Necromancy (1972) ⭐ 4.6 | Horror (original) (raw)
Now this is weirddddd. Sheriff Harry S. Truman from Twin Peaks gets himself a job at a toy factory in a town called Lillith and tells his wife they are packing up and going. The wife (played by Pamela Franklin) is reluctant to go. Then starts the shenanigans... we soon learn Orson Welles is an occult leader in the town made up of witches and he is looking to raise his son from the dead.
I'm not a huge fan of the late 60s early 70s aesthetic but there is something sort of oddly appealing about the occult films like this and Rosemary's Baby that came out during this time. The first two thirds are relatively slow with some good atmosphere, and not-so-great acting (unless you like the extra cheese) but turns pretty damn great in the final 30 minutes.
Director Bert I. Gordon (who is still with us God bless his soul) gives us some nice subtle shots throughout (like the birdcage shot, and a few of the editing sequences). Looks like I'll need to check out the rest of his filmography and take a dive into the cheese fest.