Coexistence of pets and wild animals – Hyaenidae (original) (raw)

The history of animal domestication is long but interesting. Today, we should consider the possibility of coexistence between pets and stray animals. It is not always possible to prevent contact between the two groups, so information on improving their communication is extremely important. Socialization and techniques to consolidate positive experiences will help introduce the pet to the outside world.

Stray animals: what is their peculiarity?

Stray animals are a common problem that can be solved holistically. The first point is the requirement for owners. When adopting an animal, you should remember the responsibility that comes with a new resident. Creating comfortable conditions for the pet’s stay and upbringing is an important task.

The second point includes providing care for stray animals. Volunteers diligently catch, sterilize, and vaccinate them, but their efforts are not enough. The help from the public will improve the living standards of both pets and stray animals.

The absence of an owner hints at the lack of “human” upbringing. Stray animals differ from pets in the following ways:

  1. Man is the enemy. Animals that do not have their own home are wary of people around them. In stressful situations, for example, unreasonable aggression and fear arise during feeding. Thus, pet food from humans will not be received with gratitude; on the contrary, it will become a reason for aggressive behavior.
  2. Features of nutrition. Homeless animals are accustomed to a simple diet, and treats from the human table often do not seem attractive. In addition, unusual food can lead to diseases and problems with the digestive system. Replacing food with natural food and feeding stray animals is the best solution for such cases.
  3. Adaptability to external conditions. Since the habitat of stray animals is the street, they are accustomed to highly competitive conditions. Fighting between representatives of the same or different species is consistent with their habits. Given this feature, it is pretty difficult to tame a wild animal.

Coexistence between animals and people is possible, but the quality of life depends on many factors. Support and mutual understanding take a lot of time. Establishing a bond between an animal and a homeless owner is a separate issue.

Behavioral control is the main task of the owner, who cares about the pet’s well-being. You should pay attention to the animal’s condition, monitor reactions to unusual sounds, and use positive reinforcement methods to do this. Gradual familiarization with the environment will help create safe conditions.

Rules for safely introducing pets to other animals

Walking in the park is a situation where it is difficult to avoid meeting other animals. It is necessary to gradually socialize the pet to remain calm and not show aggression. Owners should spend time in a new area every time so that the pet gets used to the noise of the street and can meet other members of its species.

Gradual socialization of pets includes walks in the open air and contact under the owner’s supervision. In addition, safety rules for introducing a pet include:

  1. Constant care of the animal. During walks, you should control your pet’s behavior and reward it for the correct execution of commands. Treats, favorite toys, and words of praise can be used as rewards.
  2. Choosing a neutral territory. Regularly visiting a selected park can lead to aggression and discomfort when other animals appear. It’s easier than it sounds to prevent this: change the area and introduce your pet to a new environment.
  3. Creating a group based on character. You can gather several pets and check the quality of their interaction according to a plan. For organization, you should choose an unfamiliar area and compare the habits of the “participants”. This way, communication will bring better results.

Good tips will help you learn more about ways to socialize pets. It’s worth remembering that pets have different personalities, characteristics, and tastes. Preferences affect the choice of a practical option and the success of training.

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