£500,000 investment to rejuvenate Haltwhistle railway station (original) (raw)

A MAJOR project to revive redundant buildings at a major Tyne Valley railway station is under way.

The Tyne Valley Community Rail Partnership (TVCRP) - the charity behind the scheme - said the £500,000 project for Haltwhistle Railway Station was the biggest it had led and would create vastly improved waiting areas for passengers and new studio and office space.

The plans propose a refurbishment of the existing buildings, which will result in improved waiting areas, a welcome to the World Heritage Site of Hadrian’s Wall, and small units available for rent by small businesses and artists.

TVCRP approached rail operator Northern for permission to develop the project in April 2018 and funding has since been secured from the Community Rail Network.
Julie Gibbon, secretary and projects director has been instrumental in engaging with rail industry partners and has driven the necessary preliminary work for work to begin on site.

“We would like to see these units used by businesses who are happy to interact and welcome visitors to Haltwhistle, which is a great small town with so much to offer,” she said.

Work on site is anticipated to take 11 weeks for the first phase, which includes the work on the platform two building, followed by another five weeks for the platform one building. The work is being phased to ensure that costs do not overrun the funding that has been secured.

The rail partnership plans to let the studios to small or start up businesses,including artists or crafts businesses, who would welcome attention from the many visitors to the area.

For more information about letting a unit in the station, contact: Julie Gibbon at secretary@tvcrp.org.uk.