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Pre-arrivalOlivier Demeurisse2024-01-29T15:36:08+01:00

Endeavour yourself through exchange at HELBrussels

Venez vivre un programme d’échange à Bruxelles grâce à la HELB

komm nach Brüssel und erleb unser Austauschprogramm in der HELB

Kom naar Brussel en leef een uitwisselingprogramma dankzij HELB

Esfuerzate a traves del intercambio en HELBrussels

Incoming exchange students

Interested in an academic experience at Brussels? Wishing to live a fruitful internship or placement stay in the heart of Europe?

This opportunity will bring you a French language boost, a cultural openness in a bustling and multicultural city and beyond these arguments, an added – value to your future job! Our University College of Applied Sciences offer high quality course contents taught by involved teachers. Our teaching is focussed on professional skills and give a high value in providing adequate practical activities.

To live a meaningful experience abroad, we also organise a Buddy system for those interested by pairing you with a local HELB student sharing some common topics or studies. We hope you’ll enjoy your stay at Brussels!

What are the REQUIREMENTS to come to HELB?

Please bear in mind we demand all our Incoming students to have at least a B1 level in French language (CEFR) BEFORE arriving at our institution, as all our courses are taught in French.

You must be a regular student of one of our Erasmus+ partners (ask your university) AND to be nominated by your university. If you meet those 2 conditions, send a mail at

Our deadlines for nomination submission:

To enroll as an exchange student, we need the following documents:

If there’s no official partnership between HELB and your University (College), please ask your institution’s International Office to contact us and we’ll try to follow up your request the best we can.

Do I have to fill in other DOCUMENTS before arriving at Brussels?

Once we’ll get your application form, we’ll contact your international coordinator and yourself to fill in and sign your « learning agreement » to finalise the exchange content via OLA or a PDF form.

Entry to the territory

More information:

Le présent site et tout son contenu appartiennent à l’ASBL – Ilya Prigogine, association de droit belge sans but lucratif, dont le siège social est établi au Boulevard du triomphe, accès 2 (Campus de la Plaine – Bâtiment HA) – CP 220/01 à 1050 Bruxelles. Éditeur responsable : Ilya Prigogine asbl.