The Tribe of Issachar (original) (raw)

Our family has a tradition that we descend from the tribe of Issachar.

If you have a similar tradition, please consider joining our DNA project. See our website for more information: orthodox cousins frequently contest the claim on the grounds that the Ten Tribes are lost (perhaps beyond the river Sambatyon). Although this may be true, two other facts are evident from scripture and basic commentaries.

T I M E L I N E (see RaShi to Isaiah 8:23)
Exile IAssyrian King Tiglath-pileser exiles Zebulun & Naftali Exile IIAssyrian King Pul exiles Reuben, Gad & ½ Manasseh Exile IIIAssyrian King Shalmaneser exiles balance of tribes of Israel to Halah, Habor & Media Return IDefeat of Sennacherib Return IIJeremiah retrieves tribes Exile IVBabylonian King Nebuchadnezzar exiles King Jehoiachin & nobility Exile VBabylonian King Nebuchadnezzar exiles King Zedekiah & remnant (except poor) Purim
3187 3195 3206 3213 3303 3327 3338 3404

Note: Prior to the year 3187 the kingdom was not subject to a complete exile but was subject to various partial exiles. Note #2: See last RaShI in Tractate Erchin 12a, where he states there were only two exiles for Judah and not three.

To quote sources:

Proof that other tribes remained scattered throughout the territory of Judah

What about the story that the tribes are exiled beyond to River Sambatyon?

I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.

Moishe Miller

My home address is

       1374 East 28th Street
       Brooklyn NY 11210-5311

Last updated 23 May 2024