Madonna of the Pesaro family, left of Mary: St. Anthony of Padua, Pesaro family, the right of Mary, St. Peter and kneeling donor, Bishop Jacopo Pesaro and soldier with captured Turkish flag and the bishop. Titian (original) (raw)
Madonna of the Pesaro family, left of Mary: St. Anthony of Padua, Pesaro family, the right of Mary, St. Peter and kneeling donor, Bishop Jacopo Pesaro and soldier with captured Turkish flag and the bishop. Titian
1519-1526, oil on canvas, 478 × 268 cm
Venice, Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
Madonna der Familie Pesaro, links von Maria: Hl. Antonius von Padua, Familie Pesaro, rechts von Maria: Hl. Petrus und kniendem Stifter, Bischof Jacopo Pesaro und Soldat mit gefangenen Türken und Fahne des Bischofes. Tizian
1519–1526, Öl auf Leinwand, 478 × 268 cm
Venedig, Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
. Τιτσιάνο
See also : Bible, Paintings, Drawings