Personalise your motor vehicle number plate (original) (raw)
What you should do
How long does it take
How much does it cost
Forms to complete
Who to contact
About personalising your number plate
You can apply to personalise your motor vehicle number plate with any combination of numeric or alpha characters of your choice (subject to the approval of the MEC), provided that the number is available and is not offensive.
Your chosen name/number may not exceed 7 characters (excluding the provincial mark) and must comply with the requirements of a normal number plate (e.g. it must display the logo of the province) and be displayed in the same manner as the normal number plate. The name/number you use will not be duplicated by someone else.
What you should do
- Go to your nearest registering authority and complete an application form that will be provided by them.
- Submit:
- a certified copy of your identity document
- a vehicle registration certificate
- proof of residential address e.g. utility account. If the utility bill is not in your name, the owner of the bill must make an affidavit declaring that you live at the address and the utility bill must be attached to the affidavit.
- if you stay at an informal settlement, you must bring a letter with an official date stamp from the ward councillor confirming your residential address
- Pay the required fee.
How long does it take
The application is processed on the same day.
How much does it cost
Contact your local registering authority for the cost. The fee for each province differs.
Forms to complete
Forms are obtainable at the registering authority.
Who to contact
Contact your local department of transport