What We Can Learn from Hyenas for Dog Nutrition – Hyaenidae (original) (raw)

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At first glance, hyenas and dogs don’t have much in common. For starters, hyenas are more closely related to cats, and they’re opportunistic feeders and scavengers, while domestic dogs are primarily carnivores and descended from wolves.

But there’s more to hyenas than their lacking Disney portrayal and memorable laugh. These guys are excellent, fearless hunters who steal food from other apex predators, even lions. This means their nutrition is surprisingly varied and balanced – we can learn a thing or two from their ways and apply it to the nutrition of our beloved pets.

A Varied Diet Goes a Long Way

Hyenas won’t say no to any type of food they come across. They prefer meat in any shape and form, and they’ve got strong jaws to help them chew and digest it properly. Seeing that about 70% of everything a hyena eats comes from hunting, they’ll gladly chow down on anything from zebras and wildebeests to birds, rabbits, and even insects.

The proof of hyena’s tenacious hunting instinct is the fact that they’ll eat even porcupines and tortoises if an opportunity arises. Talk about tricky eating habits! Their digestive system is resilient and fast, allowing them to eat almost anything without serious repercussions. Hyenas also regularly munch on fruits and vegetables, won’t shy away from carrion, and are known for eating the whole animal, everything from tail to hooves.

So, how can we use this information when planning our dog’s nutrition? Well, while we don’t need to let them hunt their food, we can ensure that what they eat is varied and offers them a balanced intake of all the nutrients they need.

Remember that a dog’s stomach is not nearly as resilient as a hyena’s, so it’s essential to know what types of food are beneficial to your pouch and what may cause stomach issues. Of course, in the moment of need, you can always turn to experts, whether it’s your local vet or a clinic like Arlington Animal Hospital, but when it comes to nutrition, prevention, and research are the safest ways to handle your dog’s health.

Focusing on Foods Rich in Protein and Healthy Fats

Being predominantly carnivorous is one of the few characteristics dogs and hyenas share. Both animals are high-energy and, as such, need fuel and sustenance to thrive. Contrary to popular belief, this is why hyenas spend so much of their time hunting – they need raw meat to survive.

Domestic dogs are in an infinitely better position here because they have humans who provide their food. This makes us responsible for their health and eating habits, so it’s important to know exactly what type of meat and bones we can feed them.

Hyenas can’t really choose what they eat, but we can ensure we feed our dogs the meats and bones that are good for them and won’t cause any health problems. Lean meats, like turkey, chicken, and beef, are generally the best choice of protein, and you must cook them completely before feeding them to your dog.

On the other hand, they should munch exclusively on raw bones because they have the calcium and phosphorus dogs need and are less of a choking hazard. That being said, some breeds have sensitive digestive tracts and don’t respond well to bones, which can cause digestion issues and constipation. It’s always a good idea to start with small amounts of meat and bones, gauge your dog’s reaction, and proceed accordingly.

Staying Hydrated with a Proper Diet

Hyenas live in warm and dry habitats, so for them to hydrate in any way they can, including through what they eat, is a matter of survival. Seeing that they mostly feed on fresh meat, this lets them absorb all the moisture from it. This is also one of the reasons why hyenas eat fruits and vegetables, they’re alternative sources of hydration and nutrients.

Dogs, however, shouldn’t eat raw meat regularly, so hydration through diet is minimized, especially if they eat exclusively kibble. It’s our job to help them stay hydrated, and we can achieve that on several levels.

You can mix wet food with dry food a couple of times a week, making your pooch happy and giving them the additional hydration they need. Another option is to feed them water-rich fruits and veggies that are safe for them to eat, like strawberries, pineapple, cucumbers, carrots, oranges, and celery, to name a few. You can also treat them to a puppuccino or a dog ice cream occasionally, but remember to do it in moderation to minimize sugar intake.


Parallels between the nutrition of hyenas and dogs might be surprising initially, but it makes complete sense when you take a closer look. A well-balanced diet based on protein and hydration that gives dogs everything they need to be happy and healthy is the principle hyenas live by in the wild, only they need to find their food themselves. But we can always learn from nature and apply it daily, especially with our four-legged best friends.

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