Striped Hyaena (Hyaena hyaena) – Hyaenidae (original) (raw)

March 17th, 2021 // By // Striped Hyaena

Striped Hyaena (Hyaena hyaena)

The information presented below is based on Heribert Hofer, in Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan – Hyaenas and Aaron P. Wagner in Mammals of Africa

Striped hyenas occur in grasslands, open woodlands, and bushy regions, usually in rugged terrain (Mills & Hofer 1998). Far less is known about these animals than about any other extant hyaenid. Striped hyenas usually weigh 30 to 35 kg, and like brown hyenas, stand roughly 70 cm tall at the shoulder (Mendelssohn 1985; Mendelssohn & Yom-Tov 1988; Wagner 2006). Also like brown hyenas, striped hyaenas are primarily scavengers of a wide array of vertebrate remains, supplemented by fruits, invertebrates, and occasionally garbage from human settlements. Striped hyenas also apparently hunt small vertebrates (Wagner 2006). Hyaena always forage solitarily, usually at night, but may lie up during the day in pairs or groups of up to four individuals, although such groups never contain more than one adult female (Wagner 2006). Both sexes appear to mate with multiple partners, and litter sizes range from 1 – 4 cubs (Wagner 2006). Young striped hyenas nurse for over one year (Wagner 2006).

These scavengers help clean up the ecosystem by removing dead and rotting animal carcasses. Stories that striped hyaenas rob graves or steal children are greatly exaggerated. Like the brown hyaena, the striped hyaena moves around alone when foraging, and is mainly a scavenger. Domestic animals can be protected from being killed by striped hyaenas by placing them in enclosed areas at night.

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