consent in Greece is 15, this applies to partners of both the same sex and opposite sex. Transgender people are able to change their legal gender. Anti-discrimination and hate speech laws apply to gender identity.

Public attitudes towards same-sex couples vary throughout the country. Couples showing affection in public may be frowned on, especially in rural areas. Attitudes are generally more welcoming in Athens and on many Greek islands.

Read more advice for LGBT+ travellers.

Military service

Men aged 19 and above, born to a Greek national, may have military service obligations, regardless of any other nationality they hold. The authorities can stop you leaving Greece until you complete military service.

Using cameras or approaching sensitive locations

It is illegal to approach or take photos or videos of military installations, vehicles or buildings. The authorities will arrest and possibly prosecute anyone doing so. Border areas are also militarily sensitive. If you visit such areas, do not take photos or videos.

Outdoor activities and adventure tourism

Music festivals

Take extra care of your valuables at festivals or large concerts. Read the festivals in Europe travel checklist for more advice.

Water sports and swimming safety

Book activities at a licensed water sports centre and before you start:

For more advice, see the website for Safe Water Sports, a non-profit organisation in Greece that aims to prevent accidents.

Obey warning signs and flags on beaches. Follow instructions from lifeguards and get follow local advice if jellyfish or urchins are present.

Quad biking and mopeds

Quad biking is an extreme sport and carries the risk of serious injury or death. You need specific travel insurance to cover quad biking. Always read the details of your insurance cover – especially the small print and exclusions on your policy.

Make sure you get full instructions and training before your activity.

Insurance sold by the hire company usually only provides third-party insurance. It’s likely the company will charge you for any damage to the rental vehicle, and you may face arrest if you do not pay.

If you hire a moped, you need a valid driving licence with at least category A1 – ‘light motorcycle’. Choose a category in accordance with your driving licence and age. Category P, which is valid in the UK for driving mopeds up to 50cc, is not valid in Greece.

Make sure the vehicle is in good condition. Drivers and passengers must wear helmets before operating quad bikes and mopeds. Failure to do so may invalidate your insurance. If police stop you, they will fine you and take your licence.

Transport risks

Road travel

If you are planning to drive in Greece, see information on driving abroad and check the rules of the road in the RAC’s Greece guide. The guide lists driving regulations and other legal requirements you need to be aware of.

You can use a UK photocard driving licence to drive in Greece. If you still have a paper driving licence, you may need to update it to a photocard licence or get the 1968 version of the international driving permit (IDP) as well.

Check if you need a UK sticker to drive your car outside the UK.

Hire car companies often have stricter requirements for their customers, such as a year of driving experience, a higher minimum age and holding an IDP.

Drink-driving is a serious offence in Greece. If you are tested and found to have more than two-thirds of England’s legal limit of alcohol in your system, you could get a fine and possible imprisonment.

Driving conditions

Traffic can be busy, fast and chaotic, especially in the larger cities. Local drivers regularly ignore speed limits, including in built-up areas.

Pedestrian crossings

When walking roadside, take care when crossing the road and if possible use a pedestrian crossing. Drivers do not always stop at crossings, even though they are supposed to. The green pedestrian crossing signal sometimes allows cars to turn right on to a crossing, so cross with caution.

Extreme weather and natural disasters

Find out what you can do to prepare for and respond to extreme weather and natural hazards.


Adverse weather conditions, including floods, are affecting some regions. The situation can change quickly. Follow ‘112 Greece’ on Twitter for official updates


There is a high risk of wildfires during the summer season from April to October.

Wildfires are highly dangerous and unpredictable. The situation can change quickly.

To avoid starting wildfires:

Causing a wildfire or a forest fire is a criminal offence in Greece – even if unintentional. If you see a fire, call the emergency services on 112.

Be cautious if you are in or near an area affected by wildfires:

Register for alerts from the Greek government’s Emergency Communication Service) (in English):

For further information, see Greece’s Civil Protection website (in Greek).


There is a risk of earthquakes and earth tremors. You should:

The Civil Protection website has advice about what to do before, during and after an earthquake (in Greek), and reports on incidents.