HSE University Signs Memorandum of Intent with the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (original) (raw)

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HSE University Signs Memorandum of Intent with the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

HSE University and the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy (ILLP) under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan have signed a memorandum of intent, which will form the basis for a future cooperation agreement. The institute is a state expert research facility created within the framework of the New Uzbekistan Development Strategy. It plays a significant role in the examination of draft laws: an expert opinion from the ILLP is mandatory when considering legislative acts.

Victoria Panova, Vice Rector of HSE University, noted that Uzbekistan is a reliable partner for implementing various projects in the field of higher education and science. ‘Many strategic goals and development directions of Russia and Uzbekistan coincide, which is necessary for full-scale strategic cooperation between our countries and provides additional impetus for interaction between HSE University and the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy,’ she emphasised.

Among the priority development areas of Russia and Uzbekistan, Victoria Panova highlighted the strengthening of the digital economy as one of the main growth drivers, as well as the implementation of environmentally friendly technologies, the support of entrepreneurship, and the development of communication infrastructure engineering, social frameworks, and the transportation system. She drew particular attention to the efforts of the President and the Government of Uzbekistan to increase efficiency and ensure the scientific basis of legislative, law enforcement activities, and the legal support process of reforms within the framework of the New Uzbekistan Development Strategy, as well as the renewal of the science and education system. Victoria Panova pointed out that HSE University is a multi-disciplinary global research university that places great emphasis on the development of the legal field.

Mir-Akbar Rakhmankulov, Director of the Institute, explained that the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy is a state expert research facility created within the framework of the New Uzbekistan Development Strategy and is accountable to the President of Uzbekistan. He particularly emphasised the institute's important role in the examination of draft laws: an expert opinion from the ILLP is mandatory when considering legislative acts. Mir-Akbar Rakhmankulov also pointed out the specific scientific direction of the institute's work: ‘The research activity of the institute is directly connected with our legislative work, and in this sense, the research conducted at HSE University is also very relevant. We follow it closely. The institute serves as a platform for organising and coordinating the work of specialists from various fields to conduct fundamental and applied research aimed at creating and developing the foundations of legal reforms.’ He also noted that HSE's experience in interdisciplinary project work is close to that of the ILLP, calling it ‘a unique model and an example for study.’

As Mir-Akbar Rakhmankulov explained, the current tasks of the ILLP are closely related to the implementation of the President's orders and the realisation of the new Constitution, which contains several innovations that require additional research and consultations with HSE University. Among the priority tasks, he named the inventory of legislative documents and the preparation of proposals for their improvement, participation in the development of a demographic policy concept and addressing related economic and legal problems, issues of decentralisation, modernisation of management, the economic regulation system, and increasing the role of representative bodies of power in the state administration system. Additionally, the ILLP strives to develop applied and fundamental scientific and educational projects, and in this context, HSE's experience in organising project work is also important.

During the meeting, Mir-Akbar Rakhmankulov proposed to begin preparing a cooperation roadmap and outlined areas where the Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy is interested in partnership. He also voiced the idea of creating a Russian-Uzbekistan university consortium based on the ILLP and invited HSE University to participate.

Victoria Panova supported the ILLP's proposals on the designated areas of bilateral cooperation and expressed interest in HSE's possible participation in the Russia-Uzbekistan university consortium and further elaboration of the issues and directions discussed at the meeting.

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