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A blade runner must pursue and terminate four replicants who stole a ship in space and have returned to Earth to find their creator.
Al is the quintessential working class dad. Peggy, his wife, always wants more from him. With their children, they go through the highs and lows of ordinary life.
Tony Micelli, a retired baseball player, becomes the housekeeper of Angela Bower, an advertising executive in New York. Together they raise their kids, Samantha Micelli and Jonathan Bower, with help from Mona Robinson, Angela's man-crazy mother.
The life of the lawyer who became the famed leader of the Indian revolts against the British rule through his philosophy of nonviolent protest.
Mrs. Edna Garrett, housemother and dietitian at the Eastland School, teaches a group of girls in her charge how to solve those problems that every teenager has to face.
The misadventures of suave Park Avenue millionaire Phillip Drummond, his teenage daughter Kimberly, and their current housekeeper Edna Garrett who adopted the two pre-teenage sons of their late African American housekeeper from Harlem.
The misadventures of a divorced mother, her family and their building superintendent in Indianapolis.
Wealthy African American dry cleaner George Jefferson, his wife Louise, and son Lionel move into a luxury apartment building and develop occasionally fractious relations with other tenants, including their sassy maid Florence.
Ricky Stratton is a spoiled rich kid who lives the life that many kids dream of, but he still suffers from the problems that many teens do.
10. 227
6.7 (4.2K)
TV Series
This series took place in an apartment building numbered 227. The cast would frequently be sitting outside on a large set of stone stairs, involved in some discussion that would unfold into the weekly plotline.
Patty Greene and Lauren Hutchinson, two awkward teenage girls, are desperate to fit in at Weemawee High School.
12. E/R
7.2 (737)
TV Series
The recently divorced Dr. Sheinfeld becomes an emergency room doctor at a Chicago hospital, where he soon bonds with Dr. Eve Sheridan. Situational humor mixes with tense medical crises.
Born on the same day near the turn of the century on opposite sides of the world, both men are brought together by fate and the quest of a dream. Kane and Abel battle for the success and triumph that only one man can have.
Matt Burton may have met his match when his widowed mother begins dating their new neighbor Norman who's wise to Matt's schemes and attempts to foil every one of them hoping to set his would be stepson on the straight and narrow.
Charlie Briscoe is a friend of Samantha Micelli's, in need of a new home. Trish Carlin is a friend of Angela's who runs a modeling agency for young people in New York. Charlie becomes Trisha's new project and headache.
This sequel to the classic fairy tale finds Snow White and her family transported to, and trying to adjust to, life in 1980s America.
About the antics between two twins, Kate and Allison. Allison was always the serious outgoing sister, while Kate was more fun and laid-back.
Biography of former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who forged a new role for herself in the years after her husband's death.
A baron down on his luck has to sell his family castle to pay off his mounting debt. After the castle is turned into a hotel, he's hired as a bellboy. But all is not lost, as he discovers he has a rich uncle; unfortunately, he's a vampire.
Maciste arranges for himself and his new friend Bangor to be captured by a mysterious band of white-clad marauders and taken to an underground city. There the two are forced to turn an enormous wheel along with other captives as part of a gold-and-diamonds mining operation. The underground city's queen, Halis Mosab, takes note of the handsome, muscular Maciste and chooses him to be her consort if he can meet such challenges as saving the kidnapped Princess Saliura from a gigantic ape. Maciste kills the ape and carries Saliura back to the aboveground world. The white-clad marauders can't follow them if it means being caught in the sunlight which instantly dissolves them. Maciste then returns to the underground city to save the other captives. Meanwhile, high priest Kahab informs his son, Katar, that their queen is not one of them but, unbeknownst to her, was kidnapped as a small child from the "world above." If Katar can marry her, their children can be "normal" and can live in the world of sunlight. Katar sees Maciste as his enemy and is pleased when the re-captured Maciste is now subjected to a test of strength which will not only kill him but also Bango and another captive named Loth who is in love with the Princess Saliura.
This spin-off of "All in the Family" features the further adventures of Gloria Stivic and her son Joey. She and Mike are separated and she's gotten a job in a veterinarian's office.
The fairy tale story of the actress who became a princess is told in this biography that traces her rise from Philadelphia socialite to Hollywood movie star.
Wandering strongman Maxxus comes upon two warring tribes, the Sun worshipers and the Moon worshipers. He saves the leader of the Sun tribe from a sea monster, then later on when the Moon tribe attacks and kidnaps the Sun tribe's women, they call upon Maxxus for help.
Ulysses offends the gods by blinding the Cyclops, so they send Hercules to capture him and bring him to them.
A warrior does battle against the evil Medusa, her army of stone warriors and a monstrous dragon.