Alexa Skill | Health Service Journal (original) (raw)

HSJ ‘Daily Insight’ now available on Alexa

We are happy to announce HSJ’s Daily Insight feed is now available on Amazon’s Alexa flash briefings – this feature is available in the Alexa Skills store.

What is Alexa?

Alexa is a voice-controlled intelligent personal assistant service from Amazon. You can download the app on your phone, tablet, Echo Dot or computer, and customise the content you experience with a variety of functions available including ‘skills’. Setting up the ‘HSJ news’ skill will allow you to start listening to HSJ’s Daily Insights while you’re having your morning coffee or simply getting ready for the day ahead.

Setting up Daily Insight flash briefings for HSJ

To set up the HSJ flash briefing, simply follow the instructions below. After you install it as a “skill,” simply say, “Alexa, play my HSJ flash briefing” to listen to HSJ’s Daily Insight stories.

Amazon Alexa Device

How to add skills to Alexa using your mobile device

Open the Alexa app on your iPhone or Android and tap the more icon at the bottom-right.

Step 1

Step 1

Tap "Skills & Games" in the menu.

Tap the magnifying glass icon to search for ‘HSJ’.

Step 1

Step 1

Search & select the HSJ skill"


Step 1

Step 1

Now simply say “Alexa play my HSJ flash briefing”